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Hopin is built knowing every event is unique.\r\n<ul> <li>Attend full-fledged live events</li> <li>Join hands-on sessions</li> <li>Visit expo booths</li> <li>Meet 1-on-1</li> </ul>\r\n\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">All the event features you need — all in one place</span>\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Reception</span></span>\r\nWelcome your attendees in your event's Reception area, where you can showcase your sponsors, display your schedule, and orient your audience for a great time.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Stage and backstage</span></span>\r\nThe Hopin Stage lets you broadcast your content to hundreds of thousands of people on live video.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Sessions</span></span>\r\nThe Hopin Sessions area is for live group breakouts, where attendees can gather around virtual roundtables and collaborate.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Networking</span></span>\r\nNetworking lets you network just like you would at an in-person event. Our connection discovery tool pairs people up in one-on-one conversations via live video.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Expo</span></span>\r\nThe Hopin Expo area is your virtual vendor booth exhibition hall. Build booths with pre-recorded video or live video, customizable CTA buttons, and dedicated chatrooms.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Registrations</span></span>\r\nDesign your event's landing page and promote away! Sell tickets, manage registrations, and monitor signups from your event dashboard.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Recordings and analytics</span></span>\r\nStrengthen your marketing efforts and sponsorship packages with the recordings, insights, and attendee data generated from your Hopin events.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Team management</span></span>\r\nInvite team members to join your Hopin organization and work together in the admin dashboard to plan and execute a fantastic Hopin event.","shortDescription":"Hopin is an all-in-one event management platform that makes planning, producing, and reliving event experiences easier than ever.","type":"Software","isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":0,"sellingCount":0,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Hopin","keywords":"","description":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">The most interactive online event yet with Hopin<br /></span>\r\nHopin is a virtual venue with multiple interactive areas that are optimized for connecting and engaging. 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This has led to many benefits for both event planners and attendees alike.\r\nA virtual event, also known as an online event, is an interactive gathering that happens on the internet. Unlike in-person events, virtual ones aren't restricted to a single location. A remote attendee can join and participate from anywhere in the world, given he or she has access to the web.\r\nSome events are completely virtual and every guest attends sessions from the comfort of their own home, favorite coffee shop, or wherever they might be. Others have both in-person and virtual components. Some attendees visit the actual event location and others stream the festivities from their computer.\r\nThere are many reasons why virtual events are valuable. First off, virtual events allow the individuals or companies hosting them to reach a wider audience. Were you to host your event in New York City, for example, not every person in your audience would be able to attend due to the cost of travel. With a virtual event, travel isn't an issue.\r\nIn general, virtual events are also much cheaper to put on. Event planners don't have to book a giant venue or hire a bunch of temporary staff. These cost savings can then be passed on to each virtual attendee in the form of lower ticket prices.\r\nLastly, virtual events are extremely measurable. Companies can easily learn which sessions were the most popular, how many people attended, where those attendees live, how they paid for their tickets, and much more. Just about every attendee action can be easily tracked and analyzed. This information can then be used to improve event strategy.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn an industry with lots of jargon and acronyms flying about, it’s easy to become bamboozled by terminology. However, in the case of virtual events, there’s little room for ambiguity – they are as they sound – events that take place completely online. Supported by specialist AV technology, virtual events negate the need for a physical location and work to bring people together virtually from across the world. Whilst a virtual event can’t replace the power and value of in-person interactions, they’re an effective tool that can be an engaging and immersive alternative to delivering business content and information.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How many people can attend a virtual event?</span>\r\nVirtual events have the capacity to facilitate large audience numbers: from hundreds of thousands to thousands, hundreds or smaller groups. Understanding, from the outset, what you want to achieve from your event and the complexity of the program, will provide a good guide to how many attendees should be invited.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How do attendees gain access to a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn theory, this is an easy one to answer: attendees will receive an invite with access details, which will allow them to enter the virtual event on the date and time outlined. However, before this happens, there are some important things for you to consider first, including:\r\n<ul><li>Are you charging an entry fee for the event?</li><li>Will the event be live, on-demand or a combination of the two?</li><li>How will you market your event, so your audience knows it’s taking place and want to be part of it?</li><li>Is your audience tech-savvy? Might they need a pre-event virtual guide/tour, so they are familiar with how to join and the features of a virtual event set up?</li></ul>\r\nHaving questions like these answered will define the platform required, help maximize attendance and optimize your delegates overall experience of the virtual event offering.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What are the main benefits of a virtual event?</span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Scope:</span> Whilst not all events will suit a virtual treatment, many programs can be adapted into a digital format. It really comes down to your objectives and whether or not these can be achieved through holding an online event.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Accessibility:</span> Expand the reach of your brand without the need for travel. Not only can virtual events connect you with a global audience in real-time, but with event recording, event content can be made available on-demand; providing more opportunities for people to consume your content at a time that suits their schedule best. What’s more, all that attendees and speakers need to attend/talk is a computer, laptop, or mobile device and a good, reliable internet connection.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Engagement:</span> In-person events are unrivaled in their ability to engage and facilitate real human-to-human connections through creative interactions. For this reason, you might be concerned that virtual events can’t engage audiences. Whilst there’s no escaping the fact that there are limitations vs face-to-face meetings, there are lots of potentials to mix rich content with live polling, Q&As and whiteboards to keep engagement levels high throughout sessions. Social media can also be employed as a great engagement tool – use event hashtags, encourage attendees to post images of their highlights from the event, and get imaginative with other ways a sense of community can be created via social channels.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Multiple or Single Content Experiences:</span> As with physical events, virtual events offer the opportunity to run multiple content streams concurrently; allowing different speakers to host sessions simultaneously and giving attendees the option to select sessions most relevant to them. If this isn’t required for your event, then a multiple single content experience may be a better fit.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Networking:</span> While there’s no escaping the fact that in-person events are the most conducive way to network and make meaningful business connections, networking can still be factored into a virtual event program. Give attendees the chance to schedule one-on-one time or assemble into group breakouts, where they can speak to each other, your team, sponsors or speakers over the internet. A range of tools can be used to ensure attendees can leverage the best from their interactions.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Insight:</span> The metrics and data insights that can be captured from virtual event platforms can help measure ROI and success against pre-defined KPIs. Information derived can be used to articulate if your event was successful and to influence future event decision making.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Is there a potential to incorporate sponsorship?</span>\r\nYes. Virtual event spaces, presentations and other assets can be customised to reflect your branding and the branding of any sponsors you may partner with. This maximises brand exposure and maintains a sponsor revenue stream coming into your event.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Can virtual events be used as part of a hybrid event strayegy?</span>\r\nAbsolutely. Incorporating virtual events with a holistic approach can be a good way to enhance your existing event strategy. Integrating virtual events into your wider events and meetings program will give you an additional tool to utilize alongside your live events; extending reach and engagement with your audience further.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/1999104__1_.png"}],"characteristics":[{"id":2115,"title":"VR Lobby","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":true,"options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2117,"title":"VR Booths","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":true,"options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2119,"title":"360 Degree Panoramic Images/videos","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2123,"title":"Attendee Management","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":true,"options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2801,"title":"Badges with QR","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2125,"title":"Multiple Sessions","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":true,"options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2127,"title":"Attendees Plans","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2129,"title":"Live Streaming","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":true,"options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2131,"title":"On-demand Content Streaming","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2133,"title":"Simulated-live Event","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2135,"title":"Text, audio/video chatting with booth representatives","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":true,"options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2137,"title":"Presentation Tools","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2139,"title":"Webex, Zoom Integration","required":0,"type":"multiselect","templateId":113,"value":"N/A","options":["Webex","Zoom"]},{"id":2803,"title":"Face Recognition","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2141,"title":"Customizable Branding","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2143,"title":"Leads Management","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2145,"title":"Pre-built Templates","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2147,"title":"Schedule 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Content","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2163,"title":"Polls","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2165,"title":"Q&A","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2167,"title":"Gamification","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2169,"title":"Analytics & Reports","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":true,"options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2171,"title":"Event Metrics","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2173,"title":"ROI Measuring","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2175,"title":"CRM Integration","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2177,"title":"Mobile Access","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2179,"title":"24/7 Live Support","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":113,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}}],"concurentProducts":[{"id":6656,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/content/CCI_sm.jpg","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Communique Virtual Event Platform","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"0.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"communique-virtual-event-platform","companyTitle":"Communique Conferencing, Inc.","companyTypes":["supplier","vendor"],"companyId":9186,"companyAlias":"communique-conferencing","description":null,"shortDescription":"Enterprise-grade, cloud-based, virtual event platform translates exhibit halls, booths, engaging presentations & networking into a highly customizable 3D virtual environment.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":0,"sellingCount":0,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Communique Virtual Event Platform","keywords":"","description":"","og:title":"Communique Virtual Event Platform","og:description":"","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/content/CCI_sm.jpg"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":6656,"dealDetails":{"avgPartnerDiscount":0,"dealProtection":1,"avgDealSize":0,"dealSizeCurrency":"","avgDealClosing":0},"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":113,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":864,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms","alias":"virtual-event-platforms","description":" Virtual events are on the rise. As technology progresses, it has made it possible for companies to host amazing online events - ones that even rival in-person versions. This has led to many benefits for both event planners and attendees alike.\r\nA virtual event, also known as an online event, is an interactive gathering that happens on the internet. Unlike in-person events, virtual ones aren't restricted to a single location. A remote attendee can join and participate from anywhere in the world, given he or she has access to the web.\r\nSome events are completely virtual and every guest attends sessions from the comfort of their own home, favorite coffee shop, or wherever they might be. Others have both in-person and virtual components. Some attendees visit the actual event location and others stream the festivities from their computer.\r\nThere are many reasons why virtual events are valuable. First off, virtual events allow the individuals or companies hosting them to reach a wider audience. Were you to host your event in New York City, for example, not every person in your audience would be able to attend due to the cost of travel. With a virtual event, travel isn't an issue.\r\nIn general, virtual events are also much cheaper to put on. Event planners don't have to book a giant venue or hire a bunch of temporary staff. These cost savings can then be passed on to each virtual attendee in the form of lower ticket prices.\r\nLastly, virtual events are extremely measurable. Companies can easily learn which sessions were the most popular, how many people attended, where those attendees live, how they paid for their tickets, and much more. Just about every attendee action can be easily tracked and analyzed. This information can then be used to improve event strategy.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn an industry with lots of jargon and acronyms flying about, it’s easy to become bamboozled by terminology. However, in the case of virtual events, there’s little room for ambiguity – they are as they sound – events that take place completely online. Supported by specialist AV technology, virtual events negate the need for a physical location and work to bring people together virtually from across the world. Whilst a virtual event can’t replace the power and value of in-person interactions, they’re an effective tool that can be an engaging and immersive alternative to delivering business content and information.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How many people can attend a virtual event?</span>\r\nVirtual events have the capacity to facilitate large audience numbers: from hundreds of thousands to thousands, hundreds or smaller groups. Understanding, from the outset, what you want to achieve from your event and the complexity of the program, will provide a good guide to how many attendees should be invited.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How do attendees gain access to a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn theory, this is an easy one to answer: attendees will receive an invite with access details, which will allow them to enter the virtual event on the date and time outlined. However, before this happens, there are some important things for you to consider first, including:\r\n<ul><li>Are you charging an entry fee for the event?</li><li>Will the event be live, on-demand or a combination of the two?</li><li>How will you market your event, so your audience knows it’s taking place and want to be part of it?</li><li>Is your audience tech-savvy? Might they need a pre-event virtual guide/tour, so they are familiar with how to join and the features of a virtual event set up?</li></ul>\r\nHaving questions like these answered will define the platform required, help maximize attendance and optimize your delegates overall experience of the virtual event offering.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What are the main benefits of a virtual event?</span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Scope:</span> Whilst not all events will suit a virtual treatment, many programs can be adapted into a digital format. It really comes down to your objectives and whether or not these can be achieved through holding an online event.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Accessibility:</span> Expand the reach of your brand without the need for travel. Not only can virtual events connect you with a global audience in real-time, but with event recording, event content can be made available on-demand; providing more opportunities for people to consume your content at a time that suits their schedule best. What’s more, all that attendees and speakers need to attend/talk is a computer, laptop, or mobile device and a good, reliable internet connection.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Engagement:</span> In-person events are unrivaled in their ability to engage and facilitate real human-to-human connections through creative interactions. For this reason, you might be concerned that virtual events can’t engage audiences. Whilst there’s no escaping the fact that there are limitations vs face-to-face meetings, there are lots of potentials to mix rich content with live polling, Q&As and whiteboards to keep engagement levels high throughout sessions. Social media can also be employed as a great engagement tool – use event hashtags, encourage attendees to post images of their highlights from the event, and get imaginative with other ways a sense of community can be created via social channels.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Multiple or Single Content Experiences:</span> As with physical events, virtual events offer the opportunity to run multiple content streams concurrently; allowing different speakers to host sessions simultaneously and giving attendees the option to select sessions most relevant to them. If this isn’t required for your event, then a multiple single content experience may be a better fit.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Networking:</span> While there’s no escaping the fact that in-person events are the most conducive way to network and make meaningful business connections, networking can still be factored into a virtual event program. Give attendees the chance to schedule one-on-one time or assemble into group breakouts, where they can speak to each other, your team, sponsors or speakers over the internet. A range of tools can be used to ensure attendees can leverage the best from their interactions.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Insight:</span> The metrics and data insights that can be captured from virtual event platforms can help measure ROI and success against pre-defined KPIs. Information derived can be used to articulate if your event was successful and to influence future event decision making.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Is there a potential to incorporate sponsorship?</span>\r\nYes. Virtual event spaces, presentations and other assets can be customised to reflect your branding and the branding of any sponsors you may partner with. This maximises brand exposure and maintains a sponsor revenue stream coming into your event.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Can virtual events be used as part of a hybrid event strayegy?