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Zeguro Cyber Safety


  • Set up automated scans in minutes.

Simply enter your web app’s URL, choose your scan level and frequency, and schedule your scan to run.
  • Reduce web-based risks.

Find and patch security issues in your web apps on a routine basis to reduce the risk of a web-based attack.
  • Stay in compliance.

Monitoring module helps you fulfill security requirements in compliance frameworks such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, and SOC 2.

50% of SMBs have experienced a web-based attack.

According to Ponemon Institute’s most recent Global State of Cybersecurity in SMBs, web-based attacks are the second most common cyberattack experienced by SMBs. Hackers take advantage of web vulnerabilities, outdated software, and configuration errors to infiltrate your web applications and gain access to sensitive data. Securing your web applications, which includes your public-facing website as well as any web applications your customers might log into, is imperative to keeping your business and your customers’ data safe.

Protect your web applications from hackers 

Web app vulnerability scanners look for weaknesses in your web apps so they can be fixed before they’re exploited by hackers. Zeguro’s Monitoring module makes web app scanning quick, easy, and customizable. Choose between lightning and normal scan levels and a monthly or quarterly cadence. You can even schedule your scan for a specific day and time. Once scans are completed, you’ll get clear, actionable results. The downloadable report prioritizes vulnerabilities based on criticality, and includes evidence showing where each vulnerability exists along with a set of suggested fixes.

Protect your business through people, process, and technology. With Zeguro Cyber Safety, you will also get access to:

  • Training

Improve employee cybersecurity awareness. Zeguro’s Training module provides a cybersecurity skills assessment for all enrolled employees at your company, and targeted training based on each employee’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Security Policies

Get security policy templates that cover important areas required in many compliance frameworks like PCI DSS and HIPAA. Need policies outside of template package? Upload custom policies so you can conveniently manage all your policies and download to share with auditors, business partners, and employees.
  • Insurance

Cyber insurance provides an additional safety net in the event of a breach. Cyber Safety platform users enjoy discounted rates on our insurance, which is tailored to your business’ unique risk profile.
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