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Blade Tool Output Integration Framework

Blade Tool Output Integration Framework (TOIF) is a powerful software vulnerability detection platform. It provides a standards-based environment that integrates the outputs of multiple vulnerability analysis tools in a single uniform view with unified reporting. It leverages OMG Software Assurance Ecosystem standards, Software Fault Patterns (SFPs), and Common Weakness Enumerations (CWEs) Composite Vulnerability Analysis & Reporting. Blade TOIF’s  plug-and-play  environment  provides  a  foundation  for  composite  vulnerability  analysis  by  normalizing,  semantically  integrating,  and  collating  findings from existing vulnerability analysis tools. Improves breadth and acccuracy of off-the-shelf vulnerability analysis tools. Provides powerful vulnerability analysis and management environment for analyzing, reporting and fixing discovered weaknesses. Seamless Integration. Out-off-the-box, Blade TOIF seamlessly integrates into the Eclipse Development Environment and with five open-source vulnerability analysis tools:
  • CppCheck
  • RATS
  • Splint
  • SpotBugs
  • Jlint
It  enables  strategic  use  of  commercial  and  open-source  vulnerability  analysis  tools and, in conjunction with its unified priority reporting, reduces the overall costs of performing a vulnerability assessment by 80%.

Blade TOIF Integration

Integrates into Eclipse development environment:
  • Execute Blade TOIF (desktop deployment) from within Eclipse with progress bar
  • Automatically see defect findings in Eclipse
  • Use the “TOIF Analyze” easy button in the Eclipse toolbar and in the Blade TOIF main menu
  • Run it on a sub-set of project files/ directories
  • Filter the defect findings listed in the Blade TOIF Findings view, based on the selected project data in the Project Explorer in Eclipse

Blade TOIF Key Capabilities

  • Integrates multiple vulnerability detection tools and their findings as “data feeds” into a common repository
  • Addresses wider breadth and depth of vulnerability coverage
  • Common processing of results
  • Normalizes and collates “data feeds” based on discernable patterns described as Software Fault Patterns (SFPs) and CWEs
  • Provides one prioritized report with weighted results across tools/vendors
  • Uses an RDF repository and provides external Java API for additional analysis capabilities
  • Integrates out-of-box with: CppCheck, RATS, Splint, SpotBugs and Jlint
  • Defect Description view provides information related to the cluster, SFP, and CWE description of the selected defect instance in the Blade TOIF Findings view
  • Defect findings, including citing information, can be exported to *.tsv file and subsequently imported to another Blade TOIF project
  • Installation wizard, auto-detection and configuration of open source software (OSS) static code analysis (SCA) tools
  • Supports load build integration to import results generated from the server/load build to the desktop
Combining Blade TOIF with our automated risk analysis platform, Blade Risk Manager, provides a comprehensive cybersecurity risk management solution that includes:
  • Automated risk analysis
  • Automated vulnerability detection and analysis
  • Traceability
  • Measurement and prioritization that make it easy to plan how to best leverage the risk management budget and resources for greatest impact
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Bright Security DAST Platform

