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Segusoft Segulink

Trusted Data Exchange for your Business.
  • End-to-end encryption. Your files and messages are securely encrypted, before they leave your device. Only the recipient can decrypt the data.
  • For files and messages. Protect an arbitrary number of files - without size limits. You may also only encrypt your message.
  • Traceable and controlled. Compliance for your data exchange: Keep track of what was sent and received.
  • With your account. Authenticate yourself with your already existing accounts. You don't have to memorize an additional password!
  • In the Hybrid Cloud. Use your business storage or your preferred cloud storage providers for exchanging encrypted files and messages.
  • Or directly! You can also transfer your files and messages directly - without any intermediate storage. Simply from App-to-App.
Why Segulink?
  • Easy handling. Use your dashboard for an overview about which files have been sent to you, or what you have sent to other participants. Directly go to your inbox, the key management or get a summary about former activities in the reporting center.
  • Ad-hoc data exchange. Your employees and business partners are able to exchange files and messages, even without registration with SEGULINK. Every authenticated user has an individual upload area for business partners.
  • Keep control even after sending. Define exchange rules, e.g. how often a message can be downloaded, when a message is obsolete or that the recipient can only view the transferred documents inside the SEGULINK application (for PDF documents).
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