The ThreatX Platform

Problems that solves

No IT security guidelines

Unauthorized access to corporate IT systems and data

Risk or Leaks of confidential information

Risk of attacks by hackers

Risk of lost access to data and IT systems

Insufficient risk management


Ensure Security and Business Continuity

Manage Risks

The ThreatX Platform

Protect Your Apps. Anywhere. Effortlessly. WAAP Protection from Vulnerabilities, Bots, DDoS and more + 24/7 Security Expertise


More apps. Changing architectures. More sophisticated threats. Who has the time—or the staff—to keep up with it all? Modern organizations need to support
both on-prem and hybrid cloud environments. APIs and microservices architectures must be securely protected to prevent abuse and thwart debilitating
attacks. At the same, revenue-generating access to those same services must be allowed to flow freely. And, to make matters worse, a wide array of highly
sophisticated and high-impact threats like injection attacks, denial of service, account takeover, brute force, credential stuffing, vulnerability scanning, and
web scanning are persistently targeting the perimeter. The result? An untenable burden on security staff who are required to constantly tune rules, analyze…

Scheme of work

 Scheme of work