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Pradeo Security Systems Mobile Threat Defense

Pradeo developed an advanced Artificial Intelligence process delivering the most accurate threat detection technology of the market. Through the years, the Pradeo intelligence center has collected billions of mobile security data, implemented thousands of security rules and detected millions of severe mobile threats and billions of leaky behaviors. APPLICATION SECURITY Most mobile threats do not have viral signatures. In order to detect and prevent zero-day attacks, Pradeo’s mobile application scanning capability accurately identifies all mobile applications behaviors and vulnerabilities. Then, it contextualizes information to avoid false-positive alerts and only blocks applications that represent a real threat. Key Features:
  • Unknown, known and advanced threats detection
  • Static and dynamic analysis
  • Zero false positive
  • Automatic blocking of applications
  • Vulnerabilities detection
  • Remediation of risky behaviors
NETWORK SECURITY As the amount of public hotspots keeps increasing and people tend to connect to several ones a day, Pradeo Security screens in real-time network configuration and parameters. As a result, it prevents network-related attacks such as Man-In-The-Middle. Key Features:
  • Man In the Middle detection
  • Network access control
  • SSL certificates check
  • Secure browser
DEVICE SECURITY A device that is jailbroken, rooted, running on an outdated operating system, etc. is vulnerable to device-related attacks and thus, represents a security flaw in the mobile chain. Pradeo Security monitors device integrity by inspecting all its potentially defective aspects. Key Features:
  • OS vulnerabilities detection
  • Root / jailbreak exploitation detection
  • Identification of system takeover
  • Abnormal battery consumption detection
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