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Автоматизированная система контроля доступа и табельного учета Actima – это программно-аппаратный комплекс для полной автоматизации табельного учета и решения задач контроля и управления доступом работников, посетителей и транспорта на предприятие и его объекты. Actima реализована с использованием современных технических и программных средств, обеспечивающих многопользовательский доступ к информации, удобство в эксплуатации и гибкость системы. Основными пользователями Actima являются службы охраны и табельного учета предприятия. Она обеспечивает информацией другие службы, такие как: руководство предприятия, руководство производственных подразделений, планово-экономические службы, бухгалтерию и отдел кадров.

Основные выгоды Actima:
  • Повышение уровня безопасности предприятия и производственной дисциплины
  • Снижение потерь рабочего времени на 50%-90% от текущего уровня
  • Снижение затрат на персонал, занятый табельным учетом и начислением заработной платы
  • Формирование реального фонда оплаты труда, на основании точных данных о фактически отработанном времени
  • Обеспечение безопасности персонала и посетителей в аварийных ситуациях за счет установления их точного местонахождения
  • Оптимизация трудовых и транспортно-материальных потоков предприятия
  • Замена медленного бумажного документооборота быстрым электронным

Основные функции
  • Контроль и управление доступом на предприятие по основе индивидуальных прав допуска
  • Учет фактически отработанного времени
  • Информационное обеспечение плана ликвидации аварийных ситуаций
  • Сбор и хранение данных о регистрациях
  • Учет сведений об автотранспорте, персонале и посетителях предприятия
  • Самодиагностика работоспособности системы, оборудования, серверов и формирование аварийных, текущих и контрольных отчетов
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Hikvision Access Control

Complete, end-to-end solutions – from cameras to access controllers, from alarm relays to IP architecture, from door locks to DVRs, and more – have been meticulously engineered by the world’s largest R&D Development team in the security industry. Hikvision’s development facilities lead the industry in advancing the technology of every essential piece in an Access Control system. And we’re just getting started. The need for perimeter security – both indoor and outdoor – grows every day. But with years of experience guiding every decision, you know what needs to be done. Whether they are coming in or going out, you establish complete control with Hikvision’s Access Control system. We provide features like tamper-proof credential systems, MIFARE and contactless card readers, and multiple-input access modes for secure identity confirmation. Various communication interfaces and protocols are available as well, including TCP/IP network interface and Wi-Fi standalone terminals, and customers’ accounts always remain safe via RSA and AES encryptions. Hikvision is a name you can trust in security. SYSTEM TOPOLOGY A complete access control system consists of an access controller, card reader, exit button, lock, and software platform, along with any other needed accessories. Hikvision’s Access Control systems feature:
  • Access controller that downloads information from software, including the person ID, card number and permissions, granting access to specified personnel at assigned times.
  • Card readers to gather identifying information when a user is verified. The reader then sends the user card information to controllers and completes the verification process.
  • Fingerprint reader identifies user directly when pressed, sends and saves the user ID and records to controllers, and completes the verification process.
  • Door sensors that retrieve door status – when a door’s status is abnormal, an alarm will be triggered and a notification sent to management software.
  • Software to manage real-time events and monitor device status, as well as link up with other Hikvision devices.
ACCESS CONTROLLERS Hikvision’s Professional Access Controller DS-K2600 Series is designed for large-scale applications, including large office buildings and government projects. Integrated and managed using Hikvision software, the controllers provide maximum functionality and security. Key Features:
  • Multiple verifications with fingerprints & card readers
  • Connects to software and create reports for time and attendance tracking
  • System integration – supports TCP/IP and linkage to network cameras and fire alarm systems
  • Data protection – online and offline modes keep data secure in the device in case of a network interruption
  • Advanced access control functions such as anti-passback and interlock
  • Unique hardware design – this self-detecting system provides a fire alarm, backup wiring and a backup battery to maintain optimal system operation
PROFESSIONAL STANDALONE TERMINALS Hikvision’s new professional Standalone Terminals DS-K1T105 and DS-K1T201 feature acrylic panels and excellent craftsmanship. These advanced terminals support multiple access control functions and can link to Hikvision cameras for a wide range of uses in office buildings, factories and more. Key Features:
  • Supports TCP/IP, RS485, and Wi-Fi
  • Connects to software and create reports for time and attendance tracking
  • Advanced access control functions such as antipassback, interlock, and network camera linkage
  • Built-in cameras for face-detection and capture
ECONOMIC STANDALONE TERMINALS What is more convenient than installing a fingerprint scanner to track employee attendance in a small shop or restaurant? Why not use a fingerprint scanner at a door that only allows verified personnel to pass? Scanners have proven to be more effective in turning away curious customers than “staff only” labels. Hikvision’s new DS-K1A802 and DS-K1T804 scanners are sure to impress. And not just for their beauty and design! They feature the latest biometric fingerprint technology, adding both security and sophistication. Key Features:
  • Easy to operate – fingerprint and card recognition
  • Easy to install – convenient and flexible wall-mounted installation
  • Easy to manage – manage via Wi-Fi and mobile app
  • Easy to track – export time and attendance reports via USB, set shifts on the device locally, and easy to track attendance
ELEVATOR CONTROLLERS The Hikvision elevator access control system comprises of the master controller and distributed controllers. The master controller communicates with the software over TCP/IP; a distributed controller connects the master controller and elevator buttons via RS-485. The master controller can serve as the data center and download access authorization information from software for offline use. The system provides unique access authorization for different visitor via access cards. It’s able to manage up to 128 floors - suitable for most large, medium, and small projects. Key Features:
  • TCP/IP, RS485 uplink
  • RS485, Wiegand downlink
  • Multiple functions group
  • Abundant linkage interface
  • Tamper-proof
  • Control up to 128 floors
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Ivanti Device Control

