TheGreenBow is a leading provider of Cybersecurity Software and the first company to achieve Common Criteria EAL3+ certification and NATO restricted and EU restricted qualification for its VPN Client.
Since 1998, TheGreenBow provides throughout the world reliable VPN solutions. With over 1.5 Million of users, TheGreenBow VPN Client is the most robust VPN client software providing the best Customer support.
TheGreenBow VPN Client is a universal VPN client, compatible with virtually all VPN Gateways, supporting IPsec/OpenVPN, IPv4/IPv6, IKEv1/IKEv2, used by SMBs and major corporations and administrations worldwide.
TheGreenBow is a founding member of Hexatrust and member of the competitive cluster Systematic.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/company/thegreenbow/about/
Since 1998, TheGreenBow provides throughout the world reliable VPN solutions. With over 1.5 Million of users, TheGreenBow VPN Client is the most robust VPN client software providing the best Customer support.
TheGreenBow VPN Client is a universal VPN client, compatible with virtually all VPN Gateways, supporting IPsec/OpenVPN, IPv4/IPv6, IKEv1/IKEv2, used by SMBs and major corporations and administrations worldwide.
TheGreenBow is a founding member of Hexatrust and member of the competitive cluster Systematic.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/company/thegreenbow/about/