IBM Cloud Private

Problems that solves

Shortage of inhouse IT resources

Aging IT infrastructure


Ensure Security and Business Continuity

IBM Cloud Private

IBM Cloud Private is a reliable and scalable cloud platform that runs on your infrastructure. It’s built on open-source frameworks, like containers, Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry, with common services for self-service deployment, monitoring, logging and security, as well as a portfolio of middleware, data and analytics. With IBM Cloud Private, development and administrative teams share a flexible cloud environment behind their firewalls to create new microservices-based applications, modernize existing apps using cloud-enabled middleware and securely integrate between the two. IBM Cloud Private complements the IBM Cloud by providing consistent runtimes, services and management capabilities to minimize the friction in transition to a public cloud.


IBM Cloud Private has been certified for primary infrastructure (server, network & storage) providers, including Dell, NetApp, Cisco and Lenovo, as well as IBM Power Systems and IBM Z. With a consistent underlying Kuberentes-based platform, IBM has enabled key elements of its existing and new middleware, data and analytics portfolio to take advantage of the platform capabilities, including rapid provisioning and de-provisioning of applications, portability between the enterprise and the cloud, improved resource usage and simplified management. Additionally, IBM provides and supports several key open source technologies, including MongoDB and Postrges. Since the platform is based on open technologies, it allows enterprises to also take advantage of a growing ecosystem of software and services that have been enabled for Kubernetes. This truly is the best of both worlds. Developers can tap into several options for modern runtimes, development tools and services to turn ideas into working code quickly; integrate into existing enterprise systems; and modernize existing applications while minimizing cost and risk. Meanwhile, the operations team can access a consistent and flexible set of built-in management tools that extend and integrate these capabilities with existing management tools and processes. Use cases of IBM Cloud Private:
  • Create new cloud-native apps: Easily design cloud-native applications and meet the necessary regulatory and management requirements. 
  • Modernize your existing apps on cloud: See how to reconstruct your application estates to rapidly meet today’s highly dynamic business environment. 
  • Open your data center to work with cloud services: Learn how to create apps in the private cloud while integrating data & application services from the enterprise and other clouds. 
As you can see, IBM Cloud Private provides a common and consistent platform for enterprises to rapidly innovate while retaining the flexibility to use public clouds and services. It provides this while also integrating with business-critical applications, data and processes. Use your heritage to your advantage as you enter the new world of applications built for the cloud.