BRI Business Risk Intelligence (Brica) is a company that provides Business Risk Intelligence Alerts and Threat Early Warnings to annual subscribers. It covers any possible risk area, currently containing close to a million items, and categorized across some 11,000 subjects. Subscribers only activate those subjects that together form their ICT infrastructure, their industry and global threat subjects that may affect them. The service alert sthem on any new possible risks and issues, for instance on any ICT component (new vulnerabilities, zero-days, etc.), Industry specific (for instance Electricity, Scada/Industrial control, Banking) and any global issues, such as new malware attacks, hacker-group activities, terrorism, etc etc. Collection of information is 24x7 through in-house developed software. Each item is first checked, assessed, qualified, categorized and given a (TLP) Criticality level by our staff of Risk Analysts. The company also functions as a very powerful compliance checking tool and has an inbuilt Risk Management Framework.