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Group-IB Secure Bank

  • Quick and straightforward integration, that doesn't slow down your website 
  • Fraud prevention at early stages of attempted execution 
  • Secure banking solution with advanced fraud detection techniques
  • Top-tier functionality and incident reporting features 
  • API for integration with your fraud monitoring systems 
  • Analytics and consulting by Group-IB experts
Secure Bank controls risks related to the weakest link in banking cyber security — your clients. While your customers do not need to install any software, Secure Bank offers financial fraud prevention and detection, guarding them against:
  • Malicious injections in Internet payment systems
  • Phishing attacks, social engineering attacks
  • Unsanctioned remote connection and e‑banking transactions
  • Malicious code for online banking fraud that involves making automatic payments or using false account details
  • Employing zero-day vulnerabilities to run malicious software and intrusions
How Secure Bank ensures online banking safety
  • Secure Bank mitigates online banking risks for your customers, running alongside existing IT systems. No need to have it installed on your customers’ devices.
  • The script does not slow down the operation of your website.
  • Secure Bank takes a proactive stand to ensure fraud prevention and detection, screening operations for any sign of malicious activities.
  • Collected information goes from your bank’s IT systems to Secure Bank.
  • No personal data are collected, transmitted or stored.
  • Group-IB experts are up-to-date with the latest cyber threats to the banking industry in order to properly break down and rate the collected data.
Secure Bank sends immediate notifications of online fraud or suspicious e‑banking transactions, allowing you to offset their consequences. Secure Bank can be integrated with your organization’s anti-fraud software and existing IT infrastructure to ensure an even faster response to online banking frauds.
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Group-IB Secure Portal

  • Prevent personal information leakage and bank card data theft 
  • Detect purchases paid by stolen cards or comparative advertisement misleading customers, and other fraud 
  • Develop a unique fingerprint for each user in real-time
  • No installation or investments in IT infrastructure required 
  • Real time API for integration with fraud monitoring systems Analytical support and consulting by Group-IB specialists
What is Secure Portal
  • Secure Portal enables businesses to control risks related to the weakest link in the Internet business security chain – website users. Secure Portal detects fraud preparation and attempts in real-time without installation of any additional software on client devices to identify the following groups of threats:
  • Unsanctioned access and use of sensitive or confidential information
  • Bank card data collection and stolen card use
  • Phishing attacks, social engineering attack methods
  • Unsanctioned remote connection to a  consumer’s device using their indicators to conduct transactions on his/her behalf
  • New types of fraud committed on the client side
Secure Portal benefits
  • E-commerce
  • Reduce the number of account credentials stolen by cyber criminals
  • Reduce financial loss caused by rivals’ launching comparative advertising on online store pages
  • Reduce the number of chargebacks from stolen bank cards being used
  • Corporate portals
  • Prevention of confidential data leakage
  • Block unsanctioned access to confidential information
  • Prevent financial and reputational losses
  • Paid subscription services
  • Protect revenues from joint use of paid subscriptions
  • Prevention of stolen website authorization data use
  • Reduction in chargebacks by preventing the use of compromised credit cards
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Group-IB TDS — Threat Detection System

Meeting key information security challenges
  • Detection of complex targeted attacks at an early stage
  • Prevention of financial and reputation loss
  • Protection of internal networks, email, and file storage systems
  • Optimisation of security processes and costs
High level of protection guaranteed In-depth understanding of threats Extensive insight thanks to data contained in Group-IB’s proprietary Threat Intelligence system, deemed among the best in its class by top agencies such as Gartner, IDC and Forrester Hands-on experience in incident response Our experience in responding to incidents and investigating cyber crimes helps us be the first to detect the use of new tools Modern technologies File behaviour analysis, unique signatures, detection of network anomalies through machine learning Detection of attacker infrastructure on a global scale Technology conceived to collect a large amount of data and unique search algorithms designed to find connections help detect infrastructure that hackers intend to use in future attacks TDS modules Managed detection & response 24/7 CERT-GIB
  • Alerts monitoring
  • Anomaly analysis
  • Threat Hunting
  • Remote response
  • Incident management
  • Critical threats analysis
Detecting infrastructure management & data analysis TDS Huntbox
  • Internal Threat Hunting
  • Retrospective analysis
  • Modules management
  • Single interface
  • External Threat Hunting
  • Correlation & attribution
  • Data storage
  • Events analysis
Attacks detection & prevention TDS Sensor
  • Traffic analysis
  • Files extraction
  • Anomalies detection
TDS Polygon
  • Isolated environment
  • Files analysis
  • Links analysis
TDS Endpoint
  • Events logging
  • Response at hosts
  • Threats detection
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Group-IB Threat Intelligence