DevOps moves quickly, and security isn’t keeping up. Developers are frustrated with security, AppSec professionals are exhausted, and security bottlenecks keep getting worse. As a result, vulnerabilities are pushed into production, increasing your organization’s risk of cyber attacks. Bright empowers AppSec teams to provide the governance for securing APIs and web apps while enabling developers to take ownership of the actual security testing and remediation work early in the SDLC. With dozens of different types of vulnerabilities that we test for, hundreds of attack vectors we use to test your application, and clear remediation guidelines when a vulnerability is found, you can rest assured the vulnerabilities we find are true with minimal false positives. Scan any type of web app or API​ Beyond static web applications, Bright can scan single-page apps (SPAs), various APIs and microservices, and server-side mobile applications. Scan all common API formats Bright works with REST, SOAP, and GraphQL APIs Scan APIs via Postman Collections or Swagger Upload a Postman Collection, or a Swagger file and Bright will parse it to define an optimized attack surface for your API endpoints Detect vulnerabilities with 10,000+ attacks Tests for dozens of vulnerabilities using thousands of payloads and attack variations, from common application security risks e.g. OWASP Top Ten to business logic flaws Verified findings for trusted results Our technology conducts two separate tests on each found vulnerability to verify the accuracy of findings, resulting in minimal to no false positives Remediation instructions that make sense For every detected issue, Bright provides all the information a developer needs to fix the issue immediately. Test every PR, all managed by YAML Security testing automation is now part of CI/CD pipelines. Automatically test every build, pull request or merge, detecting security flaws before they hit production using global .yml configuration files. Scan with every build Bright integrates into CI/CD pipelines using technologies like GitHub Actions, CircleCI, Jenkins, Azure Pipelines, Travis CI, GitLab, TeamCity and JFrog Pipelines. Start a scan from the CLI Stay in your terminal and configure, launch, and control scans with the Bright CLI. Say goodbye to complicated configurations with Bright’s scan templates Use predefined templates to run light scans, deep scans, scans optimized for API testing, rapid scans as part of unit testing, or check for OWASP and MITRE vulnerabilities. You can also create and use your own templates within your org. Easily run authenticated scans Scan login-protected resources within your target app or API. This includes multi-step authentication and common authentication methods, such as headers, forms, API calls and OAuth. Enterprise security: SSO & RBAC Bright offers Single Sign On (SSO) and role-based access control (RBAC), as well as project management so you can separate teams and what they can access. Integrate with your toolchain Bright works with all popular ticketing systems, including Jira,, Slack, Github, Azure Boards, and GitLab Boards
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Cybraics nLighten

The nLighten platform implements a unique and sophisticated artificial intelligence engine that rapidly learns your environment and alerts security teams to threats and vulnerabilities across the threat spectrum. Unlike other solutions, it does not rely on rules and signatures, but instead learns from your environment, security analysts, external sources and threat patterns from other environments. nLighten can detect unknown and insider threats, APTs and targeted attacks that other approaches miss, while reducing false positives to less than 5%. Benefits:

  • Detect unknowns
  • Improve Efficiencies
  • Lowest TCO
How it Works? JANUS - AI MACHINE ANALYST One of the most significant problems facing security teams today is the overwhelming amount of information they are faced with every day from disparate, unintegrated systems that generate very basic security alerts. The average enterprise is presented with 10,000 or more security alerts every month, and on average it takes a security analyst 10 to 15 minutes to properly review a single alert. With minimal alert prioritization and a false positive rate of 95%, this makes it impossible for security teams to focus on what matters. Janus, our AI machine analyst, automates the tedious task of triaging this alerts. Using active learning techniques, it is able to understand the context of the alerts and suppress the ones that are not relevant, resulting in a prioritized list of alerts for your team to review that has a false positive rate of less than 5%. DATA INGESTION The nLighten platform analyzes the raw data that you are already collecting. There is no need to deploy or manage sensors or collectors throughout your environment; simply transfer log and flow data through a secure and redundant connection such as Netflow, Firewall, Proxy, AD, DNS, VPN, web servers, custom applications, IoT & sensor logs, even employee access and travel logs. We can process virtually any log format. AUTOMATION, CONTROL & MANAGEMENT ENGINE nLighten sits on top of a big data platform and requires technologies and skill sets from across several disciplines. To automate the entire process, we have built a unique Automation, Control and Management Engine (codenamed ACME), which is the glue that brings all of the functionality together. Our proprietary engine that orchestrates the entire end-to-end process, providing real-time ingestion of data, cloud-like auto scaling, and full end-to-end automation, allowing for a continuous near-real-time analysis of your entire environment. USER INTERFACE Our UI has been designed specifically to enable your team to work with increased speed and efficiency through an intuitive, easy to use interface that provides rich dashboards for instant situational awareness, along with deep evidence bundles that integrate everything your team needs to complete their investigation in one place. ANALYTICS CORE Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be an incredible tool to drive efficiencies and aid in human decision making, especially when presented with an overwhelming amount of data and variables. It’s important to note that AI can only make decisions based on the information it is given. So if the input is only known threats, the AI is unable to provide information on unknown threats. That’s why our Analytics Core is comprised of Unsupervised Machine Learning. Unsupervised Machine Learning is the only way to identify unknown threats. Implementing a concept we refer to as Analytic Pluralism, our extensible, pluralistic core simultaneously runs dozens of unique analytics against your data, identifying anomalies that may be representative of threats or hygiene issues and passing those anomalies to Janus, our AI. No rules or signatures, just the most advanced set of machine learning. INTELLIGENCE ENGINE The Intelligence Engine gathers, distills and organizes intelligence and information from multiple sources, including information from raw logs about your environment, threat intelligence feeds, security analysts, third-party sources, and open source data. Janus uses this information to learn your environment and adapt to the threat landscape, making decisions about whether or not something is malicious, and then providing context with the alert to assist with rapid investigation. MANAGED SOC Security is about more than just intelligence; it’s about action. Our Managed SOC reviews all results, flagging any urgent alerts and ensuring your team has the context needed to take immediate action. Guided investigation services are built into our User Interface (UI), providing simple and integrated direct access to our Cyber Experts, if needed, who can work with your team to investigate flagged anomalies. DELIVERED AS A SERVICE The nLighten platform brings together best of class technology from across big data, AI, analytics and cloud. It can be an expensive and resource-intensive project for any organization to undertake on their own, costing tens of millions of dollars just for R&D, let alone the cost and complexity of deploying and managing a production environment that spans so many disciplines. This is why Cybraics offers the entire platform as a monthly recurring service; we can provide the most sophisticated security analytics and AI services available for a fraction of the cost to you, and scale to meet your organizations size and sophistication level.
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Faraday Platform

