Salesforce Commerce Cloud for clothing brand

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Seeking to deliver a more relevant, personalized experience to its shoppers, Icebreaker adopts Commerce Cloud Einstein, a fully-integrated artificial intelligence engine that creates personalized product recommendations for both known and anonymous shoppers at multiple points in their journey.  Why Commerce Cloud? In an A/B test against their existing predictive recommendation engine, Icebreaker found that its shoppers clicked on Commerce Cloud Einstein’s Product Recommendations 40% more often, leading to 28% more revenue from recommended products and an 11% overall increase in average order value.  By adopting Commerce Cloud Einstein, Icebreaker also eliminated integration and implementation costs, boosted cross-selling and upselling opportunities, and personalized the customer experience even further.  “If you’re not using this, you’re missing out on quite an opportunity.” - Brian Hoven, Global Head of eCommerce, Icebreaker



Low quality of customer service

Failure to attract new customers

Customer attrition

Low quality of customer support

Business tasks

Improve Customer Service

Increase Customer Base

Expand Sales Geography

Support Customers

Reduce Costs

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