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Preempt Platform

Preempt empowers organizations to easily reduce user risk on their attack surface and preempt threats in real time with Conditional Access. Our patented technology continuously analyzes, adapts and responds to threats based on identity, behavior and risk to auto-resolve insider threats and targeted attacks. Identity and Risk Insights Preempt provides a continuous health and risk assessment revealing password problems, privileged access, stale accounts, stealthy admins, Active Directory (AD) configuration issues and more. Actionable insights allow your security team to easily reduce risk and your attack surface making it easier to pass your next audit. Understand Identity Everywhere Continuously discover all users
  • Privilege Users
  • Stealthy Admins
  • Stale Accounts
  • Employees
  • Service Accounts
Identify Vulnerabilities
  • Weak Passwords
  • NTLM Hashes
  • Inactive Accounts
  • Vulnerable OS
  • Users or Admins with SPN’s
Identity Health Actions
  • Reset Password
  • Demote User
  • Isolate User
  • Disable User or Accounts
  • And more
Detect Threats in Real-time Credential based attacks continue to be the number one way organizations are compromised. Preempt approaches threat detection differently. Our User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) learns the behavior and develops a risk score for every user and device on the network. Trusted and untrusted access is baselined through analysis of live authentication traffic combined with SSO, Cloud Directories, VPN, supervised and unsupervised learning and more. Confidently Preempt Threats With Conditional Access Threats aren’t black or white so responding to possible threats with a simple block or allow won’t work. Whether it’s simply adding MFA in front of your most sensitive applications or responding in real-time to suspicious behavior, Preempt’s Conditional Access gives you the flexibility to respond in real-time to prevent threats without disrupting real business. Ease of Deployment Preempt works with your authentication infrastructure to provide consistent insights, threat detection, and adaptive enforce across your organization. The two-tier platform architecture allows you to get up and running quickly, and easily access just the features you need.
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