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Red Canary MDR

Shut down threats that bypass your preventative controls—without hiring a small army. Red Canary delivers world-class detection and response at a fraction of the cost of building the capability in-house.
  • Endpoint Telemetry. Red Canary analyzes your endpoint telemetry using our cloud-based detection engine composed of thousands of behavioral analytic use cases.
  • Evolving Detection. Our team of experts maintains industry-leading detection coverage for attacker techniques and investigates every potential threat via our proprietary analyst workbench.
  • Investigation & Automation. We only alert you to confirmed threats. A detailed threat report is posted in your Red Canary Portal where you can customize automated response actions.
  • Your Security Ally. We take our role as your ally seriously. We’re on-call for security consulting and IR support whenever you need us.
Outmaneuver evolving threats Red Canary leverages proprietary detection, analytics, and automation technology with an in-house team of expert security analysts to continuously adapt and expand detection coverage. When a new threat is observed in a customer environment or in our lab, we immediately incorporate new threat intelligence to instantly enhance protection for our entire community. And it’s all mapped back to ATT&CK to speed communication and understanding. Comprehensive protection in minutes Red Canary rapidly deploys best-in-class detection and response technology and services, enabling you to benefit from the speed and simplicity that comes with cloud-based delivery. If you already have an EDR solution, we seamlessly integrate with your existing deployment. Within minutes of starting with Red Canary, you are covered. Focus on real threats Red Canary’s CIRT gives you a team of highly trained threat detection and incident response experts providing constant watch over your environment, performing full investigation potential threats around the clock. With 99.99% confirmed threat accuracy and full-context reports that arm you with the answers you need to take immediate action, Red Canary empowers your team to focus on meaningful security activities instead of chasing false positives and low risk alarms. Eliminate threats while you sleep Red Canary is the only MDR solution with its own fully integrated incident response automation as a service product. Red Canary Act drives out delays in incident response processes, significantly lowering mean time to resolution and shrinking attacker dwell times. A few clicks is all it takes to implement incident response playbooks and stop attackers where they stand.
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