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Zendesk Chat

  • Anticipate customer questions and offer help when—and where—they need it most.
  • Raise your sales. Customers are 3X more likely to make a purchase when you reach out with a chat.
  • Less wait, more happy. Chat and messaging let agents help more customers in less time, which means happier customers more of the time.
PROACTIVE ENGAGEMENT Reach out and talk to customers before they even ask a question. Innovative clothing rental company Le Tote uses an automated trigger to offer help to customers who are lingering on the checkout page. By proactively engaging customers during the buying process, Le Tote is able to reduce cart abandonment and increase conversions.   POWERFUL METRICS Analytics plays an important role in chat and messaging. It sheds light on customer satisfaction, agent performance, and helps identify issues before they become problems. Better numbers and quality reports let you measure successes and stay on target. Wherever you go, there they are Chat and Message allow your agents to engage customers over websites, mobile apps, and popular messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, Twitter, and LINE. That means you can build relationships with customers in the places they prefer. MULTICHANNEL Customer support isn’t limited to chat. The Zendesk platform lets agents switch between serving chats, phone calls, emails, or social media messages. And with the Zendesk Web Widget, customers can ask for help or find the answers themselves, all without interrupting their shopping experience. ENGAGE Customers are three times more likely to make a purchase when you proactively send them a message. Using Chat, you can track your customers and engage them at just the right moment. Triggers Send targeted and behavior-based messages to customers. For example, you can help customers complete their purchase by automatically reaching out with a chat. Pre-chat forms Ask your visitors for their contact information before starting a chat. This helps you triage chat requests and prioritize high-value customers. Visitor list Fishing charter company Fishfishme uses Chat to monitor its website visitors and the pages they are browsing. This lets them target specific users and offer help when they need it. Offline forms Your website never sleeps – even if you do. Leave offline forms enabled on your website and ensure customers can contact you while you are away. Chat ratings Chat offers the highest satisfaction rating of any support channel, but there’s always room for improvement. Use chat ratings to gather feedback and continue to improve your performance. File sending “A picture is worth a thousand words.” It’s a cliché, but in customer support it never gets old. Share any file with your customer—a screenshot, a product guide, even an animated GIF—and solve problems faster. ANALYZE
  • Chat and agent reports: Track your chat volume, monitor agent productivity, and analyze metrics to anticipate customer needs and increase satisfaction.
  • Real-Time Monitor: Monitor live data on chat volume, visitor experience, and agent performance.
  • Conversion tracking: Create business goals to measure how often your customers complete target objectives—like making a purchase or signing up for your newsletter.
  • Good looking out. The chat widget is an important brand touchpoint. Make sure it looks like you, so customers know who they’re talking to.
  • Chat Badge. Our customizable Chat Badges let you put an inviting face on the chat widget. Choose from different layouts and themes, or even change the picture completely. The choice is yours.
  • Web SDK. Build a fully customized end-user facing chat widget to offer visitors a unique and consistent experience.
  • Third-party services. Chat can be added to any CMS including WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Wix, SquareSpace, Shopify, Prestashop and Magento. 
  • Delivering quality support while growing your business can be hard. Our sophisticated workflow management features makes things easier.
  • Chat Routing. Automatically assign incoming chats to active agents. This ensures your customers receive prompt support and your agents aren’t overloaded.
  • Chat Tags. Add tags to your chats, give your conversations context, and better understand your customers.
  • Departments. Organize your agents into different teams based on skills, language, expertise, or even brand.
  • Operating Hours. Create a daily or weekly schedule for the chat widget and only appear online during your business hours.
  • Shortcuts. Create templated responses for common requests and deliver swift replies to customers.
  • Roles and Permissions. Specify granular permissions for agents, and control what they have access to in Zendesk Chat.
  • Zendesk Message lets your Chat agents connect with customers on messaging apps in a scalable, efficient way. Agents can manage multiple messaging profiles on one dashboard, get historical context on customer conversations, and transfer customer questions from your chatbot into Message.
  • Multi-profile linking. Link multiple profiles from Facebook, Twitter, and Line. Funnel all conversations to a central location for your agents to manage.
