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Wizz Air logo
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ABOUT THE CUSTOMER The Budapest based Wizz Air operates in the region of theCentral Europe. Originating in 2003, the company today offersa choice of almost 200 fl ying routes, from a number of regionalairports: Katowice, Warsaw, Gdansk, Poznan and Wroclawin Poland; Budapest in Hungary; Sofi a in Bulgaria: Bucharest,Cluj Napoca and Timisoara in Romania;Prague in the Czech Republic; and Kiev in the Ukraine. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCEWITH ANTIVIRUS “Our previous antivirus system was often incompatible with thevarious target applications used in our industry, and imposedsignifi cant restrictions on the performance of our servers andworkstations, which is simply inacceptable in the industry we’rein. We were also dissatisfi ed with the level of technical support wereceived,” says Zsolt Csernák, CIO, Wizz Air Hungary. Mr. Csernák’s team started looking for a different, more effectiveantivirus system. After the fi rst screening, they asked for quotes from three different AV vendors. “ESET NOD32 Antivirus matched our requirements, and it was also available at a very favorable price compared to the competition, so we began testing their solution,” said the IT Director. IMPLEMENTATION Wizz Air’s engineers built a Windows 2003-based test server andconfigured three client PCs in order to test out the ESET Remote Administrator Server (ERAS). Once ERAS was successfullyconfigured and all the necessary policies were created, it was time to start testing the solution. “Our positive experience soon led us to extend the test to live clients, and after that we adopted the solution across the board,” said Zsolt Csernák. The launch went smoothly, with no di culties at all and ESET NOD32 Antivirus currently protects 500 client PCs distributed over 13 sites. Updates are load-balanced and distributed via mirror servers, preserving the company’s bandwidth, leaving more room for core business tasks. PROTECTED BY ESET Soon after installing ESET on endpoints, the protection was extended to the company’s MS Exchange server that handles tens of thousands of messages each day, as well to a network of file- and print-servers. “We have have positive feedback from our employees – they appreciate that ESET’s solution doesn’t slow down computer performance, while our system administrators are pleased with easy monitoring and management of company security” – says Zsolt Csernák.
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CCS Media logo
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KEY BENEFITS FOR CCS MEDIA • Intuitive user interface making management straightforward and simple. • Issues are identified and dealt with quickly. • ESET’s UK based customer support is reliable and trust worthy. • ESET’s unobtrusive footprint allows CCS to run quickly and efficiently. THE CUSTOMER CCS Media are a privately owned IT reseller headquartered on the outskirts of the historic market town of Chesterfield, Derbyshire. Winner of the ‘Cisco Rising Star’ award, ‘CRN Reseller of the Year’, and many more accolades over their 30 plus years of service. CCS have 16 offices around the UK (including Wales and Scotland), over 250 employees and around £120 million in annual turnover. Today, they work with organisations all across the UK - delivering everyday IT, print and office supplies - and large-scale IT projects. CCS Media’s small IT department protects and maintains the company’s IT infrastructure in offices around the UK - all from their data centre in Chesterfield. Considering the nature of CCS Media’s business, impeccable IT security is critical. The company needs not only to protect its own information, but also sensitive customer data and its reputation in the marketplace as a trusted supplier of IT services. TIME TO CHANGE The geographic distribution of the organisation’s various offices was causing problems for CCS. Onsite IT support was proving to be both a very expensive and time-consuming exercise. The company needed a solution that would allow their small IT team to deploy, administer and maintain their security software, without having to spend so much time and money travelling. Additionally, they had found that previous solutions were often slow to deploy, caused issues with the end-user experience and did not provide effective support when CCS needed it most. THE SOLUTION CCS Media and ESET were introduced at a trade show through a mutual connection. CCS’s IT Director, Tony Cooke, decided to give ESET a try after recieving positive feedback from within the industry. Migrating the infrastructure over to ESET was seamless, happening over the course of a few days. ESET supported CCS’s IT department throughout the process. The install was silent and so flawless that most of the employees were unaware of the changeover. ESET now provides CCS Media with endpoint security, as well as data encryption for all of their client devices. Tony also commends the ESET interface as he finds it, “easy to use, intuitive and modern, which is important for today’s industry. “ This relationship has worked out to be extremely cost effective for CCS Media. The firm’s two-person IT team now manages what is essentially a network of hundreds of end-users dispersed all over the country. And, with ESET’s help, CCS’s team knows it can deal with any security threat the organisation may face. “Obviously, time is money. Using ESET makes my job much easier, simply because of the tiny system footprint. Also, we don’t have any downtime on the network, so I can access whatever information I want at any time - and get on with selling and doing my job. I would recommend ESET because of the speed, the simplicity and the very helpful UK based tech support.” Chloe Butler, Business Development Manager, CCS Media