Faraday was made to let you take advantage of the available tools in the community in a truly multiuser way. Designed for simplicity, users should notice no difference between their own terminal application and the one included in Faraday. Developed with a specialized set of functionalities, users improve their own work. Do you remember the last time you programmed without an IDE? What IDEs are to programming, Faraday is to pentesting.


You feed data to Faraday from your favorite tools through Plugins. Right now there are more than 70+ supported tools. There are three Plugin types: console plugins which intercept and interpret the output of the tools you execute, report plugins which allows you to import previously generated XMLs, and online plugins which access Faraday's API or allow Faraday to connect to external APIs and databases. Supporting output from +70 tools, Faraday Platform centralizes all your efforts and gives sense to your main objectives. Providing powerful Automation Technology, it helps you reduce your findings’ life cycle by prioritizing actions and decreasing the exposure time of your assets, promoting collaboration by allowing big and small groups of people to work together. Plus, get deep insight on all your projects with just a couple clicks.

Key features

Custom Implementation. No infrastructure changes needed: implement Faraday On-prem, Cloud or Hybrid without network changes. Flexible Integrations. Import output or results from 3rd party tools and synchronize your ticketing systems (JIRA, ServiceNow) and security enhancements (2FA, LDAP) Workflows. Implement custom events by triggering actions or vulns' content in real time Deduplicate Vulns. Faraday's Global Vuln KB allows you to customize descriptions and apply them accordingly. Agents. Define and execute your own actions from different sources and automatically import outputs into your repository. Scheduler. Automate repetitive Agents' actions and check results on your Dashboard. Graphics. Get a visual representation of all your findings with just one click. Faraday Client. Solution’s  shell allows you to upload results while pentesting actively. Methodology and Tasks. Setup your own strategy, assign tasks to users for each phase and easily follow them up.

Choose the plan that best: fits your needs

Community Faraday supports the InfoSec Community around the globe by offering a free open source version that improves on daily workflows
  • Feed data to Faraday from your favorite tools
  • Divide projects by your own rules
  • Customize your instance
Professional Designed for small pentester teamwork. Integrate and report main data generated during a security audit.
  • Easily identify and sort your database
    Craft and export projects using your own templates
    Plan ahead and keep track of your goals
Corporate Operate large volumes of data and save time with the Automation Technology, reducing your findings’ life cycle
  • Prioritize actions, decreasing exposure time for your assets
  • Adapt strategies to customize every phase of your projects
  • Integrate everything!

