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ABOUT THE CUSTOMER The Budapest based Wizz Air operates in the region of theCentral Europe. Originating in 2003, the company today offersa choice of almost 200 fl ying routes, from a number of regionalairports: Katowice, Warsaw, Gdansk, Poznan and Wroclawin Poland; Budapest in Hungary; Sofi a in Bulgaria: Bucharest,Cluj Napoca and Timisoara in Romania;Prague in the Czech Republic; and Kiev in the Ukraine. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCEWITH ANTIVIRUS “Our previous antivirus system was often incompatible with thevarious target applications used in our industry, and imposedsignifi cant restrictions on the performance of our servers andworkstations, which is simply inacceptable in the industry we’rein. We were also dissatisfi ed with the level of technical support wereceived,” says Zsolt Csernák, CIO, Wizz Air Hungary. Mr. Csernák’s team started looking for a different, more effectiveantivirus system. After the fi rst screening, they asked for quotes from three different AV vendors. “ESET NOD32 Antivirus matched our requirements, and it was also available at a very favorable price compared to the competition, so we began testing their solution,” said the IT Director. IMPLEMENTATION Wizz Air’s engineers built a Windows 2003-based test server andconfigured three client PCs in order to test out the ESET Remote Administrator Server (ERAS). Once ERAS was successfullyconfigured and all the necessary policies were created, it was time to start testing the solution. “Our positive experience soon led us to extend the test to live clients, and after that we adopted the solution across the board,” said Zsolt Csernák. The launch went smoothly, with no di culties at all and ESET NOD32 Antivirus currently protects 500 client PCs distributed over 13 sites. Updates are load-balanced and distributed via mirror servers, preserving the company’s bandwidth, leaving more room for core business tasks. PROTECTED BY ESET Soon after installing ESET on endpoints, the protection was extended to the company’s MS Exchange server that handles tens of thousands of messages each day, as well to a network of file- and print-servers. “We have have positive feedback from our employees – they appreciate that ESET’s solution doesn’t slow down computer performance, while our system administrators are pleased with easy monitoring and management of company security” – says Zsolt Csernák.


Business tasks

Reduce Costs

Ensure Security and Business Continuity

Manage Risks


Malware infection via Internet, email, storage devices

Risk of attacks by hackers

Risk of data loss or damage

Risk of lost access to data and IT systems

High costs

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