Problems that solves
Unstructured data
Shortage of information for decision making
Reduce Costs
Support Decision Making
IT Central Station Review platform
IT Central Station is a crowdsourced platform created to connect enterprise professionals with peers for researching and reviewing technology solutions.
IT Central Station is a crowdsourced platform created to connect enterprise professionals with peers for researching and reviewing technology solutions.
IT Central Station is the leading product review site for enterprise technology. We have been called the "Yelp of Enterprise Tech" by the Wall Street Journal and an "innovative social buying platform" by IDC.
Russell Rothstein and Naftali Marcus teamed up to build a crowdsourced knowledge platform that helps technology decision makers around the world to better connect with peers and other independent experts who provide advice without vendor bias.
With their diverse experience working in enterprise IT as well as in startups, the founders designed an online site that now operates like a Yelp or TripAdvisor for enterprise technology. They built their first prototype on Wix within days and hit the road to do some deep market research. They spoke with senior technology decision makers, vendors, and corporate thought leaders. Technology professionals said they had challenges to discover, evaluate, and select the solutions that best met their needs. They found that most information online and in their inbox had a vendor bias, and it was highly difficult to find online information they could trust. Many end users of technology spoke of their desire to share their experiences with peers but lacked a trusted site in which to share their knowledge and expertise with other professionals.
Russell Rothstein, IT Central Station’s Station Master and CEO, and co-founder Naftali Marcus, designed a dynamic community site with reviews, recommendations, and other expert advice for technology buyers. What began with a few diagrams and Powerpoint slides is now the fastest growing online platform designed for enterprise technology buyers. IT Central Station has grown into a dynamic, real-time platform that offers user information that is current, objective, and relevant. It protects privacy in that users can either post anonymously to freely express their views or use their real names to promote their expertise. It enables knowledgeable experts, including real users and independent consultants, to share their expertise in a high quality community of decision makers.
As a result, the community thrives as a valuable resource, ensuring that technology professionals get access to the right information and connect to the right people—for any topic, at any time.