DTEK Academy is a corporate university of DTEK, a tool in achieving and developing a competitive advantage - the best managerial expertise.
The main goals of DTEK Academy are to increase the management and leadership potential of the Company, promote common corporate values, strengthen corporate culture, and create conditions for introducing innovations and implementing changes within the Company.
The mission of the DTEK Academy is to create opportunities for continuous professional and personal growth based on best practices, unique experience and corporate values of DTEK.
DTEK Academy was established on March 17, 2010. Today, DTEK Academy is a powerful and universal tool for developing a corporate training system, manages talents within the Company, creates conditions for innovation, is a competitive provider in the consulting services market, and raises educational standards in Ukraine. DTEK Academy has become a platform for the exchange of best practices among HR professionals. In 2014, the DTEK Academy was opened in Kyiv in order to expand its activities.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/company/академия-дтэк/about/