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HealthTap works for people with or without traditional healthcare benefits and provides high-quality, convenient access to board-certified doctors and reliable information when they're sick. Members get the peace-of-mind and comfort of getting care, avoiding unnecessary urgent care and ER visits.

Members get maximum peace-of-mind, with minimal pain

We focus on helping people through one of life's most inconvenient experiences, getting sick. HealthTap is the only 100% virtual healthcare provider that handles every step of the process, from diagnosis, to virtual doctor visit, treatment plan, and follow up. We're here 24/7, from any device.

We help companies and organizations take care of their people

Whether or not your workers have traditional healthcare benefits or pay for their own insurance, HealthTap is something you'll be excited and proud to offer. It gives members instant access to excellent care from the office, from home, or on the road.

Information and doctors you and your workers can trust

HealthTap ensures that our doctors are board-certified with a medical license in good standing, of course. But HealthTap doctors aren't just qualified, they're committed to being compassionate and approachable, so that even the most doctor-averse people reach out and get the care they need.


  • Ask questions and get answers from HealthTap doctors on the website and mobile app
  • Easily search millions of existing questions and answers
  • Use the HealthTap symptom evaluator for personalized information and guidance
  • Get virtual consultations with the right doctor via text chat or video
  • Access treatment plans including follow up notifications from HealthTap
  • Send prescriptions to any local or mail-order pharmacy for pickup or delivery
  • Order lab tests and receive results within HealthTap
... Learn more

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