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Highbond Platform


Take spreadsheets, manual processes, and collaboration struggles out of your team’s day and get back to focusing on high-value activities that help your organization achieve its goals. HighBond centralizes your activities in a purpose-built dashboard, and aggregates your data for real-time decision making and reporting.

Why choose HighBond?

STRATEGIC RISK VIEW & SINGLE SOURCE OF TRUTH Executives, boards, and oversight committees need intel on what could derail objectives and potential mitigation efforts. Regulators also frown on risk being managed in spreadsheets. HighBond gives you a centrally managed, holistic view of your risk balance-sheet. NO MORE SILOS & SPREADSHEETS Let dedicated technology do your heavy lifting. Plan, manage, execute, and report on your assurance projects in one system. TRIGGERED WORKFLOW REMEDIATION FOR FLAGGED RECORDS Get notified as soon as data analysis uncovers a potential issue. HighBond triggers remediation workflows to help you collaborate, keep tabs on remediation status, and track all efforts in a single system. ISSUE MANAGEMENT & TRACKING
Stop tracking issues over email and instead get a macro view of all your organizational issues, filtered by entity, project, owner, or severity—and check the remediation status with the click of a button. OFFLINE & REMOTE WORK Out in the field/away from the office? No problem. Unplug your PC or tablet, do your work, capture supporting documentation, and sync it all later. RISK ASSURANCE & FRAMEWORKS
Let the system keep you on track by modeling one or many common frameworks like COSO, ISO, SOX, OMB A-123, Green Book, COBIT, ITIL, SIEM, NIST, SOC, and many others. INVESTIGATIONS & FORENSIC WORKFLOWS
Security incidents, possible fraud, whistle-blower hotlines, special investigations, and forensics may all require escalations and workflow alerts. Manage these in a centralized, permissions-based workflow. REPORTING & VISUALIZATION
Senior managers just don’t have time to read the details. Your value is taking GRC complexity and distilling it into a compelling picture, story, dashboard, KPI/KRI, standard or custom report, which can be quickly understood and acted on PUBLIC SECTOR WORKFLOW
Plan, execute, and report on projects to protect expenditures of services and benefits with a workflow that eases your resource-strapped environment. UNCOVER MISSING RISKS
Excel analytics are incapable of uncovering 80% of the risks that matter. Assessing people responses is equally important to assessing entire data sets, and comprehensively integrating people, processes, and data reveals hidden strategic risks. SECURE, CLOUD-BASED SAAS
Enterprise-hosted environments suffer higher incident rates. While your IT’s expertise is running your business, our cloud infrastructure host’s expertise is stringent security. Free up your IT, better protect your data—and empower your users with continuous delivery of always up-to-date value-driving tools. TOOLS & RESOURCES
Your subscription includes online training, a global community of other Galvanize users and experts, a library of pre-built risk analysis scripts, a rich knowledge base, an inspirations platform of ideas, and complete user guides.

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The Orisecure Difference

THE ORISECURE platform is an Aggregation of malware protection, threat intelligence, governance risk compliance (GRC), and cyber range technologies.

Benefits For OT & IT infrastructures

Prevents malware intrusion, Provides network visibility with threat landscapes, real-time relevant threat alerts, risks analysis, financial impacts, and mass-customization of attack scenarios for training purposes. Unlike mundane committees, consultancies, and workshops it is fully automated and uses Machine Learning to empower employees with effective technology. ORISECURE is a Cost-effective one-stop-shop using other methodologies than empirical based detections and burdensome in-house developments, installations, or maintenance.

All-in one platform. ORISECURE platform provides:

  • flexibility & scalability
  • malware protection
  • threat intelligence
  • legal & compliance risks reporting
  • assets & technologies monitoring (OT & IT)
  • cyber range simulations for trainning


  • Out-Of-Band Authentication. ProtectID can protect your various authenticated accounts and accesses, by generating and using an Out-Of-Band Authentication method.
  • Disarmer API. Enhance Your Application's Security & Capabilities with OF-SDS Disarmer API
  • Disarmer for REMOVABLE DEVICES. Disarmer for Removable Devices Eliminate one of the Highest Risks to your Network with CDR Protected Technology
  • Disarmer FOR CONTENT COLLABORATION PLATFORMS. Cleanse your Entire Enterprise File Synchronization and Sharing Process from Zero-day Threats
  • Disarmer FOR WEB. Taking Secure Web Gateway to the Next Level Unmonitored browsing poses a substantial risk to your enterprise.
  • Disarmer FOR EMAIL. Secure Your Email Gateway from Evasive Zero-Day Attacks


  • Dynamic Trend Analysis. ORISECURE is a must have - the flood of threat intelligence and defensive information can no longer be analysed manually.
  • Decision Support Management. ORISECURE Audit & Governance elevates the level of the economic buyer beyond operational/technical management to business management
  • Maturity Assessment. Adaptive computation of compliance to unit-specific and organisational wide policies
  • Security Posture Assessment/ Consolidated View Of Cybersecurity Risks
  • Enterprise Management Console. Consolidated Management with Multi-site View of Traffic, Assets and Activities and an easy Integration With Security Tools
  • Secure Remote Access. ORISECURE Secure Remote Access minimizes the risks remote users, including employees and 3rd parties, introduce to OT networks.
  • Continuous Threat Detection (CTD). ORISECURE's flagship product, Continuous Threat Detection, provides extreme visibility, continuous threat and vulnerability monitoring, and deep insights into ICS networks.
  • Industrial Control Systems Governance
  • Operation Technologies Cyber Threat Detection