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Greenbone Security Manager CENO

With a strong focus on 3rd party integration and open standards, the GSM is a best of breed security solution that enhances and supplements your security posture and allows a proactive approach to automated Vulnerability Life Cycle Management. The GSM CENO covers up to 500 IP addresses. The operational areas are small to medium enterprise IT or medium offices. GSM CENO is the solution for small to medium enterprise IT or medium branch offices.


  • Turn-key solution: operational within 10 minutes
  • Powerful appliance operating system Greenbone OS with command line administration bases on a comprehensive security design
  • Integrates the Greenbone Security Feed with over 69,900 Vulnerability Tests, automatically updated daily with the newest threat detection routines
  • Integrated GOS-Upgrade
  • Integrated Greenbone Security Assistant as central web interfaceNo limitation on number of target IP addresses (effective number depends on scan pattern and scanned systems)
  • Flat-rate subscription includes the Platinum Support package, the Greenbone Security Feed and feature updates

 Supported Standards

  • Network integration: SMTPS (Email), LDAP, RADIUS, DHCP, IPv4/IPv6
  • Vulnerability detection: CVE, CPE, CVSS, OVAL
  • Network scans: WMI, LDAP, HTTP, SMB, SSH, TCP, UDP, etc.
  • Policies: Baseline security, PCI-DSS, ISO 27001Web-based interface (HTTPS)
  • Scan tasks management with notes and false-positives marking
  • Multi-user support
  • Clustered and distributed scanning via sensor mode
  • Report browsing aided by filtering, sorting, annotating and risk scoring
  • Plugin framework for reports: XML, PDF, etc.
  • Appliance performance overviewIntegration (API)
  • Greenbone Management Protocol (GMP), secured
  • All user actions of web-based interface available via API
  • Easy integration with other applications using the API
  • Simple automation via command line tools Administration Console Interface
  • Network integration and configuration
  • UpgradeScan-Application
  • Scan Engine and Framework: Greenbone Vulnerability Manager (GVM)with integrated Greenbone Security Feed (GSF)
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Immunity CANVAS

Immunity's CANVAS makes available hundreds of exploits, an automated exploitation system, and a comprehensive, reliable exploit development framework to penetration testers and security professionals worldwide.

Single Installation License

  • includes one year of our standard monthly updates and support
  • unrestricted (no target IP address limitations)
  • full source code
  • Supported Platforms and Installations
  • Windows (requires Python & PyGTK)
  • Linux
  • All other Python environments such as mobile phones and commercial Unixes (command line version only supported, GUI may also be available)


  • CANVAS' completely open design allows a team to adapt CANVAS to their environment and needs.


  • all documentation is delivered in the form of demonstration movies
  • exploit modules have additional information
  • currently over 800 exploits
Immunity carefully selects vulnerabilities for inclusion as CANVAS exploits. Top priorities are high-value vulnerabilities such as remote, pre-authentication, and new vulnerabilities in mainstream software. Exploits span all common platforms and applications

Payload Options

  • to provide maximum reliability, exploits always attempt to reuse socket
  • if socket reuse is not suitable, connect-back is used
  • subsequent MOSDEF session allows arbitrary code execution, and provides a listener shell for common actions (file management, screenshots, etc)
  • bouncing and split-bouncing automatically available via MOSDEF
  • adjustable covertness level

Exploit Delivery

  • regular monthly updates made available via web
  • exploit modules and CANVAS engine are updated simultaneously
  • customers reminded of monthly updates via email

Exploit Creation Time

  • exploits included in next release as soon as they are stable

Effectiveness of Exploits

  • all exploits fully QA'd prior to release
  • exploits demonstrated via flash movies
  • exploit development team available via direct email for support
  • Ability to make Custom Exploits
  • unique MOSDEF development environment allows rapid exploit development

Product Support and Maintenance

  • subscriptions include email and phone support M-F 9am - 5pm EST, directly with development team
  • minimum monthly updates