</span>\r\nAbsolutely. Incorporating virtual events with a holistic approach can be a good way to enhance your existing event strategy. Integrating virtual events into your wider events and meetings program will give you an additional tool to utilize alongside your live events; extending reach and engagement with your audience further.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/1999104__1_.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":6793,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/zuddl.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Zuddl","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"0.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"zuddl","companyTitle":"Zuddl","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":9390,"companyAlias":"zuddl","description":"<h4>Zuddl is a platform for virtual, large-scale events that helps you run events that are truly immersive, ensuring a memorable experience for organizers, speakers, attendees, and sponsors alike.</h4>\r\nZuddl's self-serving platform is designed to provide a stress-free experience for organizers with the ability to configurable the look and feel of their event exactly the way they want it. There are booths, rooms, stage, and lobby available. From the main dashboard, you can overview everything, that is going on and manage every aspect of the event, keeping everyone in sync.\r\nIt provides ready-to-use design templates and customization tools that make it easy to drive brand visibility and value. Additionally, to more than a hundred templates, You can customize any part of a stage, booth, and lobby with widgets. \r\nThe solution offers AI-Powered matchmaking: there is automatic networking, that lets your attendees book one-to-one meetings with their best matches. The option of the intuitive backstage allows a seamless transition from live sessions to recorded ones and vice versa.\r\nAfter the event, Zuddl provides advanced analytics: attendee traffic, engagement, and buyer intent across the event, all in real-time. Last but not least, it is SO 27001 certified and GDPR Compliant.<br /><br /><br />","shortDescription":"Create branded virtual events that can go live in minutes.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":0,"sellingCount":0,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Zuddl","keywords":"","description":"<h4>Zuddl is a platform for virtual, large-scale events that helps you run events that are truly immersive, ensuring a memorable experience for organizers, speakers, attendees, and sponsors alike.</h4>\r\nZuddl's self-serving platform is designed to provide a st","og:title":"Zuddl","og:description":"<h4>Zuddl is a platform for virtual, large-scale events that helps you run events that are truly immersive, ensuring a memorable experience for organizers, speakers, attendees, and sponsors alike.</h4>\r\nZuddl's self-serving platform is designed to provide a st","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/zuddl.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":6793,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":864,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms","alias":"virtual-event-platforms","description":" Virtual events are on the rise. As technology progresses, it has made it possible for companies to host amazing online events - ones that even rival in-person versions. This has led to many benefits for both event planners and attendees alike.\r\nA virtual event, also known as an online event, is an interactive gathering that happens on the internet. Unlike in-person events, virtual ones aren't restricted to a single location. A remote attendee can join and participate from anywhere in the world, given he or she has access to the web.\r\nSome events are completely virtual and every guest attends sessions from the comfort of their own home, favorite coffee shop, or wherever they might be. Others have both in-person and virtual components. Some attendees visit the actual event location and others stream the festivities from their computer.\r\nThere are many reasons why virtual events are valuable. First off, virtual events allow the individuals or companies hosting them to reach a wider audience. Were you to host your event in New York City, for example, not every person in your audience would be able to attend due to the cost of travel. With a virtual event, travel isn't an issue.\r\nIn general, virtual events are also much cheaper to put on. Event planners don't have to book a giant venue or hire a bunch of temporary staff. These cost savings can then be passed on to each virtual attendee in the form of lower ticket prices.\r\nLastly, virtual events are extremely measurable. Companies can easily learn which sessions were the most popular, how many people attended, where those attendees live, how they paid for their tickets, and much more. Just about every attendee action can be easily tracked and analyzed. This information can then be used to improve event strategy.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn an industry with lots of jargon and acronyms flying about, it’s easy to become bamboozled by terminology. However, in the case of virtual events, there’s little room for ambiguity – they are as they sound – events that take place completely online. Supported by specialist AV technology, virtual events negate the need for a physical location and work to bring people together virtually from across the world. Whilst a virtual event can’t replace the power and value of in-person interactions, they’re an effective tool that can be an engaging and immersive alternative to delivering business content and information.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How many people can attend a virtual event?</span>\r\nVirtual events have the capacity to facilitate large audience numbers: from hundreds of thousands to thousands, hundreds or smaller groups. Understanding, from the outset, what you want to achieve from your event and the complexity of the program, will provide a good guide to how many attendees should be invited.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How do attendees gain access to a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn theory, this is an easy one to answer: attendees will receive an invite with access details, which will allow them to enter the virtual event on the date and time outlined. However, before this happens, there are some important things for you to consider first, including:\r\n<ul><li>Are you charging an entry fee for the event?</li><li>Will the event be live, on-demand or a combination of the two?</li><li>How will you market your event, so your audience knows it’s taking place and want to be part of it?</li><li>Is your audience tech-savvy? Might they need a pre-event virtual guide/tour, so they are familiar with how to join and the features of a virtual event set up?</li></ul>\r\nHaving questions like these answered will define the platform required, help maximize attendance and optimize your delegates overall experience of the virtual event offering.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What are the main benefits of a virtual event?</span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Scope:</span> Whilst not all events will suit a virtual treatment, many programs can be adapted into a digital format. It really comes down to your objectives and whether or not these can be achieved through holding an online event.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Accessibility:</span> Expand the reach of your brand without the need for travel. Not only can virtual events connect you with a global audience in real-time, but with event recording, event content can be made available on-demand; providing more opportunities for people to consume your content at a time that suits their schedule best. What’s more, all that attendees and speakers need to attend/talk is a computer, laptop, or mobile device and a good, reliable internet connection.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Engagement:</span> In-person events are unrivaled in their ability to engage and facilitate real human-to-human connections through creative interactions. For this reason, you might be concerned that virtual events can’t engage audiences. Whilst there’s no escaping the fact that there are limitations vs face-to-face meetings, there are lots of potentials to mix rich content with live polling, Q&As and whiteboards to keep engagement levels high throughout sessions. Social media can also be employed as a great engagement tool – use event hashtags, encourage attendees to post images of their highlights from the event, and get imaginative with other ways a sense of community can be created via social channels.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Multiple or Single Content Experiences:</span> As with physical events, virtual events offer the opportunity to run multiple content streams concurrently; allowing different speakers to host sessions simultaneously and giving attendees the option to select sessions most relevant to them. If this isn’t required for your event, then a multiple single content experience may be a better fit.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Networking:</span> While there’s no escaping the fact that in-person events are the most conducive way to network and make meaningful business connections, networking can still be factored into a virtual event program. Give attendees the chance to schedule one-on-one time or assemble into group breakouts, where they can speak to each other, your team, sponsors or speakers over the internet. A range of tools can be used to ensure attendees can leverage the best from their interactions.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Insight:</span> The metrics and data insights that can be captured from virtual event platforms can help measure ROI and success against pre-defined KPIs. Information derived can be used to articulate if your event was successful and to influence future event decision making.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Is there a potential to incorporate sponsorship?</span>\r\nYes. Virtual event spaces, presentations and other assets can be customised to reflect your branding and the branding of any sponsors you may partner with. This maximises brand exposure and maintains a sponsor revenue stream coming into your event.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Can virtual events be used as part of a hybrid event strayegy?</span>\r\nAbsolutely. Incorporating virtual events with a holistic approach can be a good way to enhance your existing event strategy. Integrating virtual events into your wider events and meetings program will give you an additional tool to utilize alongside your live events; extending reach and engagement with your audience further.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/1999104__1_.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":6590,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Whova.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Whova Event Management System","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"0.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"whova-event-management-system","companyTitle":"Whova","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":9073,"companyAlias":"whova","description":"<b><i>Speaker Center with Web Integration </i></b>\r\n<b>Automate the Information Collection Process</b>\r\nAvoid tedious back-and-forth emailing with your speakers. Empower them to directly upload and revise their own bios, headshots, and session details. \r\n<b>Try 16 Ready-Made Templates for Web and Mobile Pages</b>\r\nGet a stylish speaker webpage without any manual design or implementation. Customize with just a few clicks, then add to your website with one line of copy and paste. \r\n<b>Update in One Place, Sync on Both the App and Webpage</b>\r\nForget constant manual updates and inconsistent changes to your speaker information. Relax as Whova’s Speaker Center syncs across all your webpages and event app. \r\n\r\n<b><i>Self-Serve Name Badge Generation </i></b>\r\n<b>Save Time with 17 Professional Name Badge Templates</b>\r\nMaking high-end, professional-looking name badges has never been easier! Choose from 17 sleek templates and relax knowing that Whova supports 40 different badge label and paper sizes. \r\n<b>Customize Name Badges with Just a Few Clicks</b>\r\nCustom-make the design, badge size, and content of your name badges to showcase your brand. Add useful details for attendees, such as their ticket type and unique QR code. \r\n<b>Print Badges Quickly and Easily with On-Demand Printing</b>\r\nSave your efforts by only generating the name badges you need. Print name badges by event participant type, or print only the badges that haven’t been generated yet. \r\n\r\n<b><i>Check-In & Session Attendance Management </i></b>\r\n<b>Save Time Checking in Attendees with Your Team </b>\r\nDitch your paper spreadsheet and get your whole team involved. Registration information is synced across devices so you and your staff can check in attendees at the same time. \r\n<b>Avoid the Hassle of Different Ticket Types</b>\r\nDo you offer different types of tickets at your event? Whova allows your team to check in attendees for different days and sessions according to the tickets they hold. \r\n<b>Manage Attendance at Your Event More Effectively</b>\r\nPrevent lines and confusion at your sessions. Set session capacities and empower your attendees to enroll through the event app, so you can easily track attendance. \r\n\r\n<b><i>Live Polling & Surveys </i></b>\r\n<b>Interact with Attendees Instantly Through Live Polls</b>\r\nEngage your attendees and inform your event management. Spark in-session discussions, collect votes, and get headcounts to make quick decisions for your event programs. Whova offers a bank of 100 questions to save you time setting up your live polls. \r\n<b>Save Time Creating Surveys with 9 High-Quality Templates</b>\r\nCreate your surveys without spending valuable time coming up with questions. Choose from 9 survey templates for different types of events and groups of participants. \r\n<b>Send through App and Email and Increase Response Rates</b>\r\nMake it easy for attendees to share their thoughts. Use live polls and surveys that can be answered through the event app or email, and send reminders with just one click. \r\n\r\n<b><i>Social Wall </i></b>\r\n<b>Take Your Event to the Next Level with a Big-Screen Display</b>\r\nKeep your attendees well informed, create a dynamic experience, and help your sponsors shine throughout your event. \r\n<b>Display Your Event Activity and Engage Your Participants</b>\r\nEngage your attendees by displaying live updates from your event. Showcase tweets, announcements, photos taken by attendees, sponsor logos, reminders, and more. \r\n<b>Spend Less Than a Minute Setting Everything Up!</b>\r\nSimply select the type of content you want to display on the big screen and the information will be automatically pulled from the Whova event app. \r\n\r\n<b><i>Real-time Analytics & Post-Event Reports </i></b>\r\n<b>Get Pre-Event Analytics to Optimize Your Campaign</b>\r\nSee who’s visiting your webpages and engaging with your social media posts from one glance at the Whova dashboard, so you can quickly adjust your promotion tactics. \r\n<b>Use Real-time Data to Monitor Onsite Engagement </b>\r\nStay informed with real-time event data including ticket sales, attendee check-in progress, live polling and surveys, gamification activities, and much more. \r\n<b>Save Time Collecting Post-Event Reporting</b>\r\nGet a ready-made report that demonstrates to your event committee how you engaged your participants, created a valuable experience, and increased event ROI. ","shortDescription":"Save Time and Stay in Control!\r\n\r\n","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":0,"sellingCount":0,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Whova Event Management System","keywords":"","description":"<b><i>Speaker Center with Web Integration </i></b>\r\n<b>Automate the Information Collection Process</b>\r\nAvoid tedious back-and-forth emailing with your speakers. Empower them to directly upload and revise their own bios, headshots, and session details. \r\n<b>Tr","og:title":"Whova Event Management System","og:description":"<b><i>Speaker Center with Web Integration </i></b>\r\n<b>Automate the Information Collection Process</b>\r\nAvoid tedious back-and-forth emailing with your speakers. Empower them to directly upload and revise their own bios, headshots, and session details. \r\n<b>Tr","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Whova.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":6590,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":864,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms","alias":"virtual-event-platforms","description":" Virtual events are on the rise. As technology progresses, it has made it possible for companies to host amazing online events - ones that even rival in-person versions. This has led to many benefits for both event planners and attendees alike.\r\nA virtual event, also known as an online event, is an interactive gathering that happens on the internet. Unlike in-person events, virtual ones aren't restricted to a single location. A remote attendee can join and participate from anywhere in the world, given he or she has access to the web.\r\nSome events are completely virtual and every guest attends sessions from the comfort of their own home, favorite coffee shop, or wherever they might be. Others have both in-person and virtual components. Some attendees visit the actual event location and others stream the festivities from their computer.\r\nThere are many reasons why virtual events are valuable. First off, virtual events allow the individuals or companies hosting them to reach a wider audience. Were you to host your event in New York City, for example, not every person in your audience would be able to attend due to the cost of travel. With a virtual event, travel isn't an issue.\r\nIn general, virtual events are also much cheaper to put on. Event planners don't have to book a giant venue or hire a bunch of temporary staff. These cost savings can then be passed on to each virtual attendee in the form of lower ticket prices.\r\nLastly, virtual events are extremely measurable. Companies can easily learn which sessions were the most popular, how many people attended, where those attendees live, how they paid for their tickets, and much more. Just about every attendee action can be easily tracked and analyzed. This information can then be used to improve event strategy.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn an industry with lots of jargon and acronyms flying about, it’s easy to become bamboozled by terminology. However, in the case of virtual events, there’s little room for ambiguity – they are as they sound – events that take place completely online. Supported by specialist AV technology, virtual events negate the need for a physical location and work to bring people together virtually from across the world. Whilst a virtual event can’t replace the power and value of in-person interactions, they’re an effective tool that can be an engaging and immersive alternative to delivering business content and information.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How many people can attend a virtual event?</span>\r\nVirtual events have the capacity to facilitate large audience numbers: from hundreds of thousands to thousands, hundreds or smaller groups. Understanding, from the outset, what you want to achieve from your event and the complexity of the program, will provide a good guide to how many attendees should be invited.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How do attendees gain access to a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn theory, this is an easy one to answer: attendees will receive an invite with access details, which will allow them to enter the virtual event on the date and time outlined. However, before this happens, there are some important things for you to consider first, including:\r\n<ul><li>Are you charging an entry fee for the event?</li><li>Will the event be live, on-demand or a combination of the two?</li><li>How will you market your event, so your audience knows it’s taking place and want to be part of it?</li><li>Is your audience tech-savvy? Might they need a pre-event virtual guide/tour, so they are familiar with how to join and the features of a virtual event set up?</li></ul>\r\nHaving questions like these answered will define the platform required, help maximize attendance and optimize your delegates overall experience of the virtual event offering.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What are the main benefits of a virtual event?</span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Scope:</span> Whilst not all events will suit a virtual treatment, many programs can be adapted into a digital format. It really comes down to your objectives and whether or not these can be achieved through holding an online event.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Accessibility:</span> Expand the reach of your brand without the need for travel. Not only can virtual events connect you with a global audience in real-time, but with event recording, event content can be made available on-demand; providing more opportunities for people to consume your content at a time that suits their schedule best. What’s more, all that attendees and speakers need to attend/talk is a computer, laptop, or mobile device and a good, reliable internet connection.