As a technology enterprise, CryptoTec AG provides high-security solutions for connecting decentralized computer systems. In doing so, it is irrelevant whether communication takes place between people or machines. CryptoTec‘s customers expect the highest security.
As a provider of security concepts and encryption solutions, the founders of CryptoTec AG can revert to more than 25 years of expertise particularly for developing and implementing security measures between decentralized, computerized systems. This expertise which is applied on a daily basis and successes in combating thousands of system attacks has resulted in a major competitive edge.
The key to success can be found in the interaction of CryptoTec AG’s CryptoLib and a fully automated Public-Key-Infrastructure (PKI).
Headquartered in Germany, CryptoTec AG is subject to stable legislation that is acknowledged and appreciated around the world. Strict data protection regulations in Germany ensure a legally certain environment without government restrictions. As a result, the laws applicable in Germany provide for solutions that cannot be infiltrated or compromised. Customers highly appreciate this fact. But also foreign companies and institutions rely on CryptoTec AG when building up their infrastructure for communications.
Source: https://www.cryptotec.com/about-us/