CANVAS is a platform that is designed to allow easy development of other security products. Examples include DSquare's D2 Exploitation Pack, Intevydis' VulnDisco, Gleg's Agora and SCADA.
CANVAS Early Updates Program Immunity CANVAS is heavily QA'd and on a monthly release cycle, however a select number of Immunity's clients rely on up-to-the-minute vulnerability information as Immunity produces material. Immunity is often first to market with new exploits and proof of concept exploit code following "Microsoft Tuesdays". Until they are included in the next reliable monthly release of CANVAS Professional, these codes are available through the CANVAS Early Updates program. This code is often proof-of-concept early research, however its early availability allows our research team to share its results as soon as it is produced. CANVAS Early Updates customers include IDS vendors, vulnerability assessment vendors, and professional services organizations. End-users are provided with an increased level of confidence in our subscribers' products as they are able to verify protection or existence of a new vulnerability within hours of its announcement.

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NetSPI Penetration Testing as a Service

Penetration Testing as a Service

Your organization is always-on and your security should be too. NetSPI Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS) makes expert penetration testing team available for you when you need it. Whether it’s scoping a new engagement, parsing real-time vulnerability reports, assisting you with remediation, or keeping you compliant year round, PTaaS has you covered.

The Benefits of PTaaS

  • Enhanced Reporting.Live, consumable testing results are delivered via Resolve, our vulnerability management platform, giving you a single-pane view of vulnerabilities and allows you to drill down into the data to see trend analysis year over year.
  • Accelerated Remediation. Live, interactive reporting makes the path to remediation clear and easy. Integrate with your ticketing systems and remediation tools to streamline the remediation process.
  • Reduced Administrative Time. Spend more time delivering value to the business, and less time managing projects. From scoping to remediation, PTaaS removes administrative hassles and makes sure your pen tests start and end on time.
  • Scan Monster. Find vulnerabilities faster with NetSPI’s proprietary continuous scanning technology. Integrated with Resolve, vulnerabilities are automatically deduplicated and are verified by NetSPI’s pen testing team, bringing clarity to your results.

How it works?

Advisory Services

To fully recognize the value of your technical testing efforts and help ensure the greatest security posture for your organization, multiple Threat and Vulnerability Management (TVM) program elements need to work together harmoniously. NetSPI has developed a comprehensive framework that helps our clients thoughtfully consider the necessary elements of a TVM program.

Application Penetration Testing

NetSPI’s team of application security testing experts specialize in identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in Web, Mobile, and Thick Applications. Whether your application is hosted internally, or in the cloud, NetSPI evaluates applications for security vulnerabilities and provides recommendations to your company with clear, actionable remediation instructions to improve your overall security posture.

Network Penetration Testing

Attack surfaces have significantly increased with the explosion of cloud and IoT. NetSPI’s penetration testing supports you in identifying unauthorized access to your protected systems. Through a combination of External, Internal, and Wireless Network penetration testing, NetSPI can test your entire infrastructure.

Cloud Penetration Testing

Cloud penetration testing services will identify security gaps in your cloud infrastructure and provide you with actionable guidance for remediating vulnerabilities and improving your organization’s cloud security posture.

Adversarial Simulation

Companies continue to invest in security solutions, training, and managed service providers without fully testing their effectiveness. Let NetSPI help you assess those investments, and better understand where to spend time and money based on a true evaluation of your baseline detection and response capabilities. Adversarial simulation services can be customized to meet your needs and help you find the answers you’re looking for through Detective Control Reviews, Red Team Operations, & Social Engineering Engagements.

Continuous Penetration Testing

NetSPI’s Continuous Penetration Testing enhances your recurring deep-dive manual penetration tests with high-quality, low-cost touch points throughout the year. Scan Monster allows your networks and applications to be scanned at any rate you decide, with all asset and vulnerability information flowing directly into Resolve. All critical vulnerabilities are immediately escalated to NetSPI’s penetration testing team and verified within 48 hours.

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In a nutshell, PatrowlHears provides a unified source of vulnerability, exploit and threat Intelligence feeds. Users accesses a comprehensive and continuously updated vulnerability database scored and enriched with exploit and threat news information. These metadata are collected from public OSINT and private feeds. As today, it’s one of the most extended database of exploits and vulnerabilities (with or without CVE).