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Engagement:</span> In-person events are unrivaled in their ability to engage and facilitate real human-to-human connections through creative interactions. For this reason, you might be concerned that virtual events can’t engage audiences. Whilst there’s no escaping the fact that there are limitations vs face-to-face meetings, there are lots of potentials to mix rich content with live polling, Q&As and whiteboards to keep engagement levels high throughout sessions. Social media can also be employed as a great engagement tool – use event hashtags, encourage attendees to post images of their highlights from the event, and get imaginative with other ways a sense of community can be created via social channels.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Multiple or Single Content Experiences:</span> As with physical events, virtual events offer the opportunity to run multiple content streams concurrently; allowing different speakers to host sessions simultaneously and giving attendees the option to select sessions most relevant to them. If this isn’t required for your event, then a multiple single content experience may be a better fit.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Networking:</span> While there’s no escaping the fact that in-person events are the most conducive way to network and make meaningful business connections, networking can still be factored into a virtual event program. Give attendees the chance to schedule one-on-one time or assemble into group breakouts, where they can speak to each other, your team, sponsors or speakers over the internet. A range of tools can be used to ensure attendees can leverage the best from their interactions.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Insight:</span> The metrics and data insights that can be captured from virtual event platforms can help measure ROI and success against pre-defined KPIs. Information derived can be used to articulate if your event was successful and to influence future event decision making.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Is there a potential to incorporate sponsorship?</span>\r\nYes. Virtual event spaces, presentations and other assets can be customised to reflect your branding and the branding of any sponsors you may partner with. This maximises brand exposure and maintains a sponsor revenue stream coming into your event.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Can virtual events be used as part of a hybrid event strayegy?</span>\r\nAbsolutely. Incorporating virtual events with a holistic approach can be a good way to enhance your existing event strategy. Integrating virtual events into your wider events and meetings program will give you an additional tool to utilize alongside your live events; extending reach and engagement with your audience further.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/1999104__1_.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":6592,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Aventri.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Aventri Platform","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"0.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"aventri-platform","companyTitle":"Aventri","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":9074,"companyAlias":"aventri","description":"Make every impression count at conferences, meetings and beyond with a platform that allows you to create and manage registration, build an event website, create email marketing campaigns and retargeting, gain strategic insights, and more all in one place. Aventri’s event management platform is built to have the power and flexibility that global enterprises need but with the ease of use and scalability that event planners love. \r\n<b>Attract and engage attendees at every step of the event journey </b>\r\nPromote and communicate with your target audience while creating a streamlined workflow for your team to produce exceptional events at scale. \r\n<ul> <li>From email marketing, event registration, attendee surveys, and more, our event management software covers every step of the event journey. </li> <li>Offer mobile-responsive on brand registration site that includes registration categories that resonate with your attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors. </li> <li>Inform and engage attendees with a mobile event app that give your attendees access to view their personal agendas, read speaker bios, message one another, make in-app purchases, and much more. </li> <li>Gain event visibility and awareness by creating a tailored online presence with a dynamic event website that fully aligns with your brand and resonates with your attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors. </li> <li>Expand brand awareness, promote your meetings and events, and target the right audiences by creating email marketing campaigns. </li> </ul>\r\n<b>Deliver engaging hybrid and virtual events </b>\r\nSave time and enjoy the flexibility of a fully integrated virtual event platform. Plan, promote, analyze and execute all your virtual, hybrid and in-person events. \r\n<ul> <li>Leverage the power of one integrated platform to manage both virtual and in-person events or hybrid events. </li> <li>Create amazing virtual experiences for any event with features including live & on-demand streaming and community moderation. </li> <li>Build meaningful connections by providing a lobby where your attendees can hang out before or in between sessions. </li> <li>Get unprecedented insights into virtual event performance such as session data, attendee behavioral data and much more. </li> <li>Broadcast confidentially with our dedicated global security team continually monitoring and responding to potential vulnerabilities and threats to our technology infrastructure. </li> </ul>\r\n<b>Invest in the ultimate experience for your corporate meetings program </b>\r\nStrategically manage global meetings across all departments and channels with Aventri's Strategic Meetings Management tools. \r\n<ul> <li>Gain a clear picture of your organization’s spend and leverage supplier negotiations with real-time insights into your meetings budget and easily predict future event costs to help make smarter decisions. </li> <li>Create tasks, assign ownership, and develop timelines that provide an overview of your meeting and event and help you measure progress. </li> <li>Simplify venue sourcing with access to 225k+ hotels globally, with an average response time of 7.26 hours. </li> <li>Deliver relevant sessions and evaluate the attendee experience by submitting, reviewing and approving all event abstracts in one place. </li> <li>Increase transparent collaboration with all stakeholders, internal or external, and optimize planning efficiency with our SMM tools, such as venue sourcing and the Enterprise Calendar. </li> </ul>\r\n<b>Understand what your attendees value and take action </b>\r\nRecognize key investment areas that build brand equity and visualize how your event campaigns are performing with real-time event analytics. \r\n<ul> <li>Utilizing Aventri's many onsite solutions, understand what has the most value to your attendees, determine the most trending sessions, exhibitors and activations. </li> <li>Follow-up and analyze engagement between attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors with lead retrieval solutions to drive revenue and increase ROI. </li> <li>Regulate and manage attendee flow with attendee access to ensure event efficiency by utilizing Aventri's variety of hardware methods such as tap n' go pods, tabletop readers or handheld devices. </li> <li>Increase attendee check-inefficiency and speed up processing with our variety of badges in either plastic or paper card stock that can be scanned via NFC, QR, BLE, or UHF technology. </li> <li>Understand which sessions, exhibitors, sponsors, speakers, and more had the greatest impact on your attendees in order to make strategic improvements to your next event. </li> </ul>\r\n<b>Integrate your meeting & event data into your existing ecosystem </b>\r\nAventri offers a variety of data integrations with best-in-class software such as marketing automation, CRM, ERP, association management, payment gateways, travel and more. Our REST API enables custom integrations, so you can take your event data wherever you want. \r\n<ul> <li>Reduce the manual work of importing and exporting spreadsheets, by directly pushing Aventri Data into your CRM and marketing automation databases featuring integrations with HubSpot, Salesforce and Marketo. </li> <li>Visualize and analyze your attendee's digital journeys, via Google Analytics to grasp how attendees and visitors are engaging across your event's digital assets. </li> <li>Measure and track event performance against key benchmarks, such as how long an attendee visited a session, and ROI goals. </li> <li>Create attendee and customer profiles by integrating event and travel data with marketing databases such as Passkeyand GetThere. </li> <li>Collect attendee registration payments from anywhere in the world with over 40 payment gateways available. </li> </ul>\r\n<b>Aventri's experienced event professionals </b>\r\nAventri’s professional services team makes your life easier and your event better, every step of the way. Our team will help you expedite the setup process, integrate all tools and integrations, and offer onsite setup and maintenance to ensure a smooth meeting or event. \r\n<ul> <li>Save time, stay organized, and setup a plan to develop a more seamless event all with help from the Aventri's knowledgeable event project managers. </li> <li>Highly skilled developers will help build custom event and registration sites, email invitations, surveys, dashboards and more. </li> <li>Onsite support specialists are available to assist you with any technical questions or issue that arise during your event. </li> <li>Receive 24/7 support, from anywhere in the world with any Aventri product or service. Our dedicated support specialists will ensure your problem is resolved and your meeting or event is successful. </li> </ul>","shortDescription":"Everything you need to increase efficiency, create memorable experiences and drive ROI","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":0,"sellingCount":0,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Aventri Platform","keywords":"","description":"Make every impression count at conferences, meetings and beyond with a platform that allows you to create and manage registration, build an event website, create email marketing campaigns and retargeting, gain strategic insights, and more all in one place. Ave","og:title":"Aventri Platform","og:description":"Make every impression count at conferences, meetings and beyond with a platform that allows you to create and manage registration, build an event website, create email marketing campaigns and retargeting, gain strategic insights, and more all in one place. Ave","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Aventri.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":6592,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":864,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms","alias":"virtual-event-platforms","description":" Virtual events are on the rise. As technology progresses, it has made it possible for companies to host amazing online events - ones that even rival in-person versions. This has led to many benefits for both event planners and attendees alike.\r\nA virtual event, also known as an online event, is an interactive gathering that happens on the internet. Unlike in-person events, virtual ones aren't restricted to a single location. A remote attendee can join and participate from anywhere in the world, given he or she has access to the web.\r\nSome events are completely virtual and every guest attends sessions from the comfort of their own home, favorite coffee shop, or wherever they might be. Others have both in-person and virtual components. Some attendees visit the actual event location and others stream the festivities from their computer.\r\nThere are many reasons why virtual events are valuable. First off, virtual events allow the individuals or companies hosting them to reach a wider audience. Were you to host your event in New York City, for example, not every person in your audience would be able to attend due to the cost of travel. With a virtual event, travel isn't an issue.\r\nIn general, virtual events are also much cheaper to put on. Event planners don't have to book a giant venue or hire a bunch of temporary staff. These cost savings can then be passed on to each virtual attendee in the form of lower ticket prices.\r\nLastly, virtual events are extremely measurable. Companies can easily learn which sessions were the most popular, how many people attended, where those attendees live, how they paid for their tickets, and much more. Just about every attendee action can be easily tracked and analyzed. This information can then be used to improve event strategy.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn an industry with lots of jargon and acronyms flying about, it’s easy to become bamboozled by terminology. However, in the case of virtual events, there’s little room for ambiguity – they are as they sound – events that take place completely online. Supported by specialist AV technology, virtual events negate the need for a physical location and work to bring people together virtually from across the world. Whilst a virtual event can’t replace the power and value of in-person interactions, they’re an effective tool that can be an engaging and immersive alternative to delivering business content and information.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How many people can attend a virtual event?</span>\r\nVirtual events have the capacity to facilitate large audience numbers: from hundreds of thousands to thousands, hundreds or smaller groups. Understanding, from the outset, what you want to achieve from your event and the complexity of the program, will provide a good guide to how many attendees should be invited.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How do attendees gain access to a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn theory, this is an easy one to answer: attendees will receive an invite with access details, which will allow them to enter the virtual event on the date and time outlined. However, before this happens, there are some important things for you to consider first, including:\r\n<ul><li>Are you charging an entry fee for the event?</li><li>Will the event be live, on-demand or a combination of the two?</li><li>How will you market your event, so your audience knows it’s taking place and want to be part of it?</li><li>Is your audience tech-savvy? Might they need a pre-event virtual guide/tour, so they are familiar with how to join and the features of a virtual event set up?</li></ul>\r\nHaving questions like these answered will define the platform required, help maximize attendance and optimize your delegates overall experience of the virtual event offering.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What are the main benefits of a virtual event?</span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Scope:</span> Whilst not all events will suit a virtual treatment, many programs can be adapted into a digital format. It really comes down to your objectives and whether or not these can be achieved through holding an online event.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Accessibility:</span> Expand the reach of your brand without the need for travel. Not only can virtual events connect you with a global audience in real-time, but with event recording, event content can be made available on-demand; providing more opportunities for people to consume your content at a time that suits their schedule best. What’s more, all that attendees and speakers need to attend/talk is a computer, laptop, or mobile device and a good, reliable internet connection.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Engagement:</span> In-person events are unrivaled in their ability to engage and facilitate real human-to-human connections through creative interactions. For this reason, you might be concerned that virtual events can’t engage audiences. Whilst there’s no escaping the fact that there are limitations vs face-to-face meetings, there are lots of potentials to mix rich content with live polling, Q&As and whiteboards to keep engagement levels high throughout sessions. Social media can also be employed as a great engagement tool – use event hashtags, encourage attendees to post images of their highlights from the event, and get imaginative with other ways a sense of community can be created via social channels.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Multiple or Single Content Experiences:</span> As with physical events, virtual events offer the opportunity to run multiple content streams concurrently; allowing different speakers to host sessions simultaneously and giving attendees the option to select sessions most relevant to them. If this isn’t required for your event, then a multiple single content experience may be a better fit.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Networking:</span> While there’s no escaping the fact that in-person events are the most conducive way to network and make meaningful business connections, networking can still be factored into a virtual event program. Give attendees the chance to schedule one-on-one time or assemble into group breakouts, where they can speak to each other, your team, sponsors or speakers over the internet. A range of tools can be used to ensure attendees can leverage the best from their interactions.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Insight:</span> The metrics and data insights that can be captured from virtual event platforms can help measure ROI and success against pre-defined KPIs. Information derived can be used to articulate if your event was successful and to influence future event decision making.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Is there a potential to incorporate sponsorship?</span>\r\nYes. Virtual event spaces, presentations and other assets can be customised to reflect your branding and the branding of any sponsors you may partner with. This maximises brand exposure and maintains a sponsor revenue stream coming into your event.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Can virtual events be used as part of a hybrid event strayegy?</span>\r\nAbsolutely. Incorporating virtual events with a holistic approach can be a good way to enhance your existing event strategy. Integrating virtual events into your wider events and meetings program will give you an additional tool to utilize alongside your live events; extending reach and engagement with your audience further.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/1999104__1_.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":6594,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Accelevents.jpg","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Accelevents Virtual Event Software","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"0.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"accelevents-virtual-event-software","companyTitle":"Accelevents","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":9075,"companyAlias":"accelevents","description":"<b>A virtual event so successful you may never go back</b>\r\n<i>Integrated live streaming</i>\r\nUse our built in production studio and broadcasting platform or bring your own video feed.\r\n<i>Networking</i>\r\nBuild real relationships among attendees and exhibitors with AI based matching for 1:1 speed dating style professional networking sessions. Create real-time chat, discussion groups and more.\r\n<i>Additional revenue</i>\r\nMeasure your return-on-event and maximize the ROI that your event drives for your exhibitors. Sell sponsorships and virtual exhibitor booths that will create more measurable leads and exposure.\r\n<b>Attendee Management </b>\r\n<i>Agenda & Speaker Management</i>\r\nManage your agenda and speakers with our built-in management tool. \r\n<i>Integrated event communication tools</i>\r\nInteract with guests face-to-face through broadcasts, virtual roundtables, AMA, or fireside chats. Bring your own streaming service such as Zoom, Facebook Live, YouTube Live, or your favorite platform. \r\n<i>Accurate Attendee Data </i>\r\nAllow attendees to update their own data and tickets. \r\n<ins><b>Integrations</b></ins>\r\n<b>Unified data and metrics. </b>\r\n<ul> <li>Integrate your event data to better understand value driven and leads created from your events. </li> <li>Pass custom data points on your registrants through to your CRM for enriched data. </li> </ul>\r\n<b>Built for flexibility. </b>\r\n<ul> <li>Use our built in video creation and broadcasting tools or bring your own. </li> <li>Integrate with different platforms as your marketing programs adjust. </li> <li>Create deep attendee profiles with accurate activity data. </li> </ul>\r\n<b>Complete API Documentation. </b>\r\n<ul> <li>Integration is a piece of cake with our documentation and 24/7 tech support. </li> <li>Build your own ticketing site or fundraising platform without starting from scratch. </li> <li>Access your data however you want with our API </li> </ul>","shortDescription":"Everything you need to market, manage, and execute your virtual conference or event at an affordable price","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":0,"sellingCount":0,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Accelevents Virtual Event Software","keywords":"","description":"<b>A virtual event so successful you may never go back</b>\r\n<i>Integrated live streaming</i>\r\nUse our built in production studio and broadcasting platform or bring your own video feed.\r\n<i>Networking</i>\r\nBuild real relationships among attendees and exhibitors","og:title":"Accelevents Virtual Event Software","og:description":"<b>A virtual event so successful you may never go back</b>\r\n<i>Integrated live streaming</i>\r\nUse our built in production studio and broadcasting platform or bring your own video feed.