  • Timeline. Jump back to different points in a customer’s conversation history at the click of a button.
  • Chatbot handover. Bring questions from your chatbot over to Message when customers ask to speak to an agent. This feature is currently only available for Message, not Chat.
  • Mobile chat SDK. Add live chat to your mobile app using our 
  • developer-friendly SDK. With just a few lines of code, your customers can ask for help without ever leaving your app.
  • Mobile optimized widget. The chat widget is optimized for any and all screen sizes, ensuring your customer has a consistent experience across all their devices.
  • Mobile apps. Chat apps for Android and iPhone keep support going when agents are on the move.
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Zendesk Chat, Zendesk Support

Zendesk Chat Features:
  • Anticipate customer questions and offer help when—and where—they need it most.
  • Raise your sales. Customers are 3X more likely to make a purchase when you reach out with a chat.
  • Less wait, more happy. Chat and messaging let agents help more customers in less time, which means happier customers more of the time.

Zendesk Support Features:
  • Customer service for humans. Build trust with customers by offering responsive, personalized, support on the channels they prefer.
  • Powerfully productive agents. Set agents up for success with effective tools for collaboration, information gathering, and automation.
  • Self-service satisfaction. Give customers 24/7 support with easy access to the answers they need, wherever they are.
  • Easy does it. Relationships with customers can be complex, but the tools to manage them shouldn’t be. Zendesk Support is intuitive, built with customer support agents in mind. And set-up takes days, not months, which means less training for agents and happier teams overall.
  • Make it yours. Zendesk Support is designed to be flexible because no two businesses are exactly alike. Configure any workflow, from the simplest to the most complex, extend your agent’s help desk with hundreds of available apps, or design sophisticated customizations with our API. Everything is possible.
  • Come to a better understanding. Zendesk Support provides clear visibility into customer interactions, which helps better serve their needs. This is important because personalized service requires greater context. Using our customer analytics and machine learning capabilities, you can better understand and predict customer satisfaction, measure performance, and uncover actionable insights across your data.
  • Our people are your people. Zendesk Support is backed up by a team of experts. Our Advocate Team offers worldwide support across email, phone, and chat – helping you solve problems, not just tickets. Our Success Team can also work as an extension of your team. Through focused service engagements, we can set goals and create strategies across all stages of growth to optimize the experience for your customers.
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ZENDESK Chat, ZENDESK Support, Zendesk Guide

Zendesk Chat Features:
Anticipate customer questions and offer help when—and where—they need it most. Raise your sales. Customers are 3X more likely to make a purchase when you reach out with a chat. Less wait, more happy. Chat and messaging let agents help more customers in less time, which means happier customers more of the time.
Zendesk Support Features:
  • Customer service for humans. Build trust with customers by offering responsive, personalized, support on the channels they prefer.
  • Powerfully productive agents. Set agents up for success with effective tools for collaboration, information gathering, and automation.
  • Self-service satisfaction. Give customers 24/7 support with easy access to the answers they need, wherever they are.
  • Easy does it. Relationships with customers can be complex, but the tools to manage them shouldn’t be. Zendesk Support is intuitive, built with customer support agents in mind. And set-up takes days, not months, which means less training for agents and happier teams overall.
  • Make it yours. Zendesk Support is designed to be flexible because no two businesses are exactly alike. Configure any workflow, from the simplest to the most complex, extend your agent’s help desk with hundreds of available apps, or design sophisticated customizations with our API. Everything is possible.
  • Come to a better understanding. Zendesk Support provides clear visibility into customer interactions, which helps better serve their needs. This is important because personalized service requires greater context. Using our customer analytics and machine learning capabilities, you can better understand and predict customer satisfaction, measure performance, and uncover actionable insights across your data.
  • Our people are your people. Zendesk Support is backed up by a team of experts. Our Advocate Team offers worldwide support across email, phone, and chat – helping you solve problems, not just tickets. Our Success Team can also work as an extension of your team. Through focused service engagements, we can set goals and create strategies across all stages of growth to optimize the experience for your customers.
