Agari Phishing Response

Problems that solves

Shortage of inhouse software developers

Shortage of inhouse IT resources

High costs of IT personnel

Shortage of inhouse IT engineers


Reduce Costs

Enhance Staff Productivity

Agari Phishing Response

Accelerate phishing triage, forensics, remediation, and breach containment.


Challenges of Phishing Incident Response

SOC Time is Valuable While employee reported phishing is important for breach threat intelligence, these reports can overwhelm Security Operations Center analysts due to the sheer number of reported phishing incidents—the majority of which turn out to be false. Many organizations receive tens of thousands of phishing incident reports per year, requiring analysts to correlate data from five or more tools, sift through tedious email logs, and then manually remove emails one by one from inboxes. Manual Phishing Incident Response is Inefficient It can take Security Operations Center analysts five hours or more to manually triage, investigate, and remediate a single phishing incident manually. With the average cybercriminal exfiltrating data from a breach within hours, that precious time can be the difference between preventing a breach and losing millions. The Agari Advantage
  • Prevent Impersonation. Keep your CEO and other key executives safe by preventing email impersonation by attackers.
  • Block Zero-Day Attacks. Stop never-seen-before attacks from exploiting security gaps within your organization.
  • Detect Account Takeovers. Discover attacks from compromised email accounts before they result in financial or information loss.

Key Capabilities

Contain and Remediate Incidents Automatically in Minutes By streamlining response times and automatically removing malicious emails from inboxes, Agari Phishing Response contains breaches in minutes instead of months. Agari Phishing Response provides an end-to-end automated phishing playbook that integrates with Microsoft Office 365 to handle employee phishing reports, triage them, discover similar phishing campaign emails, perform forensic analysis, and then automate the remediation process.