Teramind UAM

Problems that solves

No control over data access

Inability to forecast execution timelines

No IT security guidelines

Unauthorized access to corporate IT systems and data

Poor timing of management decision making

Risk or Leaks of confidential information

Employee personal use of corporate IT during working hours

IT infrastructure downtimes

Low employee productivity

HR management

Risk of data loss or damage

Risk of lost access to data and IT systems

Non-compliant with IT security requirements

Lengthy production timelines

Complex and non-transparent business processes

Shortage of information for decision making

Insufficient risk management

High costs

No control over implementation

Decentralization of management

Low speed of report generation


Reduce Costs

Enhance Staff Productivity

Ensure Security and Business Continuity

Reduce Production Timelines

Support Decision Making

Ensure Compliance

Centralize management

Generate Business Reports

Enhance Competitive Ability

Teramind UAM

Activity Monitoring, User Behavior Analytics, Productivity Optimization & Insider Threat Detection in a Single Platform.


Prevent Insider Threats with User Activity Monitoring and Behavioral Analytics Most organizations have cybersecurity measures in place including antivirus, firewall, intrusion detection to protect infrastructure and IT assets. While these are generally good at defending the organization from external threats, they leave a security hole when it comes to employees and other internal users, third-party vendors, contractors and privileged administrators who already have access to an organization’s valuable assets and sensitive data. Whether it is a company’s intellectual property, financial records, customer data, PII, PHI or other sensitive material, it only takes one insider to engage in unwanted behavior and expose an organization to risks. In fact, the majority of the data breaches in recent years involved weak or exploited employee credentials either by a malicious or accidental incident. This is where User Activity Monitoring (UAM) can help fill the gaps which already include features like Employee Monitoring, Privileged User Monitoring, Third-Party Monitoring, User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) and Endpoint Security, that is crucial for a holistic insider threat prevention solution. User activity monitoring is the process of tracking all user activity and behavior, while they are logged into a computer (endpoint). With an employee monitoring solution in place, businesses have the necessary means to keep an eye on their sensitive data, employees and third-party entities so that they can identify and stop the misuse of company data and resources. Teramind UAM Combines User Activity Monitoring, Behavior Analytics and Productivity Tools in a Single Platform Teramind user activity monitoring goes beyond the basic employee monitoring and tracking functionality and adds intelligent behavior-based analysis to provide actionable insight and automated responses to employee-generated threats. It can monitor employees, third-party vendors, contractors, remote and special/privileged users. With its rules and policies, Teramind UAM captures violation incidents as forensic evidence and takes action to alert, stop, block and more. Teramind UAM can also measure employee productivity, conduct risk analysis, prevent unauthorized data exfiltration and keep track of how employees and third-party vendors access company resources while logged in at work. Finally, in case of a data breach or security incident, Teramind provides comprehensive forensic data and session recordings to identify the employees and vendors who have triggered a rule violation along with their activity footprint with pinpoint accuracy. Teramind UAM Features:
  • Real-Time User Activity Monitoring
  • User Behavior Analytics
  • Policy and Rules Engine
  • Built-In Productivity Optimization
  • Audit and Forensics
  • Third-Party Vendor Management
  • Compliance Management

Scheme of work

 Scheme of work

User features

Roles of Interested Employees

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Information Officer

Chief IT Security Officer

Chief Sales Officer

IT Security and Risk Management

Sales Management

IT Management

Marketing Management

Chief Financial Officer

Organizational Features

IT Security Department in company

Internet access is available for employees

Сonfidential data

Personal data operation