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Peach API Security

Integrating Peach API Security into your existing continuous integration (CI) system ensures that your product development teams receive immediate feedback on the security of your latest release. Finding vulnerabilities earlier in the product development lifecycle saves you time, money, and reputation. Organizations use Peach API Security to reveal and correct vulnerabilities in their web APIs.

Be A Hero. Every Day.

Peach API Security acts as a man-in-the-middle proxy, capturing data sent from your traffic generator and the test target. Once captured, this data is fuzz tested using company’s advanced automated web API security tool. Peach API Security makes testing a breeze. It provides meaningful data so your development team can prioritize vulnerability fixes.

How It Works

Peach API Security performs a series of security checks against your web APIs based on requirements laid out in the OWASP Top-10. By leveraging the automated testing that your development team already performs (i.e. unit tests), Peach intelligently executes a series of fuzz and passive security tests. Once configured, interactions will primarily occur through your existing build-system interfaces. Coverage of REST, SOAP, and JSON RPC web APIs are all supported. Peach API Security intelligently executes a series of fuzz tests and passive security tests on your web APIs. Comprehensive test results empower your team to mitigate security vulnerabilities. Each uncovered vulnerability includes actionable data. Leverage the power of Peach for your DevOps team. Finding vulnerabilities earlier in the product development lifecycle saves you time, money, and reputation.

CI Integration

Peach was designed to seamlessly integrate into your existing CI systems. Implemented as a step in the build pipeline, Peach blocks deployment of builds that are not secure. The results of Peach’s security tests are returned to the CI system, ensuring developers don’t have to exit their current build tools.

Testing Profiles

Configurable testing profiles allow you to balance the depth of testing with the time available to test.
Common profiles include:
  • Quick – Quick testing without fuzz testing, ideal for immediate results
  • Nightly – Quick testing with fuzz testing, ideal for nightly builds and quick results
  • Weekly – Complete testing, ideal for major product releases and complete test results


Peach API Security acts as a man-in-the-middle proxy, capturing traffic created by your existing automated testing. Once captured, this data is fuzzed by Peach and sent to the test target. Integrations with popular automated testing frameworks make capturing traffic easy. In addition, custom traffic generators using REST API, Java, .NET, and Python are all supported. SECURITY TESTING AND COMPLIANCE Peach API Security is a comprehensive testing tool that tests against the OWASP Top-10 and PCI Section 6.5. REPORTING
Comprehensive test results empower development teams to mitigate security weaknesses. Vulnerability data is automatically returned to your CI system. Faults are treated similarly to automation failures, blocking the release of a non-secure build. This enables developers to focus on fixing code, rather than making security decisions. Each vulnerability includes actionable data including:
  • Fault Message Data – Used to efficiently find and mitigate vulnerabilities
  • OWASP Mapping – Identifies which OWASP Top-10 requirement failed
  • Exploitability Difficulty and Impact – Helping your team prioritize vulnerability fixed

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Swascan Platform

The First Cyber Security Testing Platform

What is Swascan?

The platform allows to Identify,analyze and solve Cyber Security vulnerabilities and critical issues discovered on business assets. The first cloud based suite that allows you to:

  • identify
  • analyze
  • solve

Vulnerability Assessment

The Web App Scan is the automated service that scans for Web Vulnerabilities, this service identifies security vulnerabilities and criticalities of websites and web applications. A Vulnerability analysis is necessary to quantify risk levels and to provide the corrective actions needed for the remediation activity.

  • Web Application Scan
  • Security Testing
  • Reporting

Network Scan

Network Scan is the automated Network Vulnerability Scan service.This tool scans the infrastructure and the devices on it to identify security vulnerabilities and criticalities.The Vulnerability analysis is necessary to quantify risk levels and to provide the corrective actions needed for the remediation activity.

  • Network Scan
  • Security Testing
  • Compliance
  • Reporting

Code Review

Code Review is the automated tool for the static analysis of the source code. The Source Code analysis is aprocess that through the source code analysis of applications verifies the presence and effectiveness of minimum security standards.Code verification is useful to be sure that the target application has been developed in order to“auto-defend”itself in its own environment.

