Appraise and Train Staff
Pear Deck
Pear Deck is a live slides presentation tool that works with Google Slides or PowerPoint presentations, and allows students to see the slides on their own devices.
About Product
Pear Deck is a live slides presentation tool that works with Google Slides or PowerPoint presentations, and allows students to see the slides on their own devices.
You can use Pear Deck to create interactive presentations that allow students to work independently to respond to various questions throughout the ‘deck’. Each Pear Deck presentation begins with an access code presented on the screen. Students are prompted to enter the Pear Deck website and plug in their unique access code. During each session, teachers can see the presentation as well as the students participating. Student responses appear on the teacher screen in real-time. With Pear Deck, interactive slides can be added to solicit feedback, do a quick formative check, or just see how your students are feeling today. Pear Deck also lets teachers determine when and what responses to share with the whole class via the main presentation screen. Teachers can highlight a specific student response, toggle between responses, or in some instances share all student responses. Student responses are anonymous to everyone except the original responder and the teacher. During the presentation, teachers can backtrack to previous slides and add impromptu questions. Pear Deck presentations are created in Google Drive and save just like Google Docs; thus they can be organized and shared with other Google users. Through premium Pear Deck features, teachers have access to a session dashboard and can review previous sessions and student takeaways. This additional feature lets teachers analyze student engagement, comprehension, and lesson efficacy. The Pear Deck website provides a number ofresources for teachers to better understand and use the product including a sample question gallery, help articles and ideas for educators, and a user forum to ask questions. Pear Deck works with both traditional projectors as well as interactive whiteboards. Students use Pear Deck to interact with teacher presentations and lessons. At the start of each deck, students log into the presentation with a unique access code. Students can see both the main presentation screen and the screen on their personal device. Responses are dragged, typed, or drawn directly onto the student’s personal device to answer interactive questions. Students can only see the information on their personal device and their names are kept anonymous on the main presentation screen when teachers opt to share class answers.- Enhance frequency and efficacy of relevant formative assessment data
- Elicit student thinking of and interaction with lesson content
- Scaffold critical thinking of core concepts and skills
- Increase access and equity to quality instructional materials
- Amplify student engagement with lesson content
- Facilitate collaborative competition
- Develop student ownership of course work
- Amplify student engagement with lesson content
Scheme of work