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MTG Enterprise KMS

The MTG Enterprise KMS enables different applications in a company to access a detached, central security system that can perform all necessary crypto operations, standardizes security processes and thus reduces costs. MTG Key Management System (key- and certificate management) For the secure storage of encryption keys and crypto operations, it is also possible to connect the MTG KMS to hardware security modules (HSM). To support a significant number of certificates, an external public key infrastructure (PKI) can be easily connected to the MTG KMS. In addition, communication via TLS/DLMS is available as an optional component. Future-proof and flexible MTG KMS users are prepared for future developments. Already today, the entire life cycle of keys in the MTG KMS is supported and can be used via the standardized KMIP interface. The encryption and cryptography procedures used are constantly being developed and updated. Secure management of individual keys The MTG KMS makes it possible to manage millions of individual device keys efficiently and centrally. The importance and relevance of managing individual keys in practice becomes evident in light of the increasing number of so-called botnets, which take advantage of weak or even identical serial keys to paralyze entire IoT networks.
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Industry standards increasingly demand the use of KMS (e.g. OMS). The European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will also have an enormous impact on suppliers of IoT devices. In this context, the GDPR asks for a pseudonymization and encryption of personal data. Violations are subject to high penalties. Affected are, among others, manufacturers of smart meters, heating cost meters, water meters and all other “smart devices” that process personal or sensitive data. In the future, each "smart device", handling sensitive personal data, will have to receive one or more individual keys (e.g. AES keys), in order to meet the growing security and data protection requirements. Instead of distributing a few keys across large production series, a large number of individual keys must now be generated, assigned to the individual devices and managed. This faces IoT manufacturers and their customers to new challenges. Without a central KMS, the level of complexity for key management increases with the growing number of individual keys to be managed at different touchpoints from production to operation and delivery to the customer. MTG´s IoT Key Management System (MTG IoT KMS) was specially developed for manufacturers of IoT devices, making the management of a large number of individual cryptographic keys in production and at the customer’s site considerably easier. For this purpose, the MTG Enterprise KMS was extended by additional modules that support the special requirements of the manufacturers in all processes relating to the management of key material. It enables the manufacturer to generate high-quality keys and to apply them during the production process. The ERP-systems will use the MTG IoT KMS to import keys from different devices. During the entire production, order and shipment process an effective identification and authentication of millions of devices are possible. A secure handover of the key material when sending the devices to the customer is ensured thanks to an electronic shipment file (eLS).
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