  • Security Code Review
  • Static Code Analysis
  • Compliance
  • Reporting

GDPR Assessment

GDPR Assessment is the Online Tool that allows companies to verify and measure their GDPR(General Data Protection Regulation–EU 2016/679)Compliance level.Swascan’s GDPR assessment tool provides guidelines and suggest corrective actions to implement terms Organization,Policy,Staff,Technology and Control Systems.

  • GDPR Self Assessment
  • GDPR Gap Analysis
  • Compliance
  • Reporting

On Premise

Swascan On premise is the Cyber Security Testing Platform which allows to identify,  analyze and solve all the vulnerabilities related to Corporate IT Assets in terms of websites,  web applications,  network and source code. It is an All-in-One platform that includes Web Application Vulnerability Assessment,Network Vulnerability Scan and Source Code Analysis services.

  • On Premise
  • Cyber Security Testing
  • Ensures the Technologic Risk Assessment
  • Compliance

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Sysdig Secure

Embed security and validate compliance With daily updates in a Kubernetes environment, it’s easy for new vulnerabilities to be introduced and applications to fall out of compliance. It can take days or weeks to detect and respond to container specific attacks, leaving your company open to data breaches and compliance fines. Teams don’t know how to get started easily with existing tools and struggle to plug them into their DevOps workflow. Ultimately, security and compliance can slow down application delivery. Built for Kubernetes and Container Security You need to automate and merge security and compliance into the DevOps workflow. Your tool of choice should provide core workflows that address security requirements across all stages of the Kubernetes lifecycle while integrating with your existing tools. Sysdig Secure Sysdig Secure embeds Kubernetes security and compliance into the build, run, and respond stages of the application lifecycle. Now, you can identify vulnerabilities, check compliance, block threats, and respond faster. This is powered by the open-source cloud native runtime security project called Falco. Features:
  • Image Scanning. Scan container images in the CI/CD pipeline and block vulnerabilities before they reach production.
  • Compliance. Validate compliance against standards like PCI, NIST, and SOC2 across the lifecycle of containers and Kubernetes
  • Runtime Security. Detect and block attacks, combining deep visibility into system calls with Kubernetes metadata, labels, and audit events.
  • Forensics and Audit. Record a snapshot of pre- and post-attack activity through system calls.
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Tripwire Enterprise

Tripwire Enterprise is a security configuration management (SCM) suite that provides fully integrated solutions for policy, file integrity and remediation management. Organizations can use these solutions together for a complete end-to-end SCM solution, or use its file integrity monitoring or policy management solutions on their own to address today’s pressing security and compliance challenges, while building a foundation that positions them to address tomorrow’s. The suite lets IT security, compliance, and IT operations teams rapidly achieve a foundational level of security throughout their IT infrastructure by reducing the attack surface, increasing system integrity and delivering continuous compliance. Plus, because Tripwire Enterprise integrates with enterprise applications to automate workflow with additional security point solutions like SIEMs and change management tools, organizations can broaden their security worldview and gain even greater efficiencies. A key IT enterprise security and compliance solution, Tripwire Enterprise supports a detect, respond and prevent strategy by:
  • Detection of cyber threats and possible breach activity by highlighting possible indicators of compromise.
  • Response to deviations with high value, low volume alerts with guidance on what to do to return the system to a known secure state.
  • Prevention through adapting and prioritizing threats and change deviations to maintain a consistently hardened and objective view of overall security posture across all devices and systems.
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Tripwire Industrial Visibility