Data leakage caused by the accidental or sometimes malicious use of removable devices and/or removable media has reached alarming levels. Ivanti® Device Control enforces security policies on removable device usage and data encryption. The solution centralizes management of devices and data using a whitelist / “default deny” approach, plus it provides an additional layer of protection against malware introduced via physical means. Protect Data from Loss or Theft With more employees working remotely, access is required from outside the network. But the potential impact of data loss, be it accidental or malicious, is a very real concern. Today, removable media / devices are the most common data leakage routes—no file copy limits, no encryption, no audit trails, and no central management. Ivanti Device Control enables the secure use of such productivityenhancing tools while limiting the potential for data leakage and its impact.

Key Features Whitelist / “Default Deny” Assigns permissions for authorized removable devices and media to individual users or user groups. By default, those devices / media and users not explicitly authorized are denied access. Policy-Enforced Encryption for Removable Storage Centrally encrypts removable devices (such as USB flash drives) and media (such as DVDs/CDs), plus enforces encryption policies when copying to devices / media. Data Copy Restriction Restricts the daily amount of data copied to removable devices and media on a per-user basis; also limits usage to specific time frames / days. File Type Filtering Controls file types that may be moved to and from removable devices / media on a per-user basis; helps limit malware propagation. Centralized Management / Administrators’ Roles Centrally defines and manages user, user groups, computer and computer groups access to authorized removable devices / media on the network. By default, those devices / media and users not explicitly authorized are denied access. Temporary / Scheduled Access Grants users temporary / scheduled access to removable devices / media; employed to grant access “in the future” for a limited period. Context-Sensitive Permissions Access / usage policies remain enforced regardless of connection status, and can be tailored whether the endpoint is connected to the network or not. Role-based Access Control Assigns permissions to individual users or user groups based on their Windows Active Directory or Novell eDirectory identity, both of which are fully supported. Tamper-proof Agent Installs agents on every endpoint on the network. Agents are protected against unauthorized removal—even by users with administrative permissions. Only Device Control Administrators may deactivate this protection. Flexible / Scalable Architecture Provides organization-wide control and enforcement using scalable client-server architecture with a central database that is optimized for performance. Supports virtualized server configurations. How Ivanti Device Control Works
  1. Discover all removable devices that are currently connected or have ever been connected to your endpoints.
  2. Assess all “plug and play” devices by class, group, model, and/or specific ID and define policy through a whitelist approach.
  3. Implement file copy limitations, file type filtering, and forced encryption policies for data moved onto removable devices.
  4. Monitor all policy changes, administrator activities, and file transfers to ensure continuous policy enforcement.
  5. Report on device and data usage to document compliance with corporate and/or regulatory policies.
Discover the Benefits of Ivanti Device Control
  • Protects data from loss / theft
  • Enables secure use of productivity tools
  • Enhances security policy enforcement
  • Delivers precise control with access limits
  • Prevents malware infiltration via physical means / mapping of centralized and decentralized management structures
  • Allows for monitoring of all file transfers to printers and physical media
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Мобильный терминал ВРТ800

Мобильный терминал К.BPT800 — мобильное решение для регистрации и контроля лиц, пересекающих контрольно-пропускные пункты. Обеспечивает качественную и быструю фиксацию биометрических данных.

  • Автоматическое считывание с машиносчитываемой зоны (MRZ) и чипов электронных документов (RFID)
  • Распознавание текстовых и биометрических данных (ICAO Document 9303)
  • Сканирование отпечатков пальцев (FBI)
  • Проверка соответствия и достоверности документов по базам данных
  • Поддержка возможности ввода данных вручную
  • Опредедение и фиксация координат GPS
  • Время непрерывной работы - 8 часов
  • Передача данных посредством GSM, GPRS, Wi-Fi
  • Голосовые вызовы через GSM сеть

ОБЛАСТИ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ Пограничный контроль в пунктах пропуска для:
  • Воздушного
  • Морского, речного
  • Железнодорожного
  • Автомобильного
  • Пешеходного сообщения
Правоохранительные органы
Медицинские учреждения
Государственные учреждения
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