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Magnolia CMS

Magnolia is an open-source content management system (CMS). It is developed by Magnolia International Ltd., based in Basel, Switzerland. It is based on a Content repository API for Java (JSR-283). Magnolia CMS is a Java-based content management system that uses a JCR repository to store, retrieve and search data. In this respect, Magnolia is similar to Adobe Experience Manager, Hippo CMS, and Jahia which also use JCR. Magnolia uses Apache Jackrabbit, the JCR reference implementation by default. It is possible to use another JSR-170 certified repository implementation such as Modeshape. In Magnolia, Jackrabbit persists data to the H2 database by default. A light-weight embedded H2 database contains the Magnolia software, configuration, and two demonstration websites in a single download for trying out the system. For production environments, other databases such as MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL or Oracle can be used. Magnolia CMS has a modular architecture. The system core and features such as the page editor, digital asset management and cache are packaged into separate modules. The module mechanism is also used to package and deploy websites built with Magnolia CMS. The templates, themes, and functionality used on a website are split into separate modules.
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