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IONU Security Platform

Transparent Data-centric IoT Data Integrity and Protection IoT is projected to grow to 10 of billions of devices. Enterprises experience significant financial loss and reputation damage due to data leakage. IoT growth will make this situation worse. Billions of dollars are being spent to alleviate data leakage. Yet data leakage persists and continues to be a major problem. Why? Because, until recently, older technology was the only option available. Features: Edge Driven On Boarding At the core of an IoT solution is confidence in the identity of endpoints. A key element of data integrity is complete confidence of the source. Many solutions today obtain edge identities from the cloud. This methodology has a plethora of operational and security problems. Combining unique edge information and industry standard encryption technologies guarantees the authenticity of the edge device. This is a critical first step in the development of a data-centric IoT platform. Data Distribution, Integrity and Protection Upon creation or analysis data must be automatically distributed to the intended recipients. Data distribution is initiated by the application on the edge device. Inherent and transparent to the user is integrity and protection of the data throughout the entire ecosystem. Only intended recipients can validate the integrity of the data. Only intended recipients are able to read the protected data. Intermediate points do not have the permissions to interrogate or read the data. In a distributed compute environment data is distributed to endpoints configured to perform data analytics. Data Isolation IONU’s Dynamic Data Isolation technology represents another essential element of providing a data-centric IoT solution. Data isolation creates logically separate and secure “zones” where the data inside them is under your control and insulated from the outside world. These zones also protect your data from malware that penetrates your firewall. Any communication or file sharing occurring within a zone is always encrypted. Anything that leaves one of these zones is always encrypted. Data Private Networks Another key element of IONU's data-centric IoT solution is connecting dynamic sets of users that can communicate and share data. IONU’s Data Private Networks (DPNs) allow your IoT data to flow freely, securely and with inherent integrity anywhere the data needs to travel, reside, be accessed or monitored. DPN’s can be setup to support any company, organizational or partner ecosystems regardless of the corporate domains they need to exist within. Oversight and Control Governing access and control to data is essential to a Data-centric IoT Platform. IONU’s Topology Management capabilities allow administrators to easily manage users and devices, monitor and log user and device activity and implement and administer policies across the Data Private Network. The platform enables management of users that reside outside of your company domain.
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Securely and seamlessly connect all your mission-critical industrial control and automation systems and assets at scale using ioTium’s OT-Net. Simplify connectivity management using ioTium’s Network Infrastructure offered as-a-Service to connect any asset using any protocol to any application residing in any cloud or data center through any network infrastructure and operator in a secure, seamless and plug & play manner. Product Highlights: Zero-touch Provisioned Cloud provisioned using certificates and key-based authentication with no need for truck rolls, no changes to existing facility firewall/security/proxy settings, no Command Line Interface (CLI) and no usernames and passwords. Cloud-Managed Provides a single pane of glass to centrally manage, update and upgrade the entire network infrastructure. Supports Legacy Protocol Agnostic to device protocol. Instantly upgrade security of all legacy communication protocols such as BACnet, Modbus, IEC 61850 and OPC without expensive software rewrites or forklift upgrades. Completely Secure Layers of built-in security including secure managed OS, built-in firewall, managed PKI (public key infrastructure) eliminating usernames/passwords, no changes to enterprise firewall/proxy policies, a book-ended architecture for auditable and reliable access, and isolation of OT traffic from IT traffic on the same network. Flexible Supported on a variety of trusted name-brand hardware platforms and all public cloud environments. Works with any application, infrastructure, operator that is best for your business, thus eliminating vendor lock-in. Scalable Through an innovative architecture which separates the management and data planes and offers zero-touch provisioning, OT-Net significantly reduces deployment costs as well as security and connectivity OpEX across thousands of sites.
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