CASPEL - IT for help businesses
Modern business processes are impossible without information technology.
CASPEL IT-company was founded in 2005. Specialization - the introduction of new information technologies in Azerbaijan.
Business problems solving with help of information technology.
Automation of the enterprise according to its specificity and scope.
Information security in software and hardware.
Optimization of enterprise energy costs, IT-specialists.
For 11 years CASPEL specialists are implementing IT-solutions for large and medium-sized businesses. However, gradually the proposed services and products added programming, and for this time CASPEL promotes three new projects: IPTV, cooperation with start-ups and their expert evaluation, expansion of Fiber Optic Networks and ADSL includes private client focusing.
Pathway to success
CASPEL began with integration tasks - complex software and hardware systems, focused on solving nontrivial problems of the organization. The company's staff has grown more than six-time - from 30 to 200 staff professionals, over the years.
The largest company of Azerbaijan are already CASPEL clients: banks, restaurants, supermarkets. To establish communication between branches international corporations use the services of CASPEL.
Launching the project start-up examination shows a solid financial position, ready to help and to invest in the young business. CASPEL successfully survived the crises of 2008 and 2015, continuing to evolve and develop new markets.
So, to cooperate exclusively with corporate clients CASPEL passed to the service as individuals, which offers new designs - IP-TV and connect to its own fiber-optic network, ADSL connection.
On the company website you can find comprehensive information about the offer products, services and current partners. As mentioned earlier, the CASPEL Company is solving business problems of fault:
the human factor;
unsustainable consumption of resources (financial, energy, time);
failures in information security, security systems deficiencies (eg, video);
blackouts and other emergencies.
Business Process Automation, cloud data storage, disaster recovery system, conceived workflow, analysis of ongoing processes in the enterprise, complete management of financial flows, goods - all this will be done by the CASPEL company.
Supplied products
Partnership with vendors
Vendor | Partner status | Country | Partner types |
Oracle | Gold | ||
VMware | Solution Provider - Enterprise | ||
Cisco | Premier | ||
Hewlett Packard Enterprise | Silver | ||
IBM | Advanced Business Partner | ||
McAfee | Silver |