The Deepest ICS Visibility Available As a Belden company, Tripwire understands ICS. Industrial operators count on Tripwire Industrial Visibility to decipher over 40 of the most common industrial protocols—more than any other ICS visibility solution. Maintain peak safety, quality, and uptime with passive scanning and agentless monitoring that won’t disrupt operations. Use virtual network segmentation for protocol-specific deep packet inspection firewall rules. Unmatched Threat Monitoring Defend your uptime with continuous threat monitoring. Tripwire Industrial Visibility uses sophisticated attack simulation. Understand your exposure and make adjustments to protect your most sensitive assets from attack. Reap the benefits of machine learning analysis of user behavior to pinpoint anomalies—even bad actors with good credentials. Real-Time Change Management Strong ICS security starts with a fixed baseline. Tripwire Industrial Visibility baselines your network and reads configuration changes as they’re made. High-resolution insights lead to fast recognition of penetration so you can reset your system to its last known good state. The solution automatically includes Tripwire® Log Center®, which gathers and aggregates event logs across your devices. Customize your dashboards to highlight critical events using a wide range of out-of-the-box normalization rules, and define correlation rules with a drag-and-drop interface. Flexible Deployment Options The Tripwire Industrial Appliance provides industrial organizations with a one-box solution for gaining visibility into their operational technology (OT) networks through a passive asset discovery approach. The solution is embedded with Tripwire Industrial Visibility (license needs to be purchased separately) and offers industrial and enterprise-grade hardware. It will soon offer optional bump-in-the-wire deployment capability designed for sensitive and large industrial environments without network disruption. Need to know exactly what’s on your network in real time? Experience total ICS intelligence at your fingertips.
  • MAP YOUR NETWORK. Machine learning isolates each asset on your network and maps the flow of traffic between them.
  • FIX VULNERABILITIES SOONER. Passive scanning detects CVEs without interrupting operations.
  • BLOCK ATTACK VECTORS. Threat modeling shows you how to protect your most sensitive assets.
  • AUTOMATE SECURITY CONTROLS. Change management and event logging catch deviations from your secure baseline.
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Ziften's Zenith

Ziften’s cloud-delivered endpoint protection platform prevents attacks on enterprise endpoints – laptops, desktops, servers, and cloud – with advanced AV, detection and response, plus visibility and hardening. The result is simple, continuous protection to stop attacks with the people and budget you already have. One Agent - Three Solutions: Advanced Anti-Virus Ziften Zenith’s new Advanced AV is built entirely on a foundation of AI leveraging proprietary algorithms to detect multiple attack vectors used by adversaries to breach corporate, government, and industrial endpoints. Unlike next-gen AV and traditional AV solutions that provide good protection against known or prevalent malware and little else, Ziften provides protection against a full range of attacks eliminating the need for ineffective system rollbacks and time-consuming reimaging. Endpoint Detection & Response Ziften Zenith’s EDR capability empowers security teams to speed post-breach threat detection, investigation, and incident response. Unlike other siloed EDR solutions that provide threat detection but limited visibility and context for investigation and remediation, Ziften provides unparalleled real-time and historical visibility to speed the human element of incident response. Visibility and Hardening Ziften Zenith’s Visibility and Hardening capability is an endpoint protection platform (EPP) game changer. Zenith enables security organizations to proactively harden their overall security posture while simplifying endpoint protection. Unlike other siloed EPP solutions that only focus on traditional security functions, Zenith provides unequalled holistic protection and security operations capabilities to reduce security risks, stop security breaches, all with the people and budget you already have. Features & Benefits: One Agent for All Endpoints
  • No new investment - 1 agent to replace AV, NGAV, EDR, IR, VM
  • No user impact - deploys with no system reboot
  • Little admin impact - simple to deploy and maintain
AI-Based Threat Prevention
  • Protect your business - stop threats with the power of the cloud, AI, and behavior analytics
  • Stop unknown attacks – block zero-day and mutated malware, and fileless attacks
  • Fewer alert investigations– reduce alerts through better prevention and systems hardening
Unparalleled Visibility
  • Know what’s happening- continuous visibility of all endpoints
  • Reduce the attack surface – harden your endpoints
  • Respond faster– speed incident response with data at your fingertips
Better IT Hygiene
  • Find and eliminate- unauthorized systems and applications
  • Track and harden- vulnerable and non-compliant endpoints
  • Save money - purge unnecessary hardware and software licenses
... Learn more

The ROI4CIO Product Catalog is a database of business software, hardware, and IT services. Using filters, select IT products by category, supplier or vendor, business tasks and problems. Find the right business solutions by using a neural network search based on the results of deployment products in other companies.