\r\n<i>Networking</i>\r\nBuild real relationships among attendees and exhibitors","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Accelevents.jpg"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":6594,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":864,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms","alias":"virtual-event-platforms","description":" Virtual events are on the rise. As technology progresses, it has made it possible for companies to host amazing online events - ones that even rival in-person versions. This has led to many benefits for both event planners and attendees alike.\r\nA virtual event, also known as an online event, is an interactive gathering that happens on the internet. Unlike in-person events, virtual ones aren't restricted to a single location. A remote attendee can join and participate from anywhere in the world, given he or she has access to the web.\r\nSome events are completely virtual and every guest attends sessions from the comfort of their own home, favorite coffee shop, or wherever they might be. Others have both in-person and virtual components. Some attendees visit the actual event location and others stream the festivities from their computer.\r\nThere are many reasons why virtual events are valuable. First off, virtual events allow the individuals or companies hosting them to reach a wider audience. Were you to host your event in New York City, for example, not every person in your audience would be able to attend due to the cost of travel. With a virtual event, travel isn't an issue.\r\nIn general, virtual events are also much cheaper to put on. Event planners don't have to book a giant venue or hire a bunch of temporary staff. These cost savings can then be passed on to each virtual attendee in the form of lower ticket prices.\r\nLastly, virtual events are extremely measurable. Companies can easily learn which sessions were the most popular, how many people attended, where those attendees live, how they paid for their tickets, and much more. Just about every attendee action can be easily tracked and analyzed. This information can then be used to improve event strategy.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn an industry with lots of jargon and acronyms flying about, it’s easy to become bamboozled by terminology. However, in the case of virtual events, there’s little room for ambiguity – they are as they sound – events that take place completely online. Supported by specialist AV technology, virtual events negate the need for a physical location and work to bring people together virtually from across the world. Whilst a virtual event can’t replace the power and value of in-person interactions, they’re an effective tool that can be an engaging and immersive alternative to delivering business content and information.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How many people can attend a virtual event?</span>\r\nVirtual events have the capacity to facilitate large audience numbers: from hundreds of thousands to thousands, hundreds or smaller groups. Understanding, from the outset, what you want to achieve from your event and the complexity of the program, will provide a good guide to how many attendees should be invited.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How do attendees gain access to a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn theory, this is an easy one to answer: attendees will receive an invite with access details, which will allow them to enter the virtual event on the date and time outlined. However, before this happens, there are some important things for you to consider first, including:\r\n<ul><li>Are you charging an entry fee for the event?</li><li>Will the event be live, on-demand or a combination of the two?</li><li>How will you market your event, so your audience knows it’s taking place and want to be part of it?</li><li>Is your audience tech-savvy? Might they need a pre-event virtual guide/tour, so they are familiar with how to join and the features of a virtual event set up?</li></ul>\r\nHaving questions like these answered will define the platform required, help maximize attendance and optimize your delegates overall experience of the virtual event offering.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What are the main benefits of a virtual event?</span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Scope:</span> Whilst not all events will suit a virtual treatment, many programs can be adapted into a digital format. It really comes down to your objectives and whether or not these can be achieved through holding an online event.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Accessibility:</span> Expand the reach of your brand without the need for travel. Not only can virtual events connect you with a global audience in real-time, but with event recording, event content can be made available on-demand; providing more opportunities for people to consume your content at a time that suits their schedule best. What’s more, all that attendees and speakers need to attend/talk is a computer, laptop, or mobile device and a good, reliable internet connection.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Engagement:</span> In-person events are unrivaled in their ability to engage and facilitate real human-to-human connections through creative interactions. For this reason, you might be concerned that virtual events can’t engage audiences. Whilst there’s no escaping the fact that there are limitations vs face-to-face meetings, there are lots of potentials to mix rich content with live polling, Q&As and whiteboards to keep engagement levels high throughout sessions. Social media can also be employed as a great engagement tool – use event hashtags, encourage attendees to post images of their highlights from the event, and get imaginative with other ways a sense of community can be created via social channels.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Multiple or Single Content Experiences:</span> As with physical events, virtual events offer the opportunity to run multiple content streams concurrently; allowing different speakers to host sessions simultaneously and giving attendees the option to select sessions most relevant to them. If this isn’t required for your event, then a multiple single content experience may be a better fit.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Networking:</span> While there’s no escaping the fact that in-person events are the most conducive way to network and make meaningful business connections, networking can still be factored into a virtual event program. Give attendees the chance to schedule one-on-one time or assemble into group breakouts, where they can speak to each other, your team, sponsors or speakers over the internet. A range of tools can be used to ensure attendees can leverage the best from their interactions.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Insight:</span> The metrics and data insights that can be captured from virtual event platforms can help measure ROI and success against pre-defined KPIs. Information derived can be used to articulate if your event was successful and to influence future event decision making.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Is there a potential to incorporate sponsorship?</span>\r\nYes. Virtual event spaces, presentations and other assets can be customised to reflect your branding and the branding of any sponsors you may partner with. This maximises brand exposure and maintains a sponsor revenue stream coming into your event.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Can virtual events be used as part of a hybrid event strayegy?</span>\r\nAbsolutely. Incorporating virtual events with a holistic approach can be a good way to enhance your existing event strategy. Integrating virtual events into your wider events and meetings program will give you an additional tool to utilize alongside your live events; extending reach and engagement with your audience further.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/1999104__1_.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":6596,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/HeySummit.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"HeySummit","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"0.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"heysummit","companyTitle":"HeySummit","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":9076,"companyAlias":"heysummit","description":"<i>Take the heavy lifting out of summit organisation. Get your message in front of a global audience by leveraging the marketing power of an online summit.</i>\r\n<b>The power of an online summit </b>\r\nShare your thought-leadership with your audience, increasing your reach by making an impact with carbon neutral conferencing. HeySummit is designed to take the heavy lifting out of creating, managing, running and analysing your online summits. Focused on delivering an exceptional attendee and speaker experience, we give you the tools you need to meet your goals. \r\n<b>Taking care of the details </b>\r\nHeySummit’s baked-in features simplify the process of producing a successful summit. It’s easy for your attendees to register and discover your content. The platform puts you in-charge allowing you to activate a community, offer viral referrals, giveaways and more. \r\n<b>Speaker onboarding and management </b>\r\nEasily add your speakers to generate dynamic content on your optimised landing page, ready to convert your potential attendees. Or choose to invite speakers to their speaker dashboard where they can add their details, download event branded graphics, and access ready-made tweets and swipe copy to share across their channels. \r\n<b>Add fuel to your marketing engine </b>\r\nTurn your content into a valuable asset, engaging new customers or your existing community. Each talk and replay page acts as its own landing page, optimised to attract, engage and convert attendees. \r\n<b>Speaking your language </b>\r\nShare your knowledge all over the world. Choose to pre-load a language or dive deeper and manually translate individual words to customise all the front-facing wording of your summit. You’re in control of the words you use at every stage of your summit experience so that you can suit your audience, wherever they are. \r\n<b>Use the tools you love </b>\r\nFrom landing pages to ticket sales, to attendee and speaker management, HeySummit has you covered for everything to do with summit planning and organisation. After you have everything set up, we then integrate with the best platforms out there. Whether you're delivering a live summit, pre-recorded, or a hybrid, HeySummit works with many webinar, live streaming, and video hosting solutions. \r\n<b>Features:</b>\r\n<ul> <li>Landing Page Builder</li> <li>Attendee Registration</li> <li>Reporting</li> <li>Talk Management</li> <li>Speaker Dashboard</li> </ul ","shortDescription":"Online summits, made simple","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":0,"sellingCount":0,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"HeySummit","keywords":"","description":"<i>Take the heavy lifting out of summit organisation. Get your message in front of a global audience by leveraging the marketing power of an online summit.</i>\r\n<b>The power of an online summit </b>\r\nShare your thought-leadership with your audience, increasing","og:title":"HeySummit","og:description":"<i>Take the heavy lifting out of summit organisation. Get your message in front of a global audience by leveraging the marketing power of an online summit.</i>\r\n<b>The power of an online summit </b>\r\nShare your thought-leadership with your audience, increasing","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/HeySummit.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":6596,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":864,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms","alias":"virtual-event-platforms","description":" Virtual events are on the rise. As technology progresses, it has made it possible for companies to host amazing online events - ones that even rival in-person versions. This has led to many benefits for both event planners and attendees alike.\r\nA virtual event, also known as an online event, is an interactive gathering that happens on the internet. Unlike in-person events, virtual ones aren't restricted to a single location. A remote attendee can join and participate from anywhere in the world, given he or she has access to the web.\r\nSome events are completely virtual and every guest attends sessions from the comfort of their own home, favorite coffee shop, or wherever they might be. Others have both in-person and virtual components. Some attendees visit the actual event location and others stream the festivities from their computer.\r\nThere are many reasons why virtual events are valuable. First off, virtual events allow the individuals or companies hosting them to reach a wider audience. Were you to host your event in New York City, for example, not every person in your audience would be able to attend due to the cost of travel. With a virtual event, travel isn't an issue.\r\nIn general, virtual events are also much cheaper to put on. Event planners don't have to book a giant venue or hire a bunch of temporary staff. These cost savings can then be passed on to each virtual attendee in the form of lower ticket prices.\r\nLastly, virtual events are extremely measurable. Companies can easily learn which sessions were the most popular, how many people attended, where those attendees live, how they paid for their tickets, and much more. Just about every attendee action can be easily tracked and analyzed. This information can then be used to improve event strategy.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn an industry with lots of jargon and acronyms flying about, it’s easy to become bamboozled by terminology. However, in the case of virtual events, there’s little room for ambiguity – they are as they sound – events that take place completely online. Supported by specialist AV technology, virtual events negate the need for a physical location and work to bring people together virtually from across the world. Whilst a virtual event can’t replace the power and value of in-person interactions, they’re an effective tool that can be an engaging and immersive alternative to delivering business content and information.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How many people can attend a virtual event?</span>\r\nVirtual events have the capacity to facilitate large audience numbers: from hundreds of thousands to thousands, hundreds or smaller groups. Understanding, from the outset, what you want to achieve from your event and the complexity of the program, will provide a good guide to how many attendees should be invited.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How do attendees gain access to a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn theory, this is an easy one to answer: attendees will receive an invite with access details, which will allow them to enter the virtual event on the date and time outlined. However, before this happens, there are some important things for you to consider first, including:\r\n<ul><li>Are you charging an entry fee for the event?</li><li>Will the event be live, on-demand or a combination of the two?</li><li>How will you market your event, so your audience knows it’s taking place and want to be part of it?</li><li>Is your audience tech-savvy? Might they need a pre-event virtual guide/tour, so they are familiar with how to join and the features of a virtual event set up?</li></ul>\r\nHaving questions like these answered will define the platform required, help maximize attendance and optimize your delegates overall experience of the virtual event offering.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What are the main benefits of a virtual event?</span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Scope:</span> Whilst not all events will suit a virtual treatment, many programs can be adapted into a digital format. It really comes down to your objectives and whether or not these can be achieved through holding an online event.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Accessibility:</span> Expand the reach of your brand without the need for travel. Not only can virtual events connect you with a global audience in real-time, but with event recording, event content can be made available on-demand; providing more opportunities for people to consume your content at a time that suits their schedule best. What’s more, all that attendees and speakers need to attend/talk is a computer, laptop, or mobile device and a good, reliable internet connection.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Engagement:</span> In-person events are unrivaled in their ability to engage and facilitate real human-to-human connections through creative interactions. For this reason, you might be concerned that virtual events can’t engage audiences. Whilst there’s no escaping the fact that there are limitations vs face-to-face meetings, there are lots of potentials to mix rich content with live polling, Q&As and whiteboards to keep engagement levels high throughout sessions. Social media can also be employed as a great engagement tool – use event hashtags, encourage attendees to post images of their highlights from the event, and get imaginative with other ways a sense of community can be created via social channels.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Multiple or Single Content Experiences:</span> As with physical events, virtual events offer the opportunity to run multiple content streams concurrently; allowing different speakers to host sessions simultaneously and giving attendees the option to select sessions most relevant to them. If this isn’t required for your event, then a multiple single content experience may be a better fit.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Networking:</span> While there’s no escaping the fact that in-person events are the most conducive way to network and make meaningful business connections, networking can still be factored into a virtual event program. Give attendees the chance to schedule one-on-one time or assemble into group breakouts, where they can speak to each other, your team, sponsors or speakers over the internet. A range of tools can be used to ensure attendees can leverage the best from their interactions.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Insight:</span> The metrics and data insights that can be captured from virtual event platforms can help measure ROI and success against pre-defined KPIs. Information derived can be used to articulate if your event was successful and to influence future event decision making.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Is there a potential to incorporate sponsorship?</span>\r\nYes. Virtual event spaces, presentations and other assets can be customised to reflect your branding and the branding of any sponsors you may partner with. This maximises brand exposure and maintains a sponsor revenue stream coming into your event.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Can virtual events be used as part of a hybrid event strayegy?</span>\r\nAbsolutely. Incorporating virtual events with a holistic approach can be a good way to enhance your existing event strategy. Integrating virtual events into your wider events and meetings program will give you an additional tool to utilize alongside your live events; extending reach and engagement with your audience further.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/1999104__1_.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":6606,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Inkincaps.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Ink in Caps V-Tour","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"0.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"ink-in-caps-v-tour","companyTitle":"Ink in Caps","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":9106,"companyAlias":"ink-in-caps","description":"Vtour is Virtual Events Management Software / Platform. It offers Virtual Events, Conferences, Panel Discussion, Education Expo, Business Exhibitions and many more. The software is designed to work on all browser across all the devices including smartphone, Tablet. It also provides Networking where visitors can connect over video conference. The latency of V-Tour is lowest which gives users state-of-the art experience in conference or panel discussion \r\n<b>Features:</b>\r\n<ul> <li>Seamless Platform Across Web/App. Easily access via your favorite web browser or through your mobile phone via our App for Android and iOS. </li> <li>Extremely Low Latency. We have invested heavily to ensure users enjoy very little delays between interactions and engagement with live presentations and networking. </li> <li>Green Screen Live Feed. Easily and quickly broadcast to your audience integrating with the virtual environment for an immersive and personal experience. </li> <li>Dedicated Secure Servers. At the core of our platform, a uniquely powerful infrastructure for performance and protection of your VTOUR experience and data. </li> <li>Variety Of User Interaction. Reality can't match what we can provide you and customers. Change the world and deliver a custom experience. </li> <li>Immersive Virtual Lobby. Allow your customers to access on a grand scale through familiar environments to meet and network pre and post event. </li> <li>AR Support. Never before has your event had access to the versatility of augmented reality. The world is your stage through the lens of your mobile device. You have to see this! </li> <li>Dynamic, Versatile & Central Backend. Powerful analytics. Now you have a 360 degree view on your event and its success. Metrics across engagement are just the beginning. </li> </ul>","shortDescription":"Online platform to host virtual events, exhibitions, conferences, panel discussion, networking, product launch & many more\r\n","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":0,"sellingCount":0,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Ink in Caps V-Tour","keywords":"","description":"Vtour is Virtual Events Management Software / Platform. It offers Virtual Events, Conferences, Panel Discussion, Education Expo, Business Exhibitions and many more. The software is designed to work on all browser across all the devices including smartphone, Ta","og:title":"Ink in Caps V-Tour","og:description":"Vtour is Virtual Events Management Software / Platform. It offers Virtual Events, Conferences, Panel Discussion, Education Expo, Business Exhibitions and many more. The software is designed to work on all browser across all the devices including smartphone, Ta","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Inkincaps.