Problems that solves
Unstructured data
Shortage of information for decision making
Reduce Costs
Support Decision Making
FireCompass is an AI Assistant for CyberSecurity Decisions.
Cybersecurity market has grown exponentially over the last decade. There are nearly 1,500 vendors, selling 5,000+ products, add versions and flavors for most of the products, and it becomes nearly impossible to make an optimal choice. Many organizations turn to “Magic” to solve this problem, but we don’t think that’s a great idea. A solution that works well for a large bank, may not be suitable for a midmarket financial services organization, as there are multiple factors that need to be considered (e.g.: Product Capabilities, Skills Required to Operate, Fitment with Existing Technology Stack etc.).
At FireCompass we’re working on creating the world’s first AI-Assistant to help organizations discover and compare the right security solutions for their specific needs (in a completely vendor neutral manner).
With FireCompass users can, Discover & Compare Cybersecurity products from 1,000+ vendors. Users can:
Understand 30+ Security Product In-Depth – This includes Compliance Mapping, Metrics, Critical Capabilities, Curated Resources Etc. Get access to product Demo Videos & Slides.
Compare 750+ Cybersecurity Products – using granular feature list, in a completely vendor neutral manner.
Get Verified Reviews & Insights on Security Products – combining user reviews with social media & open source inteligence.