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Uniquely located between sensors or actuators and PLCs, SigaPlatform provides real-time alerts at the very first sign of a process anomaly, whether caused by an electrical/mechanical fault or a cyber-attack.
  • Non-IT-based maintenance and monitoring. Full monitoring of raw electrical signals. Fully out-of-band.
  • Raw electrical signal monitoring. Transcends sensory data output limitations including amplification, filtering, range matching and much more.
  • Protocol agnostic. Any vendor. Any packet information. Any protocol. Any device.
Real value from day one Quick & easy to install Uniquely located between the critical process sensors and PLCs. Accurate Real-world operational status of your monitored equipment. No false alarms Early warning with virtually no false alarms or missed anomalies. Reliable Fully integrated on an electrical level. The most reliable source of information. Machine learning Artificial intelligence algorithms remove the need for complicated rule setups. Uncircumventable 100% out-of-band. Installed on-site in complete isolation from externally-connected communications networks.
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