Zendesk Guide Features:
  • Grow what you know. Capture your agents’ collective knowledge and build on it over time to respond to support requests more effectively.
  • Give them the good stuff. Give customers the most relevant answers and information automatically—and in context—for a faster self-service experience.
  • Be better with bots. AI powered Answer Bot can resolve high-frequency, low-touch tickets by sending customers relevant articles while they wait for an agent.
  • Get smarter as you go. Measure and score the popularity and effectiveness of your content to see what needs work, and what you should write next.
  • A powerful pair. Zendesk Support works with Guide to make your knowledge base smarter. When customers use self-service, Guide tracks that activity and sends it to Support in the form of contextual insights in Pathfinder that help agents analyze customer activity and solve tickets faster. This info is fed back into Guide, which continuously improves and refines the info it offers to both agents and customers.
  • You have what it takes. With Guide, setting up a well-stocked knowledge base is easy. The Knowledge Capture app allows agents to turn every customer interaction into new content, flag old content for improvements, and even search for articles to share in tickets. This continuous feedback loop creates a treasure trove of knowledge for agents—both new and old—and helps get your self-service up and running right out of the gate.
  • Know thy self-service. Guide lets you create a single version of your content and then distribute it everywhere at once. You don’t have to worry about device incompatibility or what version of content is out in the wild. Articles are automatically optimized so they’re easy to find on search engines or on your own help center. And with Zendesk Embeddables, the most relevant articles are matched and recommended to customers based on their browsing activity.
  • Thanks a bot. The Guide Answer Bot lends agents a helping hand, reducing their workload and freeing them up to focus on problems that require a human touch. Using artificial intelligence, Answer Bot automatically resolves high-frequency and low-touch tickets by suggesting relevant articles to customers while they wait for an agent. And Answer Bot keeps getting smarter. It learns from each customer interaction and trains itself to deliver more relevant and customized content with each solved ticket.
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ZENDESK Chat, ZENDESK Support, Zendesk Guide, ZENDESK Talk

 Zendesk Chat Features:
  • Anticipate customer questions and offer help when—and where—they need it most.
  • Raise your sales. Customers are 3X more likely to make a purchase when you reach out with a chat.
  • Less wait, more happy. Chat and messaging let agents help more customers in less time, which means happier customers more of the time.
Zendesk Support Features:
  • Customer service for humans. Build trust with customers by offering responsive, personalized, support on the channels they prefer.
  • Powerfully productive agents. Set agents up for success with effective tools for collaboration, information gathering, and automation.
  • Self-service satisfaction. Give customers 24/7 support with easy access to the answers they need, wherever they are.
  • Easy does it. Relationships with customers can be complex, but the tools to manage them shouldn’t be. Zendesk Support is intuitive, built with customer support agents in mind. And set-up takes days, not months, which means less training for agents and happier teams overall.
  • Make it yours. Zendesk Support is designed to be flexible because no two businesses are exactly alike. Configure any workflow, from the simplest to the most complex, extend your agent’s help desk with hundreds of available apps, or design sophisticated customizations with our API. Everything is possible.
  • Come to a better understanding. Zendesk Support provides clear visibility into customer interactions, which helps better serve their needs. This is important because personalized service requires greater context. Using our customer analytics and machine learning capabilities, you can better understand and predict customer satisfaction, measure performance, and uncover actionable insights across your data.
  • Our people are your people. Zendesk Support is backed up by a team of experts. Our Advocate Team offers worldwide support across email, phone, and chat – helping you solve problems, not just tickets. Our Success Team can also work as an extension of your team. Through focused service engagements, we can set goals and create strategies across all stages of growth to optimize the experience for your customers.

Zendesk Guide Features:

  • Grow what you know. Capture your agents’ collective knowledge and build on it over time to respond to support requests more effectively.
  • Give them the good stuff. Give customers the most relevant answers and information automatically—and in context—for a faster self-service experience.
  • Be better with bots. AI powered Answer Bot can resolve high-frequency, low-touch tickets by sending customers relevant articles while they wait for an agent.