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":6606,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":864,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms","alias":"virtual-event-platforms","description":" Virtual events are on the rise. As technology progresses, it has made it possible for companies to host amazing online events - ones that even rival in-person versions. This has led to many benefits for both event planners and attendees alike.\r\nA virtual event, also known as an online event, is an interactive gathering that happens on the internet. Unlike in-person events, virtual ones aren't restricted to a single location. A remote attendee can join and participate from anywhere in the world, given he or she has access to the web.\r\nSome events are completely virtual and every guest attends sessions from the comfort of their own home, favorite coffee shop, or wherever they might be. Others have both in-person and virtual components. Some attendees visit the actual event location and others stream the festivities from their computer.\r\nThere are many reasons why virtual events are valuable. First off, virtual events allow the individuals or companies hosting them to reach a wider audience. Were you to host your event in New York City, for example, not every person in your audience would be able to attend due to the cost of travel. With a virtual event, travel isn't an issue.\r\nIn general, virtual events are also much cheaper to put on. Event planners don't have to book a giant venue or hire a bunch of temporary staff. These cost savings can then be passed on to each virtual attendee in the form of lower ticket prices.\r\nLastly, virtual events are extremely measurable. Companies can easily learn which sessions were the most popular, how many people attended, where those attendees live, how they paid for their tickets, and much more. Just about every attendee action can be easily tracked and analyzed. This information can then be used to improve event strategy.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn an industry with lots of jargon and acronyms flying about, it’s easy to become bamboozled by terminology. However, in the case of virtual events, there’s little room for ambiguity – they are as they sound – events that take place completely online. Supported by specialist AV technology, virtual events negate the need for a physical location and work to bring people together virtually from across the world. Whilst a virtual event can’t replace the power and value of in-person interactions, they’re an effective tool that can be an engaging and immersive alternative to delivering business content and information.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How many people can attend a virtual event?</span>\r\nVirtual events have the capacity to facilitate large audience numbers: from hundreds of thousands to thousands, hundreds or smaller groups. Understanding, from the outset, what you want to achieve from your event and the complexity of the program, will provide a good guide to how many attendees should be invited.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How do attendees gain access to a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn theory, this is an easy one to answer: attendees will receive an invite with access details, which will allow them to enter the virtual event on the date and time outlined. However, before this happens, there are some important things for you to consider first, including:\r\n<ul><li>Are you charging an entry fee for the event?</li><li>Will the event be live, on-demand or a combination of the two?</li><li>How will you market your event, so your audience knows it’s taking place and want to be part of it?</li><li>Is your audience tech-savvy? Might they need a pre-event virtual guide/tour, so they are familiar with how to join and the features of a virtual event set up?</li></ul>\r\nHaving questions like these answered will define the platform required, help maximize attendance and optimize your delegates overall experience of the virtual event offering.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What are the main benefits of a virtual event?</span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Scope:</span> Whilst not all events will suit a virtual treatment, many programs can be adapted into a digital format. It really comes down to your objectives and whether or not these can be achieved through holding an online event.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Accessibility:</span> Expand the reach of your brand without the need for travel. Not only can virtual events connect you with a global audience in real-time, but with event recording, event content can be made available on-demand; providing more opportunities for people to consume your content at a time that suits their schedule best. What’s more, all that attendees and speakers need to attend/talk is a computer, laptop, or mobile device and a good, reliable internet connection.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Engagement:</span> In-person events are unrivaled in their ability to engage and facilitate real human-to-human connections through creative interactions. For this reason, you might be concerned that virtual events can’t engage audiences. Whilst there’s no escaping the fact that there are limitations vs face-to-face meetings, there are lots of potentials to mix rich content with live polling, Q&As and whiteboards to keep engagement levels high throughout sessions. Social media can also be employed as a great engagement tool – use event hashtags, encourage attendees to post images of their highlights from the event, and get imaginative with other ways a sense of community can be created via social channels.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Multiple or Single Content Experiences:</span> As with physical events, virtual events offer the opportunity to run multiple content streams concurrently; allowing different speakers to host sessions simultaneously and giving attendees the option to select sessions most relevant to them. If this isn’t required for your event, then a multiple single content experience may be a better fit.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Networking:</span> While there’s no escaping the fact that in-person events are the most conducive way to network and make meaningful business connections, networking can still be factored into a virtual event program. Give attendees the chance to schedule one-on-one time or assemble into group breakouts, where they can speak to each other, your team, sponsors or speakers over the internet. A range of tools can be used to ensure attendees can leverage the best from their interactions.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Insight:</span> The metrics and data insights that can be captured from virtual event platforms can help measure ROI and success against pre-defined KPIs. Information derived can be used to articulate if your event was successful and to influence future event decision making.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Is there a potential to incorporate sponsorship?</span>\r\nYes. Virtual event spaces, presentations and other assets can be customised to reflect your branding and the branding of any sponsors you may partner with. This maximises brand exposure and maintains a sponsor revenue stream coming into your event.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Can virtual events be used as part of a hybrid event strayegy?</span>\r\nAbsolutely. Incorporating virtual events with a holistic approach can be a good way to enhance your existing event strategy. Integrating virtual events into your wider events and meetings program will give you an additional tool to utilize alongside your live events; extending reach and engagement with your audience further.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/1999104__1_.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":6608,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/VirBELA.jpg","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"VirBELA Platform","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"0.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"virbela-platform","companyTitle":"VirBELA","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":9115,"companyAlias":"virbela","description":"<b>Open Campus </b>\r\nWhether you’re a small group of globally distributed, digital nomads or just down the street from each other, our Open Campus is the perfect place to hold online events or build a cloud-based business. Completely free to use and home to a community of untethered innovators. \r\n<ul> <li>Spatialized Voice + Text Chat. Hear who you're close to, and use text chat to share text, emojis or files. </li> <li>Wide Variety of Rooms + Places. The Open Campus has spaces designed to facilitate small and massive gatherings, both formal and informal. </li> <li>Scale. The Open Campus supports hundreds of simultaneous users at once. Try that with video chat. </li> <li>Display Content. Use Web Screens to display web sites, upload files, or share your screen with others. Point with laser pointers. </li> <li>Small Group Breakouts. Breaking into small groups and then coming back together in Open Campus is even easier than it is in person. </li> <li>Sense of Presence. Interacting with avatars in a shared 3D space like the Open Campus promotes a sense of togetherness + presence. </li> </ul>\r\n<b>Team Suites </b>\r\nWant a private suite to use with your remote team or online class? Get a Team Suite, an always-on, next generation virtual office environment. We offer out-of-the-box Team Suites, but you can customize your space with branding, configurable layouts, and more. \r\n<ul> <li>Spatialized Voice + Text Chat. Hear who you're close to, and use text chat to share text, emojis or files. Hundreds of simultaneous users at once. </li> <li>Common Areas + Breakout Spaces. Team Suites are designed to facilitate large team meetings but also smaller group breakouts. </li> <li>Configurable. Add your own branding with logos/images, and customize the layout of the space. </li> <li>Display Content. Use Web Screens to display web sites, upload files, or share your screen with others in your Team Suite. </li> <li>Admin Dashboard. Manage permissions/roles for users of your Team Suite and get basic analytics. </li> <li>Support + Training. Every Team Suite gets an onboarding session and ongoing support to help you make the most of it. </li> </ul>\r\n<b>Enterprise Campus </b>\r\nDoes your organization needs its own private, virtual campus with custom designs, features, or integrations at enterprise scale? We have an enthusiastic and talented team of designers and developers that can bring your vision to life. White-labeling available. \r\n<ul> <li>Lots of Space. From massive auditoriums to conference halls to small offices, there are spaces in a Private Campus to support any kind of interaction. </li> <li>Multi-User. Users in a Private Campus interact as avatars with voice chat, text chat, file sharing, presentation tools, animations, laser pointers, and more. And it all requires less bandwidth than a video call. </li> <li>Scalable. We create Private Campuses that are used by organizations who operate at a vast scale. This means you can achieve thousands of simultaneous users in a multi-user environment, deploy worldwide, and get to work. </li> <li>Cross-Platform. Private Campuses are accessible on PC, Mac, mobile, and virtual reality devices like Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. </li> <li>Design. Whether you want our out-of-the-box campus environment or custom-designed environments using your assets or assets we make for you, we'll get your campus looking just right. </li> <li>Support + Training. We make sure your organization knows how to deploy and use your Private Campus.. This means documentation, training, and ongoing support. </li> </ul>","shortDescription":"VirBELA builds immersive virtual worlds for events, learning, and work","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":0,"sellingCount":0,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"VirBELA Platform","keywords":"","description":"<b>Open Campus </b>\r\nWhether you’re a small group of globally distributed, digital nomads or just down the street from each other, our Open Campus is the perfect place to hold online events or build a cloud-based business. Completely free to use and home to a ","og:title":"VirBELA Platform","og:description":"<b>Open Campus </b>\r\nWhether you’re a small group of globally distributed, digital nomads or just down the street from each other, our Open Campus is the perfect place to hold online events or build a cloud-based business. Completely free to use and home to a ","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/VirBELA.jpg"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":6608,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":864,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms","alias":"virtual-event-platforms","description":" Virtual events are on the rise. As technology progresses, it has made it possible for companies to host amazing online events - ones that even rival in-person versions. This has led to many benefits for both event planners and attendees alike.\r\nA virtual event, also known as an online event, is an interactive gathering that happens on the internet. Unlike in-person events, virtual ones aren't restricted to a single location. A remote attendee can join and participate from anywhere in the world, given he or she has access to the web.\r\nSome events are completely virtual and every guest attends sessions from the comfort of their own home, favorite coffee shop, or wherever they might be. Others have both in-person and virtual components. Some attendees visit the actual event location and others stream the festivities from their computer.\r\nThere are many reasons why virtual events are valuable. First off, virtual events allow the individuals or companies hosting them to reach a wider audience. Were you to host your event in New York City, for example, not every person in your audience would be able to attend due to the cost of travel. With a virtual event, travel isn't an issue.\r\nIn general, virtual events are also much cheaper to put on. Event planners don't have to book a giant venue or hire a bunch of temporary staff. These cost savings can then be passed on to each virtual attendee in the form of lower ticket prices.\r\nLastly, virtual events are extremely measurable. Companies can easily learn which sessions were the most popular, how many people attended, where those attendees live, how they paid for their tickets, and much more. Just about every attendee action can be easily tracked and analyzed. This information can then be used to improve event strategy.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn an industry with lots of jargon and acronyms flying about, it’s easy to become bamboozled by terminology. However, in the case of virtual events, there’s little room for ambiguity – they are as they sound – events that take place completely online. Supported by specialist AV technology, virtual events negate the need for a physical location and work to bring people together virtually from across the world. Whilst a virtual event can’t replace the power and value of in-person interactions, they’re an effective tool that can be an engaging and immersive alternative to delivering business content and information.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How many people can attend a virtual event?</span>\r\nVirtual events have the capacity to facilitate large audience numbers: from hundreds of thousands to thousands, hundreds or smaller groups. Understanding, from the outset, what you want to achieve from your event and the complexity of the program, will provide a good guide to how many attendees should be invited.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How do attendees gain access to a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn theory, this is an easy one to answer: attendees will receive an invite with access details, which will allow them to enter the virtual event on the date and time outlined. However, before this happens, there are some important things for you to consider first, including:\r\n<ul><li>Are you charging an entry fee for the event?</li><li>Will the event be live, on-demand or a combination of the two?</li><li>How will you market your event, so your audience knows it’s taking place and want to be part of it?</li><li>Is your audience tech-savvy? Might they need a pre-event virtual guide/tour, so they are familiar with how to join and the features of a virtual event set up?</li></ul>\r\nHaving questions like these answered will define the platform required, help maximize attendance and optimize your delegates overall experience of the virtual event offering.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What are the main benefits of a virtual event?</span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Scope:</span> Whilst not all events will suit a virtual treatment, many programs can be adapted into a digital format. It really comes down to your objectives and whether or not these can be achieved through holding an online event.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Accessibility:</span> Expand the reach of your brand without the need for travel. Not only can virtual events connect you with a global audience in real-time, but with event recording, event content can be made available on-demand; providing more opportunities for people to consume your content at a time that suits their schedule best. What’s more, all that attendees and speakers need to attend/talk is a computer, laptop, or mobile device and a good, reliable internet connection.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Engagement:</span> In-person events are unrivaled in their ability to engage and facilitate real human-to-human connections through creative interactions. For this reason, you might be concerned that virtual events can’t engage audiences. Whilst there’s no escaping the fact that there are limitations vs face-to-face meetings, there are lots of potentials to mix rich content with live polling, Q&As and whiteboards to keep engagement levels high throughout sessions. Social media can also be employed as a great engagement tool – use event hashtags, encourage attendees to post images of their highlights from the event, and get imaginative with other ways a sense of community can be created via social channels.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Multiple or Single Content Experiences:</span> As with physical events, virtual events offer the opportunity to run multiple content streams concurrently; allowing different speakers to host sessions simultaneously and giving attendees the option to select sessions most relevant to them. If this isn’t required for your event, then a multiple single content experience may be a better fit.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Networking:</span> While there’s no escaping the fact that in-person events are the most conducive way to network and make meaningful business connections, networking can still be factored into a virtual event program. Give attendees the chance to schedule one-on-one time or assemble into group breakouts, where they can speak to each other, your team, sponsors or speakers over the internet. A range of tools can be used to ensure attendees can leverage the best from their interactions.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Insight:</span> The metrics and data insights that can be captured from virtual event platforms can help measure ROI and success against pre-defined KPIs. Information derived can be used to articulate if your event was successful and to influence future event decision making.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Is there a potential to incorporate sponsorship?</span>\r\nYes. Virtual event spaces, presentations and other assets can be customised to reflect your branding and the branding of any sponsors you may partner with. This maximises brand exposure and maintains a sponsor revenue stream coming into your event.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Can virtual events be used as part of a hybrid event strayegy?</span>\r\nAbsolutely. Incorporating virtual events with a holistic approach can be a good way to enhance your existing event strategy. Integrating virtual events into your wider events and meetings program will give you an additional tool to utilize alongside your live events; extending reach and engagement with your audience further.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/1999104__1_.