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GCS logo
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THE PARTNER GCS is a managed service provider located in El Paso, Texas. The company, which provides online cloud backup,disaster recovery and managed IT services for home, office& small business, became an ESET partner in early 2018. Since joining the ESET Partner Program, company ownerJohn Gonzales says GCS has benefited from ESET’s trainingsand certifications, flexible Managed Service Provider(MSP) program options and marketing resources. WHY THEY CHOSE ESET The company recommends ESET products totheir customers for the following reasons: • Efficient malware detection rate • Low false positive rates • Light system footprint • Free U.S.-based customer support “ESET is the most comprehensive security solution.We recommend ESET security solutions to all our clients.”—John Gonzales – Owner – GCS Product: ESET Endpoint Security and ESET Endpoint Encryption “I’ve tried and tested all the commercial securitysolutions,” Gonzales said. “In my opinion, there’sno comparison to the efficiency, effectiveness,tools and support that ESET provides.”Gonzales added that the customizability andfunctionality of the ESET Remote Administratorgives GCS the tools to be more proactive fortheir clients, thus providing better security. “The ability to remotely install/update/manage ESETendpoint products, and even operating systemupdates, is essential and much more efficientthan other security endpoint solutions.” Partnering with ESET enabled GCS to extend its customerbase and offer more services by providing tailored solutionsbased on the customers’ specific environments. “One ofthe things to realize is that every business is different. ESETempowers GCS, providing many integrated security productsfor a wide range of solutions to fit a company’s needs.
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Erste Group Bank AG logo
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KEY BENEFITS FOR ERSTE GROUP, AUSTRIA • A single product for both servers and endpoints • Simple operation, high suitability for daily use • High quality of malware recognition • Complete compatibility with all versions of Windows • Central management and dashboard via the ESET Remote Administrator • Lean installation package • High-performance, interruption-free operation which continues entirely behind the scenes THE CUSTOMER S IT Solutions Austria provides “all in one” IT solutions for the banking industry. As a result, it needs solutions that off er a particularly high level of data security in order to effi ciently protect the critical data of business partners and their customers from access by third parties. For its client, ERSTE Group, a total of 3,000 servers and 3,500 workstations had to be protected across an array of operating systems: Windows XP 32 Bit, Windows 7 – EE 64 Bit, Windows Server 2003 (R2) 32 & 64 Bit, Windows Server 2008 (R2), and Windows Server 2012. HIGH PERFORMANCE, HIGH SECURITY REQUIRED The initial recommendation to use ESET Endpoint Antivirus came from colleagues in other companies of the Erste Group, and the choice was validated by means of an internal evaluation. ESET Endpoint Antivirus Business Edition’s high performance and sparing use of hardware resources were the essential purchase criteria, along with its good ratio of price to performance. Among the other advantages were its high-quality malware recognition, its central management system — via the Remote Administrator dashboard — and its lean installation package. In total, four months were allocated for the migration. After a two-month test phase with pilot clients, the roll-out on all systems was begun. It was “absolutely remarkable,” according to Michael Todorovitsch, Head of Infrastructure Basis Systems at s IT Solutions. “The complete roll-out on over 6,500 computers passed off without notable incidents.” THE SOLUTION In deploying the ESET solution, Todorovitsch commented that “support and external help weren’t called on, and only a few directorieshad to be exempted from scanning so that ESET Endpoint Antivirus could run without issues.” The implementation of ESET Endpoint Antivirus at Erste Group has so far met all expectations in full. The fi rm has commended its high performance, and interruption-free operation which happens entirely behind the scenes and does not impact users’ work.
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