  • Get smarter as you go. Measure and score the popularity and effectiveness of your content to see what needs work, and what you should write next.
  • A powerful pair. Zendesk Support works with Guide to make your knowledge base smarter. When customers use self-service, Guide tracks that activity and sends it to Support in the form of contextual insights in Pathfinder that help agents analyze customer activity and solve tickets faster. This info is fed back into Guide, which continuously improves and refines the info it offers to both agents and customers.
  • You have what it takes. With Guide, setting up a well-stocked knowledge base is easy. The Knowledge Capture app allows agents to turn every customer interaction into new content, flag old content for improvements, and even search for articles to share in tickets. This continuous feedback loop creates a treasure trove of knowledge for agents—both new and old—and helps get your self-service up and running right out of the gate.
  • Know thy self-service. Guide lets you create a single version of your content and then distribute it everywhere at once. You don’t have to worry about device incompatibility or what version of content is out in the wild. Articles are automatically optimized so they’re easy to find on search engines or on your own help center. And with Zendesk Embeddables, the most relevant articles are matched and recommended to customers based on their browsing activity.
  • Thanks a bot. The Guide Answer Bot lends agents a helping hand, reducing their workload and freeing them up to focus on problems that require a human touch. Using artificial intelligence, Answer Bot automatically resolves high-frequency and low-touch tickets by suggesting relevant articles to customers while they wait for an agent. And Answer Bot keeps getting smarter. It learns from each customer interaction and trains itself to deliver more relevant and customized content with each solved ticket.
Zendesk Talk Features: Talk is cloud-based call center software built right into the Zendesk Support ticketing system, allowing customer service teams to provide phone support from the same platform they use to manage all other channels. With full customer history, automatic ticket creation, and call recording, agents can focus on conversations instead of workflow.
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Zendesk Guide

Grow what you know Capture your agents’ collective knowledge and build on it over time to respond to support requests more effectively. Give them the good stuff Give customers the most relevant answers and information automatically—and in context—for a faster self-service experience. Be better with bots AI powered Answer Bot* can resolve high-frequency, low-touch tickets by sending customers relevant articles while they wait for an agent. Get smarter as you go Measure and score the popularity and effectiveness of your content to see what needs work, and what you should write next. A powerful pair Zendesk Support works with Guide to make your knowledge base smarter. When customers use self-service, Guide tracks that activity and sends it to Support in the form of contextual insights in Pathfinder that help agents analyze customer activity and solve tickets faster. This info is fed back into Guide, which continuously improves and refines the info it offers to both agents and customers. You have what it takes With Guide, setting up a well-stocked knowledge base is easy. The Knowledge Capture app allows agents to turn every customer interaction into new content, flag old content for improvements, and even search for articles to share in tickets. This continuous feedback loop creates a treasure trove of knowledge for agents—both new and old—and helps get your self-service up and running right out of the gate. Know thy self-service Guide lets you create a single version of your content and then distribute it everywhere at once. You don’t have to worry about device incompatibility or what version of content is out in the wild. Articles are automatically optimized so they’re easy to find on search engines or on your own help center. And with Zendesk Embeddables, the most relevant articles are matched and recommended to customers based on their browsing activity. Thanks a bot The Guide Answer Bot lends agents a helping hand, reducing their workload and freeing them up to focus on problems that require a human touch. Using artificial intelligence, Answer Bot automatically resolves high-frequency and low-touch tickets by suggesting relevant articles to customers while they wait for an agent. And Answer Bot keeps getting smarter. It learns from each customer interaction and trains itself to deliver more relevant and customized content with each solved ticket.  Knowledge base Control access You choose who can view your knowledge base. Keep some content for your agents only, require registration, or open it up to the public in your help center. Rich text editor Create articles including media like photos and video with our WYSIWYG editor. It’s as familiar as the applications you use in your personal life. Structured content, unlimited articles Organize your articles in multiple levels—including Categories and Sections—so it’s easy for your customers to find what they need. Lists and labels Get an overview of all your published and unpublished knowledge base content with customized article lists, and then refine that view with search, filters, and article labels. Restore deleted content All your content is archived, so even if you delete something by accident, you can get it back. Content history Understand how your knowledge base content evolves over time. See a list of edits and changes, so you