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Denuvo Cloakware Software Protection

In business, software attacks and intellectual property theft mainly pose a threat to a company’s bottom line. The stakes are getting higher and higher. IP theft and sophisticated software hackers pose significant threats to national security and defense, personal privacy, and government operations. Benefits: Effective security
  • Defends against reverse engineering and tampering attacks.
  • Automatically creates software diversity to protect against scripted attacks.
  • Enables you to easily tune performance for optimum security within device constraints.
  • Makes security inseparable from the software during development (entanglement) —a much more secure approach than merely wrapping the binaries right before shipping.
  • Independently audited by customers, academics and ethical hacking service providers.
Ease of use
  • Integrates directly into your product build process; automated protections enable rapid deployment of security capabilities.
  • Easily update keys, software and security measures in field deployments (renewability).
  • Does not affect program functionality and is transparent to legitimate users.
Broad platform support
  • Cloakware Software Protection protects software and applications on more than five billion devices including PCs, set-top boxes, mobile handsets, portable media players and more.
  • Supported languages & platforms include:
    • C, C++, Swift, Web Assembly, JavaScript.
    • iOS & Android.
    • Linux, MAC OS X, Windows and others.
    • Custom platform support on request.
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