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Surevine Threatvine

Threatvine is a next generation cyber-security information sharing platform designed for secure cross-organisational collaboration and collaborative intelligence analysis. Threatvine is the UK’s national platform for cyber security information sharing. Features
  • Social. Connect your trusted members to enable sharing by default
  • Information handling. Industry recognised information handling e.g. Traffic Light Protocol, to control sharing
  • Incident reporting. Quick and efficient sharing through structured data
  • Anonymity. Allows for Anonymous, but trusted, contributions
  • Securely share outside the walled garden of your organisation
  • Helps your supply chain to work together to defend themselves against threats
  • Advance warning of potential threats
  • Understand issues that affect other organisations, including cross-sector
  • Share knowledge and skills to help other organisations
  • Joins up your organisations and individuals simply, as/when you need to
  • Knowledge sharing, from threat analysts to network defenders
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