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Looop is an enterprise LMS with a modern UX. It's a lean, mean, learning delivery machine that's perfect for forward-thinking L&D teams. Go direct to employees and partners via email, chat, app, or SMS. Deliver the right resources at the right time and see learner engagement from first click to campaign completion. Looop has all the features you'd expect wrapped up in a simple — and much-loved — UX.


Key benefits of Looop

  • Actionable data
Looop makes it easy to see what is or isn't working. From feedback on individual resources, to tracking who is or isn't engaging, Looop makes it easy for you to identify gaps and focus on the areas that need improving.
  • Simple content creation
Creating resources on Looop takes seconds. The built-in editor makes it simple to create resources using text, video, images, links, and more. Plus, you don't need to have any design or technical skills to start creating resources. Looop automatically formats text and images, and integrates videos, external links and files to make it simple and enjoyable for content creators and SMEs.
  • Learning paths
Looop's learning paths allows you to easily put your employees in control of their own training and focus on the resources that are most relevant and useful for them by creating sequences and structured learning routes.
  • Looop LMS is Streamlined eLearning for the Modern Business
Looop offers a unique take on the traditional LMS. The system bills itself as a “Next-Generation Learning Platform that makes it easier than ever to deliver effective employee training anywhere, anytime.” This is done by trimming the fat and giving users just what they need with no time-consuming coursework or unnecessary material to wade through. It’s an enticing alternative for modern businesses that want effective training solutions in a neat package.

What Do You Get with Looop?

Looop celebrates simplicity by streamlining courses and make it easier to hone in on specific topics. Employees can find information they need without skimming pages of content they don’t need. The LMS manages to do this while also offering a full list of features that enable customization and more.
  • Create a Branded Learning Environment
Reputation and branding is very important to any company. Looop offers branding options that include custom domains, logos, and colors. Create a learning platform that matches all other branches of your business.
  • Review Instant Analytics Data
Learner data is a powerful tool when making decisions about content, training, and more. Looop provides instant insights that gives users a better perspective on performance and success. Obtain direct feedback from trainees to find new ways to improve.
  • Setup That Takes Minutes
Looop is very quick and easy to implement. Users can have their LMS up and running within minutes. Build a personalized experience for trainees that includes custom branding and expanded access with native mobile apps.
  • Easy Drag and Drop Interface
The drag and drop format has proven itself to be user-friendly and easy to learn. Choose which elements you want to add then drag and drop them into place. The system supports a wide range of media, including links, text, videos, images, and more.
  • Role-Specific Workspaces
Create content for a target demographic with restricted workspaces. Each workspace can be designed for a certain job role, team, or department. Employees in other areas cannot access content if they don’t match the necessary criteria or authorization level.
  • System-Wide Communication
Send mass messages or updates to large groups within an organization. Users can write a note that is sent to faculty, parents, students, shareholders, or others. This can be done through notifications, in-platform messages, or as a mass update.
  • Easily Distribute Searchable Content
Once created, Looop content can be shared instantly. Make sure the right people have access to the material they need. The content is also searchable so users can jump right to the information they need to do a job.
  • Add Expert Creators
Users can assign multiple creators within Looop. Let the company’s experts take the helm and share their knowledge to strengthen the workforce. Questions can be assigned to individuals who can provide accurate answers.
  • Assign Learning & More
Stay connected with trainees and make sure everyone has access to the content they need. Material can be assigned to individuals or a group. Push notifications help ensure that everyone is up-to-date and nothing is missed.
  • Offline Event Management
Businesses that prefer blended learning methods will appreciate Looop’s offline event management tools. Users can schedule face-to-face meetings or events with automated invitations and RSVP tracking.
  •  Quiz Your Trainees
Looop also includes quizzes so users can test trainees and make sure they are retaining the information they need to be successful. Provide automatic feedback, set pass marks, and manage the number of retries allowed.

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