Tech-Stack Software Development

Problems that solves

Shortage of inhouse software developers

Shortage of inhouse IT resources

High costs of IT personnel

Shortage of inhouse IT engineers


Reduce Costs

Enhance Staff Productivity


Tech-Stack Software Development

We are a team of ambitious and energetic IT professionals. Our philosophy is a total IT service. Whatever biz idea you have, TechStack team is committed delivering the best solution possible.


TechStack aims to provide clients with turnkey solutions in the shortest time. Our approach is based on a top-down focus through the services stack allowing us to enable clients’ business goals with IT capabilities. TechStack provides the following services:
  • custom software development that includes web, mobile, desktop, and Metro applications, high-loaded back ends, interactive front ends, cloud solutions, Big Data support;
  • software support that includes tuning, optimization, bug fixing, integration, and deployment;
  • business intelligence that includes data mining, analytics, real-time reporting;
  • software testing and quality control that includes functional and non-functional, regression, smoke and sanity, integration, performance and load, usability, and automated testing;
  • software requirements engineering that includes business domain analysis, feasibility expertise, software requirements specification, software and UI/UX design.