can always be up to date with the latest revisions. Think globally Localize your content in 40+ languages so you can serve customers in their native language. Agent efficiency Knowledge Capture App With Guide, you can leverage your team’s collective knowledge. Agents can create new content, link articles into tickets, and flag content for improvements, directly from their Zendesk Support agent interface. A built-in resource While solving tickets, agents can reference answers and info from your agent knowledge base. You can also keep training documents in a central location for easy access during onboarding and beyond. Instant customer context The Pathfinder app for Zendesk Support provides context on how a customer used self-service prior to submitting a ticket. With that info an agent can get a better understanding of the customer’s intent, and provide better answers and resolve issues faster.  Self-service A beautiful help center for any device Let customers help themselves to your knowledge base content with a customized, mobile responsive help center. Help where it’s needed Embed your help center natively on your website with the Web Widget or within your mobile app so customers don’t have to leave when they need help.  Effortless and relevant Use Contextual Help in the Web Widget to suggest relevant articles based on the page the customer is currently viewing, before they even lift a finger to type out a search. Answer Bot Powered by artificial intelligence to automatically respond to emails with relevant help center articles, solving customer requests while they wait for an agent.  Publishing SEO ready Guide is optimized so search engines can understand your content and customers can find answers no matter where they look for them. And Guide automatically updates your sitemap so there’s no need to call a developer. Custom themes Guide allows for customizable themes, giving you full control over the look and feel of your help center. Your web developers can easily work with HTML, CSS, and Javascript to match your brand. Multibrand Create multiple help centers or knowledge bases to serve various audiences, regions, or brands. Each one is separate so you can set different permissions, create unique URLs, and customize themes to match.  Community Forums Capture the voice of your customer with our community forums. Empower customers to interact with each other and provide feedback about what works and what doesn’t.  Moderation tools Guide can direct all new and edited end-user content to a queue to be reviewed before publishing. You can choose to have all posts and comments sent to the queue, or filter for content that contains specific words. User Profiles Display user information, activity, and recent contributions. Help center profiles also enable users to follow one another and get notifications of new articles, posts, and comments for anyone they follow.    Customer portal Request form Let customers escalate a question by embedding a request form directly in your help center. Capture relevant information with custom form fields about their issue so you can solve their requests faster. Personalized portal Provide a dedicated space for your customers to manage their support requests and their contributions to your community. Learn how the Guide customer portal works.  Reporting Gather intel Guide reporting tracks how people are reacting to your content on help center, Web Widget, and in mobile apps. The data can tell you the number of new articles and questions created, how many users have viewed them, and the total number of votes, subscriptions, and comments. Find your blind spot See what search terms customers are looking for, and whether those searches come up empty. You can add new content or update the language you use in existing content to help customers find what they need. Integration with Google Analytics Google Analytics has tools for everything when you integrate it with Guide. From search analytics to ticket-deflection tracking, you can use it to improve your self-service and make it easier for customers to find answers.  Monitor Answer Bot productivity Measure the effectiveness of your content bot with a pre-configured dashboard. Learn what works to increase ticket deflection and how to improve the relevance of your self-service content.
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Zendesk Sunshine

When it comes to the customer experience, most companies are stuck in the dark. They still use legacy CRM platforms that are hard to change and only offer a one‑dimensional view of customers. Zendesk Sunshine represents a whole new approach. Sunshine is a modern CRM platform, built on AWS. It gives you a complete picture of the customer, using any data — from anywhere. It gives you the agility to innovate and the power to scale. Above all, it gives you the freedom to build the best customer experiences. Better customer relationships Put people — not legacy CRM — at the center of your business. Sunshine gives you the flexibility to identify, understand, and segment your customers for more personalized experiences. All your customer data, connected Take back control of your customer data. Sunshine is an open platform designed to work with all of your business applications, so you can capture every customer interaction, no matter where it comes from. App creation, at your command Sunshine gives you the freedom to build modern customer applications your way. Use your favorite tools for complete control, with the flexibility of an open, standards-based platform. Imagine the possibilities The sky is the limit with Sunshine. Share valuable customer data to every part of your business and build something beyond traditional support.
