eXMeritus Software

eXMeritus Software

Information Technology


Founded in response to US Nation’s need for cost-effective, highly-capable cross-domain solutions, eXMeritus has developed a configurable off-the-shelf solution for the interconnection of systems at different levels of classification. The solutions provided by eXMeritus Software allow organizations to bypass months or longer of frustration and uncertainty with the development of custom solutions by deploying a proven solution with confidence that it meets and exceeds their mission and information assurance requirements within budgetary constraints. For nearly a decade, eXMeritus has been developing and delivering systems that protect the nation's most sensitive information assets. Our systems have provided the highest security alternatives for implementation of PL-3, PL-4 and PL-5 cross-domain solutions. As a result, critical information can be deployed, managed and shared in real-time, enabling the mission to succeed. eXMeritus Software is a part of the Boeing Company.