Group-IB Secure Bank

Problems that solves

No IT security guidelines

Unauthorized access to corporate IT systems and data

Risk of attacks by hackers


Ensure Security and Business Continuity

Group-IB Secure Bank

Innovative solution for secure online payments Financial fraud prevention and detection to better protect your customers


  • Quick and straightforward integration, that doesn't slow down your website 
  • Fraud prevention at early stages of attempted execution 
  • Secure banking solution with advanced fraud detection techniques
  • Top-tier functionality and incident reporting features 
  • API for integration with your fraud monitoring systems 
  • Analytics and consulting by Group-IB experts
Secure Bank controls risks related to the weakest link in banking cyber security — your clients. While your customers do not need to install any software, Secure Bank offers financial fraud prevention and detection, guarding them against:
  • Malicious injections in Internet payment systems
  • Phishing attacks, social engineering attacks
  • Unsanctioned remote connection and e‑banking transactions
  • Malicious code for online banking fraud that involves making automatic payments or using false account details
  • Employing zero-day vulnerabilities to run malicious software and intrusions
How Secure Bank ensures online banking safety
  • Secure Bank mitigates online banking risks for your customers, running alongside existing IT systems. No need to have it installed on your customers’ devices.
  • The script does not slow down the operation of your website.
  • Secure Bank takes a proactive stand to ensure fraud prevention and detection, screening operations for any sign of malicious activities.
  • Collected information goes from your bank’s IT systems to Secure Bank.
  • No personal data are collected, transmitted or stored.
  • Group-IB experts are up-to-date with the latest cyber threats to the banking industry in order to properly break down and rate the collected data.
Secure Bank sends immediate notifications of online fraud or suspicious e‑banking transactions, allowing you to offset their consequences. Secure Bank can be integrated with your organization’s anti-fraud software and existing IT infrastructure to ensure an even faster response to online banking frauds.