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Zendesk Support

Customer service for humans Build trust with customers by offering responsive, personalized, support on the channels they prefer. Powerfully productive agents Set agents up for success with effective tools for collaboration, information gathering, and automation. Self-service satisfaction Give customers 24/7 support with easy access to the answers they need, wherever they are.
Easy does it Relationships with customers can be complex, but the tools to manage them shouldn’t be. Zendesk Support is intuitive, built with customer support agents in mind. And set-up takes days, not months, which means less training for agents and happier teams overall.
Make it yours Zendesk Support is designed to be flexible because no two businesses are exactly alike. Configure any workflow, from the simplest to the most complex, extend your agent’s help desk with hundreds of available apps, or design sophisticated customizations with our API. Everything is possible.
Come to a better understanding Zendesk Support provides clear visibility into customer interactions, which helps better serve their needs. This is important because personalized service requires greater context. Using our customer analytics and machine learning capabilities, you can better understand and predict customer satisfaction, measure performance, and uncover actionable insights across your data.
Our people are your people Zendesk Support is backed up by a team of experts. Our Advocate Team offers worldwide support across email, phone, and chat – helping you solve problems, not just tickets. Our Success Team can also work as an extension of your team. Through focused service engagements, we can set goals and create strategies across all stages of growth to optimize the experience for your customers. The interface is the place When you can access all relevant data and activity from a single interface, it’s easy for teams to track customer conversations and pick up where they left off. With Zendesk Support, you have everything you need for better customer conversations, all in one place. Multichannel Zendesk Support brings conventional and emerging channels together, making it easy to connect with customers on their own terms. Multilingual Localized support content in over 40 languages can be dynamically applied everywhere – automations, macros, triggers, and knowledge base articles. Multibrand Unique help centers, support channels, and business rules for multiple brands, regions, or products managed within a single help desk. Business Rules Initiate process triggered by ticket changes or time-based conditions. Start with our built-in best practices and customize to fit any workflow, from simple to the most complex. Macros Create and share macros in order to quickly respond with a standard response and set of actions to common requests. Views Customizable views let agents see their queue based on ticket status, assignee, group, or other conditions. Ticket forms Dynamic request forms quickly give agents the right context, so they’re prepared to offer personalized customer support. On schedule Coordinate your team’s efforts with scheduled business hours, time tracking, and SLAs measured to the minute to ensure you don’t miss a beat. Collaboration Agents can CC coworkers and share information using internal notes on tickets. Live editing shows who is viewing a ticket and any changes they make in real-time.
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Zendesk Talk

Smooth operator Talk is cloud-based call center software built right into the Zendesk Support ticketing system, allowing customer service teams to provide phone support from the same platform they use to manage all other channels. With full customer history, automatic ticket creation, and call recording, agents can focus on conversations instead of workflow. Text by Zendesk
  • Skip the small talk. For quick questions and easy updates, start texting with your customers. Text lets agents receive texts, automate alerts, and send proactive messages. Each conversation becomes a ticket — with built-in workflows, reporting, and full customer history. Best of all, there’s no coding or additional software required.
  • Keep in touch. Having the right tools is the key to keeping phone support running smoothly. Talk offers flexible IVR, group routing, and real-time queue monitoring to avoid bottlenecks. And with analytics that deliver insight into what’s happening, support teams can continue to provide flexible, powerful support as businesses grow and change.
  • Come as you are. Talk is a VoIP system, so setup only takes a few minutes. There’s no need to hire additional technicians, retrain agents, or engage new vendors. The only thing a support team needs to get started is an internet connection, a headset, and ears that are ready to listen.
The basics
  • Local and toll-free numbers. Choose a toll free or local number from over 40 countries or port in an existing number.
  • Inbound and outbound calling. Receive unlimited inbound calls from customers. Follow up or provide proactive support with outbound calls.