  • OCISM - Cyber Interception, Surveillance & Monitoring. Cyber Interception, Surveillance & Monitoring
  • Automatic Intelligence Collection (DARK/DEEP/OSINT).
  • Cyber Warfare/Resilience Training. Comprehensive Cyber Warfare Curriculum Cyber Learning Management System (CLMS) Virtualized, private-cloud based Cyber Lab Scalable, certified data-center hardware specifications

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RedHawk Managed SIEM

A staggering 27 percent of IT professionals receive more than one million threat alerts daily, according to a recent survey by Imperva. With malware multiplying, an increase in phishing schemes, and cyber criminals taking organizations hostage, the need to be watchful and vigilant is more important than ever. A technology such as Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) can help you monitor your intrusion points 24x7x365 and combat cyberthreats.But the problem most organizations face is implementing, managing, and monitoring yet another technology. They find the process of managing a SIEM daunting, much like trying to find a needle in a haystack. That’s where Redhawk fits in. A correctly-tuned SIEM can help find the needle and also reduce the number of resources required to manage your security program. For resource-constrained companies, Redhawk’s Managed SIEM Solution provides maximum security benefits with minimal associated costs. Increasingly sophisticated threats and changing attack methods now require a different approach. Redhawk Network Security provides a dynamic Managed SIEM Solution, powered by AlienVault®, to meet your needs. Thee can help you implement a SIEM solution and manage it every step of the way, including the “tuning” period, where we tune the SIEM alerting to your specific environment.  Think of SIEM as keeping a watchful eye on all of your data points, looking for suspicious activity, with quick visibility and fast response times so that you are flagged right away. By monitoring your network traffic and threat points, a SIEM can aggregate all of your logs into one source to detect and flag any type of compromise or suspicious activity, such as malware or multiple failed logins. Redhawk Network Security have the expertise and capabilities to provide the advanced security services you require to stay secure and minimize risks to your organization and the information you manage. Fully-managed, end-to-end SIEM solution, including the initial set-up, and tuning to your environment to ensure reliable and accurate security monitoring:
  • Redhawk installs and set ups the SIEM solution and tune it to your specific environment.
  • Team continually tune the service, answering every alarm, making adjustments along the way.
  • 24x7x365 Monitoring and Incident Response.
  • Threat mitigation and remediation expertise.
  • Periodic reports on your schedule in the format you choose
  • You have access to up-to-date threat intelligence with access to the AlienVault® Open Threat Exchange® (OTX)
  • This is certified compliant with PCI DSS, HIPAA, and SOC 2
  • Threat detection across all environments: AWS, Azure, on-premises, and cloud applications such as Office 365 and G Suite

All of the Security Essentials in One Platform

Redhawk can help you eliminate the complexity and costs of managing multiple, disparate points with a unified platform that delivers all the security essentials required for effective threat detection, incident response, and compliance management. This includes: Asset Discovery Visibility into who and what is connected to the network at all times Vulnerability Assessment Automated asset scanning to identify vulnerabilities and exposure Intrusion Detection Centralized threat detection across all environments Behavioral Monitoring Identification of suspicious behavior and network anomalies SIEM and Log Management Correlation and analysis of security event data from across the network Compliance Management Continuous monitoring, compliant log storage, and built-in reporting Threat Intelligence Real-time, validated intelligence on the latest threats and attack methods

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Unified VRM

Converging Machine Learning and Offensive Security for Intelligent Prioritization

NopSec empowers organizations to make more informed risk decisions.Unified VRM consolidates and prioritizes risks, putting an end to vulnerability fatigue. Integration with IT products improves communication and workflow between IT and Security teams. The result? Dramatically reduced remediation times, reducing exposure to critical vulnerabilities.

Have questions about your vulnerabilities? NopSec has answers.

Unified VRM can analyze massive amounts of vulnerability data and zero in on the few issues that represent real risk for your organization. This allows you to quickly identify and address major risks, while safely postponing less important issues. Prioritization: Before an analyst ever lays eyes on the data, Unified VRM analyzes imported vulnerabilities, removes false positives and prioritizes the results. Automated Assignments: In many organizations, the task of assigning vulnerabilities to asset owners is a manual process. Unified VRM handles this process automatically - reducing manual, repetitive tasks. NopSec’ Innovations; Your Workflow: Company’s strategic integrations mean that Unified VRM extends beyond simply making sense of vulnerabilities. Thanks to ITSM integrations, tasks can be assigned in industry-standard ticketing systems like Jira, ServiceNow and Remedy. Unified VRM can also select the correct patches and queue them up in patch management solutions like Microsoft SCCM. Reduced Noise: Unified VRM automatically deduplicates vulnerability data and is intelligent enough to create a single ticket (rather than hundreds or thousands of duplicates) when a single vulnerability spans multiple assets controlled by a single owner. Powerful Search and Filtering: Unified VRM makes it easy for analysts to find what they’re looking for. Flexible Reporting: Report on data by group or owner - vulnerability or host. Export raw data for import into other tools or export PDFs for more formal uses. NopSec’s third party integrations are strategically focused to automate the most repetitive and time-consuming tasks related to vulnerability management. These currently include ticketing and patch management
Ticketing Automation. Unified VRM can automatically create tickets, assign them to the correct parties and validate remediation work when tickets are closed in external systems. In many organizations, a full-time resource is often dedicated to this task. Not with Unified VRM. Patching Automation. Unified VRM can identify and isolate the specific patches related to a vulnerability, download them and create deployment packages.

E3 Engine

Systems report that patches have been applied, but is that really true? Perhaps the issue really has been fixed, or perhaps it is still vulnerable, because the patch only takes effect after a reboot. E3 Engine can provide a ‘second opinion’ by directly validating that the vulnerability no longer exists. It does this by safely simulating attacks against the affected resources. This makes it possible to drastically reduce false positives and further facilitates prioritization.

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