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Randtronics DPM easyData
DPM easyData is a high-performance data spoofing or de-identification engine
About Product
Data spoofing examples include masking, tokenization, anonymization, pseudonymization and encryption. DPM data spoofing processes replace whole or parts of sensitive data with a non-sensitive equivalent (creates fake data) and is a very powerful data protection tool. DPM easyData is a software data security solution that allows web and app server applications and databases to tokenize and anonymize data and apply masking policies for unauthorized users when retrieving sensitive data. The software allows a high level of granularity, defining which authorized users have access to which protection policies, and what operations they may perform with those protection policies. DPM easyData offers the following features and benefits:
- Tokenization by replacing data with tokens of the same size and type (conserving the format)
- Tokenization in multiple languages for text data
- Data Masking
- Integration with DPM Database Manager to tokenize and protect column level data in a database with no application code changes required
- Full auditing of all console and engine operations
- Configurable performance monitoring with alerts via syslog and email
- Industry standard AES-256 encryption with full-lifecycle key management. FIPS 140-2 L3 & Common Criteria EAL 4+ certified HSM support
- Single sign-on, role based and fine-grained access control
- Credit card and other payment card numbers
- Names – surnames, first names, street names, suburbs
- Bank account numbers, Tax File Numbers,
- Phone numbers – mobiles and landlines
- Post codes and ZIP codes
- Identification numbers – drivers licence and passport numbers
- Dates – birth dates, join dates
- Currency amounts – salaries, bank account amounts, transaction amounts
- Social security, national security and medicare account numbers
Scheme of work