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":6610,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/meetyoo.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"meetyoo Virtual Event Platform","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"0.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"meetyoo-virtual-event-platform","companyTitle":"meetyoo","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":9116,"companyAlias":"meetyoo","description":"By using innovative internet technology, we have created a stunning, user-friendly virtual environment. This enables online communication, even in large groups of up to tens of thousands of Participants, providing them with that real event feeling. While the components are seamlessly integrated into a self-contained conference similar to a physical exhibition center, the platform is highly flexible and scalable. Supporting both small online events as well as virtual conferences and fairs with of up to tens of thousands of participants is easily possible. Furthermore, you can adjust all design components - or simply use templates. \r\n\r\n<b><ins>Main Hall and Lounge </ins></b>\r\nThe virtual main hall is the entry point for any online event. Here, attendees can familiarise themselves with the event, interact with other attendees and enter the other online event areas. \r\n<b>Get familiar </b>\r\nTypically, participants can watch a teaser or welcome video, which tells them the most important information about the virtual event. There is also an information booth where attendees can find any assistance they might need. \r\n<b>Interact</b>\r\nAttendees also have the chance to network and interact with one another in the lounge area, an additional feature of the main hall. We have integrated multiple social networking capabilities (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, ...) in order to enable communication, helping to ensure that contacts are not lost once the event is over. \r\n<b>Navigate </b>\r\nThe main hall is also the navigation center for virtual events. From here attendees can access all other areas of the event, such as a keynote theater with video presentations or an exhibition hall with virtual booths. Since the virtual event platform supports events of unlimited size, it is also possible to access further exhibition halls, thus adding additional navigation layers for very large events. \r\n\r\n<b><ins>Keynote Theater </ins></b>\r\nThe virtual keynote theater is the broadcasting component of your online event. We support the following video streams: \r\n<ul> <li>live (studio/conference): live video streaming from a particular location</li> <li>live (webcam): video streaming with your webcam</li> <li>pseudo-live: pre-recorded and played at a fixed time</li> <li>on demand: pre-recorded and played on request</li> </ul>\r\n<b>Adjust it to your needs </b>\r\nThe virtual auditorium can be tailored to your individual needs: with or without slides, subtitles or translation. Polls, feedback and online tests can also be integrated to your event. \r\n<b>Lively interaction </b>\r\nIn order to enable lively interaction, video presentations can be run in combination with our chat feature. Live chats can be started automatically at the end of the presentation, and the moderator can also determine the order in which the messages of the attendees appear, in order to guide the flow of the discussion. Answers can be submitted in the group chat or via webcam. \r\n\r\n<b><ins>Exhibition Hall with Booths </ins></b>\r\nIn the virtual exhibition hall, conference attendees can browse the booths. These virtual booths can be adjusted according to your corporate identity, and all elements within the booths, such as video screens and document sections, can be emphasized to varying degrees depending on how important they are for you. \r\n<b>Live interaction with booth staff </b>\r\nYou can also staff each booth with individual booth personnel. As soon as they log in to the platform, their personal avatar appears in the booth. Each booth visitor can can simply click on these avatars to either start a video chat or a text based chat. The number of staff on a booth is not restricted in any way! A complex algorithm ensures that only the next available avatar is shown to the attendees. ","shortDescription":"Our virtual event solutions and services allow your organization to reduce event costs dramatically, to contribute to a sustainable economy, and to extend the reach of events!","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":0,"sellingCount":0,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"meetyoo Virtual Event Platform","keywords":"","description":"By using innovative internet technology, we have created a stunning, user-friendly virtual environment. This enables online communication, even in large groups of up to tens of thousands of Participants, providing them with that real event feeling. While the c","og:title":"meetyoo Virtual Event Platform","og:description":"By using innovative internet technology, we have created a stunning, user-friendly virtual environment. This enables online communication, even in large groups of up to tens of thousands of Participants, providing them with that real event feeling. While the c","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/meetyoo.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":6610,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":864,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms","alias":"virtual-event-platforms","description":" Virtual events are on the rise. As technology progresses, it has made it possible for companies to host amazing online events - ones that even rival in-person versions. This has led to many benefits for both event planners and attendees alike.\r\nA virtual event, also known as an online event, is an interactive gathering that happens on the internet. Unlike in-person events, virtual ones aren't restricted to a single location. A remote attendee can join and participate from anywhere in the world, given he or she has access to the web.\r\nSome events are completely virtual and every guest attends sessions from the comfort of their own home, favorite coffee shop, or wherever they might be. Others have both in-person and virtual components. Some attendees visit the actual event location and others stream the festivities from their computer.\r\nThere are many reasons why virtual events are valuable. First off, virtual events allow the individuals or companies hosting them to reach a wider audience. Were you to host your event in New York City, for example, not every person in your audience would be able to attend due to the cost of travel. With a virtual event, travel isn't an issue.\r\nIn general, virtual events are also much cheaper to put on. Event planners don't have to book a giant venue or hire a bunch of temporary staff. These cost savings can then be passed on to each virtual attendee in the form of lower ticket prices.\r\nLastly, virtual events are extremely measurable. Companies can easily learn which sessions were the most popular, how many people attended, where those attendees live, how they paid for their tickets, and much more. Just about every attendee action can be easily tracked and analyzed. This information can then be used to improve event strategy.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn an industry with lots of jargon and acronyms flying about, it’s easy to become bamboozled by terminology. However, in the case of virtual events, there’s little room for ambiguity – they are as they sound – events that take place completely online. Supported by specialist AV technology, virtual events negate the need for a physical location and work to bring people together virtually from across the world. Whilst a virtual event can’t replace the power and value of in-person interactions, they’re an effective tool that can be an engaging and immersive alternative to delivering business content and information.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How many people can attend a virtual event?</span>\r\nVirtual events have the capacity to facilitate large audience numbers: from hundreds of thousands to thousands, hundreds or smaller groups. Understanding, from the outset, what you want to achieve from your event and the complexity of the program, will provide a good guide to how many attendees should be invited.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How do attendees gain access to a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn theory, this is an easy one to answer: attendees will receive an invite with access details, which will allow them to enter the virtual event on the date and time outlined. However, before this happens, there are some important things for you to consider first, including:\r\n<ul><li>Are you charging an entry fee for the event?</li><li>Will the event be live, on-demand or a combination of the two?</li><li>How will you market your event, so your audience knows it’s taking place and want to be part of it?</li><li>Is your audience tech-savvy? Might they need a pre-event virtual guide/tour, so they are familiar with how to join and the features of a virtual event set up?</li></ul>\r\nHaving questions like these answered will define the platform required, help maximize attendance and optimize your delegates overall experience of the virtual event offering.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What are the main benefits of a virtual event?</span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Scope:</span> Whilst not all events will suit a virtual treatment, many programs can be adapted into a digital format. It really comes down to your objectives and whether or not these can be achieved through holding an online event.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Accessibility:</span> Expand the reach of your brand without the need for travel. Not only can virtual events connect you with a global audience in real-time, but with event recording, event content can be made available on-demand; providing more opportunities for people to consume your content at a time that suits their schedule best. What’s more, all that attendees and speakers need to attend/talk is a computer, laptop, or mobile device and a good, reliable internet connection.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Engagement:</span> In-person events are unrivaled in their ability to engage and facilitate real human-to-human connections through creative interactions. For this reason, you might be concerned that virtual events can’t engage audiences. Whilst there’s no escaping the fact that there are limitations vs face-to-face meetings, there are lots of potentials to mix rich content with live polling, Q&As and whiteboards to keep engagement levels high throughout sessions. Social media can also be employed as a great engagement tool – use event hashtags, encourage attendees to post images of their highlights from the event, and get imaginative with other ways a sense of community can be created via social channels.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Multiple or Single Content Experiences:</span> As with physical events, virtual events offer the opportunity to run multiple content streams concurrently; allowing different speakers to host sessions simultaneously and giving attendees the option to select sessions most relevant to them. If this isn’t required for your event, then a multiple single content experience may be a better fit.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Networking:</span> While there’s no escaping the fact that in-person events are the most conducive way to network and make meaningful business connections, networking can still be factored into a virtual event program. Give attendees the chance to schedule one-on-one time or assemble into group breakouts, where they can speak to each other, your team, sponsors or speakers over the internet. A range of tools can be used to ensure attendees can leverage the best from their interactions.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Insight:</span> The metrics and data insights that can be captured from virtual event platforms can help measure ROI and success against pre-defined KPIs. Information derived can be used to articulate if your event was successful and to influence future event decision making.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Is there a potential to incorporate sponsorship?</span>\r\nYes. Virtual event spaces, presentations and other assets can be customised to reflect your branding and the branding of any sponsors you may partner with. This maximises brand exposure and maintains a sponsor revenue stream coming into your event.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Can virtual events be used as part of a hybrid event strayegy?</span>\r\nAbsolutely. Incorporating virtual events with a holistic approach can be a good way to enhance your existing event strategy. Integrating virtual events into your wider events and meetings program will give you an additional tool to utilize alongside your live events; extending reach and engagement with your audience further.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/1999104__1_.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":6612,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Teooh.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Teooh","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"0.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"teooh","companyTitle":"Teooh","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":9117,"companyAlias":"teooh","description":"<b><ins>Choose the Venue Format That Best Suits Your Gathering </ins></b>\r\n<b>Virtual Events </b>\r\nMake presentations to your community, host fireside chats, sell tickets, and interact personally with your audience. Perfect for event organizers, companies, and speakers. \r\n<b>Personal Gatherings </b>\r\nHost family birthday parties, compete with your friends in a pub quiz, or gather together with a Facebook community — all in Teooh’s unique, customizable venues. Bring loved ones closer together in Teooh. \r\n<b>Remote Team Meetings </b>\r\nWith Teooh, global connections don’t have to involve expensive plane tickets or suit-on-top, pyjamas-on-bottom video calls. Our remote meetings platform allows you to connect with your colleagues, clients, and communities for free from anywhere. \r\n\r\n<b><ins>Virtual Spaces</ins></b>\r\n<b>The Virtual Office </b>\r\nWith 12 chairs around a large central table, this is the perfect venue for remote work. In addition, the central table is surrounded by 4 breakout tables to encourage 1:1 or small group meetings. \r\n<b>The Community Lounge </b>\r\nPerfect for community meet-ups and social gatherings, this venue contains 5 chairs on stage with 68 chairs around networking tables that face the stage. \r\n<b>The Fireside Chat </b>\r\nInterview-style fireside chats thrive in this venue, which has 2 chairs on the stage and 202 chairs around networking tables that face the stage. \r\n<b>The Fireside Panel </b>\r\nWith similar features to the Fireside Chat venue, this venue differs with 5 chairs on stage and 208 chairs around networking tables that face the stage. \r\n<b>The Big Stage </b>\r\nThis venue contains 5 chairs on stage with 209 chairs facing the stage for theatre-style seating. In addition, there is a breakout room with 209 chairs for socialising following the keynote. ","shortDescription":"Teooh is a new-age social platform enabling creators and communities to engage in live, multi-way conversations in virtual spaces.\r\n\r\n","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":0,"sellingCount":0,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Teooh","keywords":"","description":"<b><ins>Choose the Venue Format That Best Suits Your Gathering </ins></b>\r\n<b>Virtual Events </b>\r\nMake presentations to your community, host fireside chats, sell tickets, and interact personally with your audience. Perfect for event organizers, companies, and","og:title":"Teooh","og:description":"<b><ins>Choose the Venue Format That Best Suits Your Gathering </ins></b>\r\n<b>Virtual Events </b>\r\nMake presentations to your community, host fireside chats, sell tickets, and interact personally with your audience. Perfect for event organizers, companies, and","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Teooh.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":6612,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":864,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms","alias":"virtual-event-platforms","description":" Virtual events are on the rise. As technology progresses, it has made it possible for companies to host amazing online events - ones that even rival in-person versions. This has led to many benefits for both event planners and attendees alike.\r\nA virtual event, also known as an online event, is an interactive gathering that happens on the internet. Unlike in-person events, virtual ones aren't restricted to a single location. A remote attendee can join and participate from anywhere in the world, given he or she has access to the web.\r\nSome events are completely virtual and every guest attends sessions from the comfort of their own home, favorite coffee shop, or wherever they might be. Others have both in-person and virtual components. Some attendees visit the actual event location and others stream the festivities from their computer.\r\nThere are many reasons why virtual events are valuable. First off, virtual events allow the individuals or companies hosting them to reach a wider audience. Were you to host your event in New York City, for example, not every person in your audience would be able to attend due to the cost of travel. With a virtual event, travel isn't an issue.\r\nIn general, virtual events are also much cheaper to put on. Event planners don't have to book a giant venue or hire a bunch of temporary staff. These cost savings can then be passed on to each virtual attendee in the form of lower ticket prices.\r\nLastly, virtual events are extremely measurable. Companies can easily learn which sessions were the most popular, how many people attended, where those attendees live, how they paid for their tickets, and much more. Just about every attendee action can be easily tracked and analyzed. This information can then be used to improve event strategy.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn an industry with lots of jargon and acronyms flying about, it’s easy to become bamboozled by terminology. However, in the case of virtual events, there’s little room for ambiguity – they are as they sound – events that take place completely online. Supported by specialist AV technology, virtual events negate the need for a physical location and work to bring people together virtually from across the world. Whilst a virtual event can’t replace the power and value of in-person interactions, they’re an effective tool that can be an engaging and immersive alternative to delivering business content and information.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How many people can attend a virtual event?</span>\r\nVirtual events have the capacity to facilitate large audience numbers: from hundreds of thousands to thousands, hundreds or smaller groups. Understanding, from the outset, what you want to achieve from your event and the complexity of the program, will provide a good guide to how many attendees should be invited.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How do attendees gain access to a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn theory, this is an easy one to answer: attendees will receive an invite with access details, which will allow them to enter the virtual event on the date and time outlined. However, before this happens, there are some important things for you to consider first, including:\r\n<ul><li>Are you charging an entry fee for the event?</li><li>Will the event be live, on-demand or a combination of the two?</li><li>How will you market your event, so your audience knows it’s taking place and want to be part of it?</li><li>Is your audience tech-savvy? Might they need a pre-event virtual guide/tour, so they are familiar with how to join and the features of a virtual event set up?</li></ul>\r\nHaving questions like these answered will define the platform required, help maximize attendance and optimize your delegates overall experience of the virtual event offering.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What are the main benefits of a virtual event?</span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Scope:</span> Whilst not all events will suit a virtual treatment, many programs can be adapted into a digital format. It really comes down to your objectives and whether or not these can be achieved through holding an online event.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Accessibility:</span> Expand the reach of your brand without the need for travel. Not only can virtual events connect you with a global audience in real-time, but with event recording, event content can be made available on-demand; providing more opportunities for people to consume your content at a time that suits their schedule best. What’s more, all that attendees and speakers need to attend/talk is a computer, laptop, or mobile device and a good, reliable internet connection.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Engagement:</span> In-person events are unrivaled in their ability to engage and facilitate real human-to-human connections through creative interactions. For this reason, you might be concerned that virtual events can’t engage audiences. Whilst there’s no escaping the fact that there are limitations vs face-to-face meetings, there are lots of potentials to mix rich content with live polling, Q&As and whiteboards to keep engagement levels high throughout sessions. Social media can also be employed as a great engagement tool – use event hashtags, encourage attendees to post images of their highlights from the event, and get imaginative with other ways a sense of community can be created via social channels.