ReSec Technologies ReSecure Endpoint

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ReSec Technologies ReSecure Endpoint

ReSec Technologies is the only cybersecurity provider that offers organizations 360° of security, effectively preventing cyber threats


The ReSecure Endpoint agent is deployed directly on end-users’ computers and integrated with all common device control. Files loaded on the endpoint from external devices are intercepted and sent directly from the external device to the ReSecure platform for processing according to policy, and threat free replicas are placed in a predefined folder on the network or endpoint. How Does It Work?
  • End-user connects the USB device to the desktop or laptop

  • Network device control recognizes the device and activates the ReSecure Endpoint agent and UI

  • End-user chooses the files to copy to the endpoint computer

  • Once selected, ReSecure Endpoint fetches the files from the device, transfer them to the ReSecure Engine for processing according to policy defined by the Active Directory

  • A threat-free replica file is delivered to the predefined folder on the network or the endpoint

End-to-End Security from the Perimeter to the Desktop Allows corporate IT to have full visibility on data that arrives via removable devices. Provides full protection, including optional sandboxing before copying to the endpoint computer. Any Device Permits end-users to copy and access files from all devices that can be connected to their office or laptop computer, including: Thumb Drives, External HDD, DVD/ CD, MP3 Players and Smartphones.

Scheme of work

 Scheme of work