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Airbus Security Maturity Check

A detailed analysis of your security systems and processes can help show you how secure your production environment is, and how mature your company is with respect to OT Security. Product offers efficient customised service to determine the level of protection of critical infrastructure and industrial facilities: the OT Security Maturity Check. OT Security Maturity Check in detail Kick-Off
  • Determination of the automation systems to be checked based on their criticality
  • Definition of the documents to be analysed
  • Identification of key personnel for the on-site visit and interviews
  • Scheduling of appointments
Document analysis
  • Analysis of the documents provided with regard to architecture as well as technical, organisational and personal security measures
  • Preparation of the interviews and visit
  • Inventory of the organisational framework, guidelines and processes
  • Review of the implementation of documented security measures
  • Random control of existing baseline protection measures such as roles and rights assignment, patch management, and backup and restore
  • Comparison of the information collected with the documented requirements, best practices and national and international standards
  • Clarification of outstanding issues with all participants
  • Definition of the contents of the final report
  • Request for missing information for the final report
Final report/Presentation of the results
  • Management summary
  • Subject matter, procedure and scope
  • Results of the evaluation
  • Prioritised recommendations for action
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