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Multiple or Single Content Experiences:</span> As with physical events, virtual events offer the opportunity to run multiple content streams concurrently; allowing different speakers to host sessions simultaneously and giving attendees the option to select sessions most relevant to them. If this isn’t required for your event, then a multiple single content experience may be a better fit.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Networking:</span> While there’s no escaping the fact that in-person events are the most conducive way to network and make meaningful business connections, networking can still be factored into a virtual event program. Give attendees the chance to schedule one-on-one time or assemble into group breakouts, where they can speak to each other, your team, sponsors or speakers over the internet. A range of tools can be used to ensure attendees can leverage the best from their interactions.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Insight:</span> The metrics and data insights that can be captured from virtual event platforms can help measure ROI and success against pre-defined KPIs. Information derived can be used to articulate if your event was successful and to influence future event decision making.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Is there a potential to incorporate sponsorship?</span>\r\nYes. Virtual event spaces, presentations and other assets can be customised to reflect your branding and the branding of any sponsors you may partner with. This maximises brand exposure and maintains a sponsor revenue stream coming into your event.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Can virtual events be used as part of a hybrid event strayegy?</span>\r\nAbsolutely. Incorporating virtual events with a holistic approach can be a good way to enhance your existing event strategy. Integrating virtual events into your wider events and meetings program will give you an additional tool to utilize alongside your live events; extending reach and engagement with your audience further.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/1999104__1_.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":6424,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Bizzabo_Logo.jpg","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Bizzabo","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"bizzabo","companyTitle":"Bizzabo","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":8970,"companyAlias":"bizzabo","description":"Bizzabo is a holistic platform that provides your team with all the tools they need to create rewarding events while surfacing insights to help your events grow in ways you never thought were possible.<br /><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">MANAGE</span>\r\nOrchestrate your event logistics, speakers, and partners in a platform that is flexible enough for any event—from simple panels to complex, multi-track conferences\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Event Website Builder</span></span><br />Build beautiful and on-brand event websites without coding\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Registration & Ticketing</span></span><br />Customize event registration flows for different audiences at any event\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Agenda</span></span><br />Create robust event agendas that are multi-track, dynamic, and in sync with your event app\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Speakers Management</span></span><br />Simplify the way you manage your event content and speakers\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Partners Management</span></span><br />Streamline the workflow for your event team, sponsors, and exhibitors<br /><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">ENGAGE</span><br />Drive memorable experiences for everyone. Empower your attendees, speakers, and partners to build connections and network wherever they are.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virtual Experience</span></span><br />Deliver high-quality live streams and on-demand videos at scale\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Networking & Event App</span></span><br />Take your events across devices while staying completely on brand\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Onsite Solution</span></span><br />Elevate your event day with seamless onsite check-in and lead capture\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Event Marketing</span></span><br />Amplify your event promotion and communication efforts\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Sponsorship Opportunities</span></span><br />Keep your sponsors happy and engaged with your events<br /><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">MEASURE</span><br />Collect the data you need for your attendees and event to maximize your return on events.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Event Insights</span></span><br />Analyze and measure performance at the individual event level or across your entire portfolio\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Open Platform</span></span><br />Integrate your event data with over 2,500+ key business systems and Open API<br /><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Prove Value</span></span><br />See how your events are driving return through our native CRM and MAP integrations\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Attendee Analytics</span></span><br />Understand how your attendees are registering, checking in, and engaging with your events to deliver more relevant experiences<br /><br /><br />","shortDescription":"Bizzabo: The Modern Way to Run Your Professional Events","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":0,"sellingCount":0,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Bizzabo","keywords":"","description":"Bizzabo is a holistic platform that provides your team with all the tools they need to create rewarding events while surfacing insights to help your events grow in ways you never thought were possible.<br /><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">MANAGE</span>\r","og:title":"Bizzabo","og:description":"Bizzabo is a holistic platform that provides your team with all the tools they need to create rewarding events while surfacing insights to help your events grow in ways you never thought were possible.<br /><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">MANAGE</span>\r","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Bizzabo_Logo.jpg"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":6424,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":113,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":864,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms","alias":"virtual-event-platforms","description":" Virtual events are on the rise. As technology progresses, it has made it possible for companies to host amazing online events - ones that even rival in-person versions. This has led to many benefits for both event planners and attendees alike.\r\nA virtual event, also known as an online event, is an interactive gathering that happens on the internet. Unlike in-person events, virtual ones aren't restricted to a single location. A remote attendee can join and participate from anywhere in the world, given he or she has access to the web.\r\nSome events are completely virtual and every guest attends sessions from the comfort of their own home, favorite coffee shop, or wherever they might be. Others have both in-person and virtual components. Some attendees visit the actual event location and others stream the festivities from their computer.\r\nThere are many reasons why virtual events are valuable. First off, virtual events allow the individuals or companies hosting them to reach a wider audience. Were you to host your event in New York City, for example, not every person in your audience would be able to attend due to the cost of travel. With a virtual event, travel isn't an issue.\r\nIn general, virtual events are also much cheaper to put on. Event planners don't have to book a giant venue or hire a bunch of temporary staff. These cost savings can then be passed on to each virtual attendee in the form of lower ticket prices.\r\nLastly, virtual events are extremely measurable. Companies can easily learn which sessions were the most popular, how many people attended, where those attendees live, how they paid for their tickets, and much more. Just about every attendee action can be easily tracked and analyzed. This information can then be used to improve event strategy.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn an industry with lots of jargon and acronyms flying about, it’s easy to become bamboozled by terminology. However, in the case of virtual events, there’s little room for ambiguity – they are as they sound – events that take place completely online. Supported by specialist AV technology, virtual events negate the need for a physical location and work to bring people together virtually from across the world. Whilst a virtual event can’t replace the power and value of in-person interactions, they’re an effective tool that can be an engaging and immersive alternative to delivering business content and information.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How many people can attend a virtual event?</span>\r\nVirtual events have the capacity to facilitate large audience numbers: from hundreds of thousands to thousands, hundreds or smaller groups. Understanding, from the outset, what you want to achieve from your event and the complexity of the program, will provide a good guide to how many attendees should be invited.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How do attendees gain access to a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn theory, this is an easy one to answer: attendees will receive an invite with access details, which will allow them to enter the virtual event on the date and time outlined. However, before this happens, there are some important things for you to consider first, including:\r\n<ul><li>Are you charging an entry fee for the event?</li><li>Will the event be live, on-demand or a combination of the two?</li><li>How will you market your event, so your audience knows it’s taking place and want to be part of it?</li><li>Is your audience tech-savvy? Might they need a pre-event virtual guide/tour, so they are familiar with how to join and the features of a virtual event set up?</li></ul>\r\nHaving questions like these answered will define the platform required, help maximize attendance and optimize your delegates overall experience of the virtual event offering.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What are the main benefits of a virtual event?</span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Scope:</span> Whilst not all events will suit a virtual treatment, many programs can be adapted into a digital format. It really comes down to your objectives and whether or not these can be achieved through holding an online event.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Accessibility:</span> Expand the reach of your brand without the need for travel. Not only can virtual events connect you with a global audience in real-time, but with event recording, event content can be made available on-demand; providing more opportunities for people to consume your content at a time that suits their schedule best. What’s more, all that attendees and speakers need to attend/talk is a computer, laptop, or mobile device and a good, reliable internet connection.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Engagement:</span> In-person events are unrivaled in their ability to engage and facilitate real human-to-human connections through creative interactions. For this reason, you might be concerned that virtual events can’t engage audiences. Whilst there’s no escaping the fact that there are limitations vs face-to-face meetings, there are lots of potentials to mix rich content with live polling, Q&As and whiteboards to keep engagement levels high throughout sessions. Social media can also be employed as a great engagement tool – use event hashtags, encourage attendees to post images of their highlights from the event, and get imaginative with other ways a sense of community can be created via social channels.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Multiple or Single Content Experiences:</span> As with physical events, virtual events offer the opportunity to run multiple content streams concurrently; allowing different speakers to host sessions simultaneously and giving attendees the option to select sessions most relevant to them. If this isn’t required for your event, then a multiple single content experience may be a better fit.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Networking:</span> While there’s no escaping the fact that in-person events are the most conducive way to network and make meaningful business connections, networking can still be factored into a virtual event program. Give attendees the chance to schedule one-on-one time or assemble into group breakouts, where they can speak to each other, your team, sponsors or speakers over the internet. A range of tools can be used to ensure attendees can leverage the best from their interactions.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Insight:</span> The metrics and data insights that can be captured from virtual event platforms can help measure ROI and success against pre-defined KPIs. Information derived can be used to articulate if your event was successful and to influence future event decision making.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Is there a potential to incorporate sponsorship?</span>\r\nYes. Virtual event spaces, presentations and other assets can be customised to reflect your branding and the branding of any sponsors you may partner with. This maximises brand exposure and maintains a sponsor revenue stream coming into your event.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Can virtual events be used as part of a hybrid event strayegy?</span>\r\nAbsolutely. Incorporating virtual events with a holistic approach can be a good way to enhance your existing event strategy. Integrating virtual events into your wider events and meetings program will give you an additional tool to utilize alongside your live events; extending reach and engagement with your audience further.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/1999104__1_.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":6428,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/2event_Logo.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"2Event","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"2event","companyTitle":"2Event","companyTypes":["supplier"],"companyId":8972,"companyAlias":"2event","description":"The main advantage of 2Event over hundreds of regular ticket sites is its all-in-one service, where you get 100+ useful features from one source. The platform contains the main functions for organizing events: registration of visitors, tickets, schedule, speaker schedule, networking (list of visitors, appointment of meetings), search for fellow travelers (people who go to the event and are coordinated with each other), polls and voting, Twitter Wall , badges with QR, push-mailing.<br /><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Basic functionality</span><br />\r\n<ul><li>Landing Page for your event: get a ready-made "landing page"</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Simple registration of visitors via mail or social networks</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Purchase tickets directly from your smartphone, with a minimum commission of 2.5%</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Ticket and face scanners in smartphone: put an unlimited number of volunteers at the entrance with regular smartphones for control</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Schedule and questions to speakers on the user's phone. In addition to interactivity, this is also saving on printing</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Push notifications: send instant messages to your guests' smartphones with information about schedule changes, promotions or announcements of your next events</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Polls, polls and contests, QR quests: get feedback, hold contests and sweepstakes from partners, engage your audience</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Badges with QR: create your own ticket / badge design and use at your events</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Analytics: get access to full event statistics 24/7, connect Google Ads and track conversions</li></ul>\r\n<br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Networking</span><br />\r\n<ul><li>List of visitors in the application and on the website. It can be seen who else will go to the event</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Meetings: scheduling and scheduling meetings between event attendees</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Correspondence between event participants: private and general chats, the ability to ask questions to speakers</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Chat for the projector (Twitter Wall): a large screen on the wall, where posts of event visitors and all posts from social networks with the # hashtag of your event are broadcast in real time. Twitter Wall is one of the visitor attention centers and additional advertising space for sponsors</li></ul>\r\n<br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Advanced networking</span><br />\r\n<ul><li>Fellow travelers by car / taxi: visitors create groups by car / taxi or join existing ones to save money and get more time for communication</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Travel Companions Between Cities: Scan your transport ticket and find out who else is someone from your city traveling to the same event in your carriage. This way you will find fellow travelers and meet like-minded people on the road.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Search for roommates among event participants: reduce living expenses, meet visitors from other cities and spend the night with them</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Geolocation: look at the location of the event participants on the map. An indispensable feature if you are in an unfamiliar city</li></ul>","shortDescription":"2Event is a website and free mobile application for visitors and event organizers.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":0,"sellingCount":0,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"2Event","keywords":"","description":"The main advantage of 2Event over hundreds of regular ticket sites is its all-in-one service, where you get 100+ useful features from one source. The platform contains the main functions for organizing events: registration of visitors, tickets, schedule, speak","og:title":"2Event","og:description":"The main advantage of 2Event over hundreds of regular ticket sites is its all-in-one service, where you get 100+ useful features from one source. The platform contains the main functions for organizing events: registration of visitors, tickets, schedule, speak","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/2event_Logo.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":6428,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":113,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":864,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms","alias":"virtual-event-platforms","description":" Virtual events are on the rise. As technology progresses, it has made it possible for companies to host amazing online events - ones that even rival in-person versions. This has led to many benefits for both event planners and attendees alike.\r\nA virtual event, also known as an online event, is an interactive gathering that happens on the internet. Unlike in-person events, virtual ones aren't restricted to a single location. A remote attendee can join and participate from anywhere in the world, given he or she has access to the web.\r\nSome events are completely virtual and every guest attends sessions from the comfort of their own home, favorite coffee shop, or wherever they might be. Others have both in-person and virtual components. Some attendees visit the actual event location and others stream the festivities from their computer.\r\nThere are many reasons why virtual events are valuable. First off, virtual events allow the individuals or companies hosting them to reach a wider audience. Were you to host your event in New York City, for example, not every person in your audience would be able to attend due to the cost of travel. With a virtual event, travel isn't an issue.\r\nIn general, virtual events are also much cheaper to put on. Event planners don't have to book a giant venue or hire a bunch of temporary staff. These cost savings can then be passed on to each virtual attendee in the form of lower ticket prices.\r\nLastly, virtual events are extremely measurable. Companies can easily learn which sessions were the most popular, how many people attended, where those attendees live, how they paid for their tickets, and much more. Just about every attendee action can be easily tracked and analyzed. This information can then be used to improve event strategy.