  • Prompt attack and threat notifications for your company, clients and partners
  • Direct access to compromised data and TTPs of malicious activity
  • Detections, analysis and forecasts of hacking activity in the areas of your interest
  • Convenient web interface for data search and analysis – no installation required
  • STIX/TAXII ready, official OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Technical Committee Member
  • 24x7 Personal cyber intelligence analyst support: tailored reports, malware analysis and much more

We give you vital intelligence about upcoming threats and actual cyber security risks

It takes a few minutes to infect a computer, while incident detection and remediation activities may last months. Even if you feel confident in your systems' safety, vulnerabilities of your clients, employees, or partners may become your problem – this potential threat has become a reality for financial institutions, payment systems and telecommunications operators. Security breach in a company of your industry may be a warning sign of future attacks on your business, while insiders will help criminals bypass your defensive barriers.

Be prepared to any attack scenario with Intelligence cyber analytics: receive the most specific and detailed information for prompt response and the most recent data for threat prevention.

Strategic planning with cyber intelligence

Keep up with the constantly changing threat landscape, learn about threats targeting your business area, evaluate and improve your IT security investment strategy

  • Evaluate risks, analyze statistics and assess potential damages
  • Prioritize threats based on expert forecasts
  • Learn attack tactics and cybercrime strategy
  • Know your enemy

Taking control on upcoming cyber threats

Prepare for cyber attacks with comprehensive information on malware threatening your company and clients, attack targets and methods, cyber espionage tools, news and notifications on potential threats from private hacker resources.


  • Adapt your security tools and response plans
  • Learn about data leaks and identify insiders
  • Prevent confidential data from being sold to third parties
  • Monitor hacking attacks and activity peaks correlating with your incidents
  • Apply IoCs to you layered cyber security infrastructure

Minimize the time you spend on incident response with instant notifications to critical threats, direct access to compromised data and a variety of technical indicators used to bolster your security.


  • Protect your clients, employees, and partners against fraud and personal data theft
  • Receive attack confirmation, learn about the attack source and mechanisms used
  • Prevent leakage and industrial espionage
  • Effectively stop targeted attacks
  • Prevent illegal use of your brand

Intelligence and data collection

Group-IB specialists daily analyze thousands of compromised credentials, bank card numbers, messages and postings of “black hats” on deep web hacking forums, information on hundreds of attacks. We analyze the most recent malware, attack mechanisms and participate in incident investigations collecting the most recent and detailed information about cybercriminals, their strategies and tools.



  • More than 10 patented technologies, automation and special tactics, algorithms and machine learning are helping us to collect raw data on cyber threats.
  • Best analysts are making intelligence out of threat data, enriching them with context, revealing kill chains and TTPs (tactics, technics and procedures) of cyber criminals.
  • Building links between incidents, IoCs and cyber criminals activities all over the world with the help of CERTs, Europol, Interpol and other international cyber crime fighters.


Group-IB leverages its 14 years of unique expertise in cybercrime investigations to discover hidden connections buried within disparate data. We closely cooperate with best experts in cyber security around the world, which helps us to solve the most complicated global cases. Information analysis enables us to understand motives of criminals and create hacker profiles to forecast their future activity.

  • Deep knowledge of Russian-speaking and international cybercriminal markets
  • Adjustable amount of hours of remote analysts
  • Ability to request assistance from special team of Group-IB security experts responsible for handling high-profile investigations
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