Ensure Security and Business Continuity
Dell EMC Data Protection Suite for Applications (DPS for Apps)
Dell EMC Data Protection Suite for Applications provides unparalleled efficiency to meet stringent service level objectives for mission-critical applications. By decoupling backup software from the data path, application owners are empowered to use native application UIs to perform backups from the application server, primary storage or hypervisor directly to Dell EMC Data Domain. Impact on application servers during backup windows is significantly reduced, as little or no data flows through the application server.
About Product
The self-service backup is offered fully within the guardrails and oversight of the IT team. Through superior automation and oversight, our suite discovers storage, databases and VMs and places them into pre-designed protection plans to better stream-line operations and meet stringent SLOs. This combination of application admin empowerment, admin coordination and IT control reduces risk and increases efficiency throughout the data center.
Data Protection Suite for Applications Includes:
- Dell EMC Data Protection Advisor
- Dell EMC Data Domain Boost for Enterprise Applications
- Dell EMC Enterprise Copy Data Management