  • Unlimited concurrent calls. Make and receive unlimited concurrent calls to support multiple conversations with one phone number.
  • Voicemail. Allow customers to leave voicemails that create tickets with optional transcriptions. Create custom triggers and workflows for quick follow-up and resolution.
  • Customized greetings. Offer branded or localized experiences with multiple greetings for different brands, departments and phone numbers. Record new messages or upload existing audio files for voicemail greetings, available agents, wait, hold and IVR messages.
Making and taking calls
  • Browser-based. Answer or make calls in the Zendesk browser, without any additional phone hardware or equipment.
  • Forward to phone. Forward calls to an external number, providing agents the flexibility to take calls from mobile phones or landlines.
  • Automatic ticket creation. Zendesk automatically turns calls and voicemails into tickets for easy record keeping and issue resolution.
  • Warm transfer. Warm transfer lets agents consult with a new agent before handing off, to make sure the receiving agent is available and ready to help.
  • Call control. Mute and unmute as needed from the call console. Place a caller on hold from the call console to consult with another agent or track down other information.
  • Call recording. Record inbound and outbound calls for easy reference, troubleshooting and QA.
  • Caller ID and history. Automatically surface customer details, including full interaction history from previous emails, chats and other channels, for seamless and personal support.
Routing and queueing calls
  • IVR systems. Route customers to the right agent or department and provide recorded responses for frequently asked questions with multi-level interactive voice response (IVR) systems.
  • Group routing. Group routing directs calls to specific groups or a set of groups in Zendesk, so that callers are connected with the right agent.
  • Round-robin routing. Ensure that calls are always routed to an available agent rather than being lost or sent to voicemail and evenly distributed among support team members.
  • Call queues. Set a maximum wait time and queue size to determine how many incoming callers will be kept waiting for an available agent. New calls that exceed the limits are directed to voicemail.
  • Business hours. Define business hours to let customers know your phone support availability. Calls received outside of business hours are sent to voicemail.
  • Callback from queue. Allow customers to request a callback instead of waiting in a queue for a live agent.
  • Local and toll-free numbers. Choose a toll-free or local number for text support. Where available, use the same phone number for Talk and Text.
  • Inbound SMS. Receive and respond to inbound text (SMS, or short message service) messages from customers. Inbound texts automatically create tickets, and agent replies are sent as texts.
  • Inbound MMS. Receive inbound MMS (multimedia messaging service) so customers can send you photos and emojis.
  • Outbound SMS. Send outbound texts in response to your customers’ texts, or create tickets to send proactive outbound texts using triggers and notifications.
  • SMS notifications. Use triggers to automatically send SMS notifications to customers or agents based on ticket actions.
  • Support workflow. Apply time-saving tools like macros, triggers, and other business automations — so you can scale up your text support easily.
  • Views and Reporting. Text is a channel inside Zendesk Support, so you can manage text support with views and ticket-level reporting.
Monitoring and Reporting
  • Real-time dashboards. Zendesk supports real-time decisions with real-time call data. Interactive dashboards crunch team data down to a granular level, including wait time, hold time, and abandoned calls, so managers can adapt in-the-moment to fluctuations in call volume.
  • Advanced analytics. Track and measure operational performance. Insights help you understand how voice support fits into your multi-channel support strategy.
  • Call monitoring and barging. Ensure call quality and train agents – managers may listen or "barge" into ongoing calls between customers and agents.
Reliability and Services
  • Failover. Failover automatically forwards incoming calls to an alternate number in the unlikely event of a Zendesk outage, ensuring important calls always come through.
  • Global Low Latency. Zendesk Talk is built on enterprise-grade technology with Global Low Latency (GLL) architecture and redundant, clustered architecture for enhanced reliability and high availability.
  • Talk Usage 99.95% SLA. We back our 99.95% usage SLA with service credits and help teams troubleshoot and prevent outages with monthly diagnostics.
  • Twilio infrastructure. Zendesk Talk is built on the Twilio cloud communication platform. Twilio is a leading IaaS company that powers communications for companies including WalMart, Coca-Cola, Uber and
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