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn an industry with lots of jargon and acronyms flying about, it’s easy to become bamboozled by terminology. However, in the case of virtual events, there’s little room for ambiguity – they are as they sound – events that take place completely online. Supported by specialist AV technology, virtual events negate the need for a physical location and work to bring people together virtually from across the world. Whilst a virtual event can’t replace the power and value of in-person interactions, they’re an effective tool that can be an engaging and immersive alternative to delivering business content and information.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How many people can attend a virtual event?</span>\r\nVirtual events have the capacity to facilitate large audience numbers: from hundreds of thousands to thousands, hundreds or smaller groups. Understanding, from the outset, what you want to achieve from your event and the complexity of the program, will provide a good guide to how many attendees should be invited.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How do attendees gain access to a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn theory, this is an easy one to answer: attendees will receive an invite with access details, which will allow them to enter the virtual event on the date and time outlined. However, before this happens, there are some important things for you to consider first, including:\r\n<ul><li>Are you charging an entry fee for the event?</li><li>Will the event be live, on-demand or a combination of the two?</li><li>How will you market your event, so your audience knows it’s taking place and want to be part of it?</li><li>Is your audience tech-savvy? Might they need a pre-event virtual guide/tour, so they are familiar with how to join and the features of a virtual event set up?</li></ul>\r\nHaving questions like these answered will define the platform required, help maximize attendance and optimize your delegates overall experience of the virtual event offering.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What are the main benefits of a virtual event?</span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Scope:</span> Whilst not all events will suit a virtual treatment, many programs can be adapted into a digital format. It really comes down to your objectives and whether or not these can be achieved through holding an online event.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Accessibility:</span> Expand the reach of your brand without the need for travel. Not only can virtual events connect you with a global audience in real-time, but with event recording, event content can be made available on-demand; providing more opportunities for people to consume your content at a time that suits their schedule best. What’s more, all that attendees and speakers need to attend/talk is a computer, laptop, or mobile device and a good, reliable internet connection.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Engagement:</span> In-person events are unrivaled in their ability to engage and facilitate real human-to-human connections through creative interactions. For this reason, you might be concerned that virtual events can’t engage audiences. Whilst there’s no escaping the fact that there are limitations vs face-to-face meetings, there are lots of potentials to mix rich content with live polling, Q&As and whiteboards to keep engagement levels high throughout sessions. Social media can also be employed as a great engagement tool – use event hashtags, encourage attendees to post images of their highlights from the event, and get imaginative with other ways a sense of community can be created via social channels.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Multiple or Single Content Experiences:</span> As with physical events, virtual events offer the opportunity to run multiple content streams concurrently; allowing different speakers to host sessions simultaneously and giving attendees the option to select sessions most relevant to them. If this isn’t required for your event, then a multiple single content experience may be a better fit.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Networking:</span> While there’s no escaping the fact that in-person events are the most conducive way to network and make meaningful business connections, networking can still be factored into a virtual event program. Give attendees the chance to schedule one-on-one time or assemble into group breakouts, where they can speak to each other, your team, sponsors or speakers over the internet. A range of tools can be used to ensure attendees can leverage the best from their interactions.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Insight:</span> The metrics and data insights that can be captured from virtual event platforms can help measure ROI and success against pre-defined KPIs. Information derived can be used to articulate if your event was successful and to influence future event decision making.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Is there a potential to incorporate sponsorship?</span>\r\nYes. Virtual event spaces, presentations and other assets can be customised to reflect your branding and the branding of any sponsors you may partner with. This maximises brand exposure and maintains a sponsor revenue stream coming into your event.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Can virtual events be used as part of a hybrid event strayegy?</span>\r\nAbsolutely. Incorporating virtual events with a holistic approach can be a good way to enhance your existing event strategy. Integrating virtual events into your wider events and meetings program will give you an additional tool to utilize alongside your live events; extending reach and engagement with your audience further.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/1999104__1_.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":6430,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Eventbrite_Logo.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Eventbrite","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"eventbrite","companyTitle":"Eventbrite","companyTypes":["supplier","vendor"],"companyId":8973,"companyAlias":"eventbrite","description":"Create a beautiful event listing page with built-in payment processing, analytics, and support.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Eventbrite Payment Processing.</span></span> Let your attendees pay online, and get paid out quickly.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Free tickets are always free.</span></span> We never charge fees on free tickets.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">An app designed for organizers.</span></span> Run, promote, and track your event from your mobile device.\r\nManage and track your sales with real-time reporting and analytics from any device.\r\nPromote your unique brand with beautifully designed pages that enable easy discovery and ticket purchasing.\r\n<ol> <li>Professional out-of-the-box listing page. Up your game with a beautifully designed event page.</li> <li>Embed checkout on your own site. Give your website visitors an easy checkout experience and keep them on your site.</li> <li>Create a custom branded website. Let us design and build a unique web presence for you.</li> </ol>\r\nExtend your reach and find your audience where they discover experiences on partner sites like Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.\r\nGive your event goers a great experience with simple, secure checkout and rapid check-in through our mobile apps and a full suite of on-site equipment, staffing, and logistics.\r\n<ol> <li>Easy to use mobile ticket scanning. Get your attendees in the door fast.</li> <li>Sell more at the door. Accept credit cards and cash, look up orders, and print tickets.</li> <li>Keep your finger on the pulse. Make informed decisions with data, insights, and reports.</li> </ol>","shortDescription":"Eventbrite is a global platform that allows anyone to create, share, find & attend events. ","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":0,"sellingCount":0,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Eventbrite","keywords":"","description":"Create a beautiful event listing page with built-in payment processing, analytics, and support.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Eventbrite Payment Processing.</span></span> Let your attendees pay online, and get paid out qui","og:title":"Eventbrite","og:description":"Create a beautiful event listing page with built-in payment processing, analytics, and support.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Eventbrite Payment Processing.</span></span> Let your attendees pay online, and get paid out qui","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Eventbrite_Logo.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":6430,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":113,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":864,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms","alias":"virtual-event-platforms","description":" Virtual events are on the rise. As technology progresses, it has made it possible for companies to host amazing online events - ones that even rival in-person versions. This has led to many benefits for both event planners and attendees alike.\r\nA virtual event, also known as an online event, is an interactive gathering that happens on the internet. Unlike in-person events, virtual ones aren't restricted to a single location. A remote attendee can join and participate from anywhere in the world, given he or she has access to the web.\r\nSome events are completely virtual and every guest attends sessions from the comfort of their own home, favorite coffee shop, or wherever they might be. Others have both in-person and virtual components. Some attendees visit the actual event location and others stream the festivities from their computer.\r\nThere are many reasons why virtual events are valuable. First off, virtual events allow the individuals or companies hosting them to reach a wider audience. Were you to host your event in New York City, for example, not every person in your audience would be able to attend due to the cost of travel. With a virtual event, travel isn't an issue.\r\nIn general, virtual events are also much cheaper to put on. Event planners don't have to book a giant venue or hire a bunch of temporary staff. These cost savings can then be passed on to each virtual attendee in the form of lower ticket prices.\r\nLastly, virtual events are extremely measurable. Companies can easily learn which sessions were the most popular, how many people attended, where those attendees live, how they paid for their tickets, and much more. Just about every attendee action can be easily tracked and analyzed. This information can then be used to improve event strategy.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn an industry with lots of jargon and acronyms flying about, it’s easy to become bamboozled by terminology. However, in the case of virtual events, there’s little room for ambiguity – they are as they sound – events that take place completely online. Supported by specialist AV technology, virtual events negate the need for a physical location and work to bring people together virtually from across the world. Whilst a virtual event can’t replace the power and value of in-person interactions, they’re an effective tool that can be an engaging and immersive alternative to delivering business content and information.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How many people can attend a virtual event?</span>\r\nVirtual events have the capacity to facilitate large audience numbers: from hundreds of thousands to thousands, hundreds or smaller groups. Understanding, from the outset, what you want to achieve from your event and the complexity of the program, will provide a good guide to how many attendees should be invited.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How do attendees gain access to a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn theory, this is an easy one to answer: attendees will receive an invite with access details, which will allow them to enter the virtual event on the date and time outlined. However, before this happens, there are some important things for you to consider first, including:\r\n<ul><li>Are you charging an entry fee for the event?</li><li>Will the event be live, on-demand or a combination of the two?</li><li>How will you market your event, so your audience knows it’s taking place and want to be part of it?</li><li>Is your audience tech-savvy? Might they need a pre-event virtual guide/tour, so they are familiar with how to join and the features of a virtual event set up?</li></ul>\r\nHaving questions like these answered will define the platform required, help maximize attendance and optimize your delegates overall experience of the virtual event offering.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What are the main benefits of a virtual event?</span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Scope:</span> Whilst not all events will suit a virtual treatment, many programs can be adapted into a digital format. It really comes down to your objectives and whether or not these can be achieved through holding an online event.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Accessibility:</span> Expand the reach of your brand without the need for travel. Not only can virtual events connect you with a global audience in real-time, but with event recording, event content can be made available on-demand; providing more opportunities for people to consume your content at a time that suits their schedule best. What’s more, all that attendees and speakers need to attend/talk is a computer, laptop, or mobile device and a good, reliable internet connection.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Engagement:</span> In-person events are unrivaled in their ability to engage and facilitate real human-to-human connections through creative interactions. For this reason, you might be concerned that virtual events can’t engage audiences. Whilst there’s no escaping the fact that there are limitations vs face-to-face meetings, there are lots of potentials to mix rich content with live polling, Q&As and whiteboards to keep engagement levels high throughout sessions. Social media can also be employed as a great engagement tool – use event hashtags, encourage attendees to post images of their highlights from the event, and get imaginative with other ways a sense of community can be created via social channels.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Multiple or Single Content Experiences:</span> As with physical events, virtual events offer the opportunity to run multiple content streams concurrently; allowing different speakers to host sessions simultaneously and giving attendees the option to select sessions most relevant to them. If this isn’t required for your event, then a multiple single content experience may be a better fit.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Networking:</span> While there’s no escaping the fact that in-person events are the most conducive way to network and make meaningful business connections, networking can still be factored into a virtual event program. Give attendees the chance to schedule one-on-one time or assemble into group breakouts, where they can speak to each other, your team, sponsors or speakers over the internet. A range of tools can be used to ensure attendees can leverage the best from their interactions.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Insight:</span> The metrics and data insights that can be captured from virtual event platforms can help measure ROI and success against pre-defined KPIs. Information derived can be used to articulate if your event was successful and to influence future event decision making.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Is there a potential to incorporate sponsorship?</span>\r\nYes. Virtual event spaces, presentations and other assets can be customised to reflect your branding and the branding of any sponsors you may partner with. This maximises brand exposure and maintains a sponsor revenue stream coming into your event.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Can virtual events be used as part of a hybrid event strayegy?</span>\r\nAbsolutely. Incorporating virtual events with a holistic approach can be a good way to enhance your existing event strategy. Integrating virtual events into your wider events and meetings program will give you an additional tool to utilize alongside your live events; extending reach and engagement with your audience further.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/1999104__1_.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":6432,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Cvent_Logo.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Cvent Virtual Attendee Hub","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"cvent-virtual-attendee-hub","companyTitle":"Cvent","companyTypes":["supplier","vendor"],"companyId":8974,"companyAlias":"cvent","description":"Cvent Virtual Attendee Hub creates immersive, interactive virtual events<br /><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Build on the industry’s leading platform</span><br />\r\n<ul><li>Cvent virtual event platform delivers a seamless, fully branded experience</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A single source of truth for all your event data</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Engage attendees on the go with a native mobile app</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Benefit from enterprise-class security and support</li></ul>\r\n<br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Deliver engaging session content</span><br />\r\n<ul><li>Allow attendees to easily browse and select sessions</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Embedded video player delivers high quality live, simulive, or recorded content</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Encourage interaction with live, moderated Q&A</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Connect one on one, or through collaborative sessions with up to 500 participants</li></ul>\r\n<br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Provide more value for sponsors</span><br />\r\n<ul><li>Enable exhibitors and sponsors to showcase their brand and content</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Facilitate connections via virtual exhibitor booths</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Easily create inbound leads for exhibitors</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Combine our appointment tool to run 1:1 sessions</li></ul>\r\n<br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Discover insights that matter</span><br />\r\n<ul><li>Monitor attendees’ clicks and views during the event</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Get session attendance tracking for CE credit</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Develop an attendee engagement score for qualified leads</li></ul>","shortDescription":"Produce amazing events with all-in-one virtual solution Cvent Virtual Attendee Hub","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":0,"sellingCount":0,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Cvent Virtual Attendee Hub","keywords":"","description":"Cvent Virtual Attendee Hub creates immersive, interactive virtual events<br /><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Build on the industry’s leading platform</span><br />\r\n<ul><li>Cvent virtual event platform delivers a seamless, fully branded experience</li><","og:title":"Cvent Virtual Attendee Hub","og:description":"Cvent Virtual Attendee Hub creates immersive, interactive virtual events<br /><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Build on the industry’s leading platform</span><br />\r\n<ul><li>Cvent virtual event platform delivers a seamless, fully branded experience</li><","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Cvent_Logo.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":6432,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":113,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":864,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms","alias":"virtual-event-platforms","description":" Virtual events are on the rise. As technology progresses, it has made it possible for companies to host amazing online events - ones that even rival in-person versions. This has led to many benefits for both event planners and attendees alike.\r\nA virtual event, also known as an online event, is an interactive gathering that happens on the internet. Unlike in-person events, virtual ones aren't restricted to a single location. A remote attendee can join and participate from anywhere in the world, given he or she has access to the web.\r\nSome events are completely virtual and every guest attends sessions from the comfort of their own home, favorite coffee shop, or wherever they might be. Others have both in-person and virtual components. Some attendees visit the actual event location and others stream the festivities from their computer.\r\nThere are many reasons why virtual events are valuable. First off, virtual events allow the individuals or companies hosting them to reach a wider audience. Were you to host your event in New York City, for example, not every person in your audience would be able to attend due to the cost of travel. With a virtual event, travel isn't an issue.\r\nIn general, virtual events are also much cheaper to put on. Event planners don't have to book a giant venue or hire a bunch of temporary staff. These cost savings can then be passed on to each virtual attendee in the form of lower ticket prices.\r\nLastly, virtual events are extremely measurable. Companies can easily learn which sessions were the most popular, how many people attended, where those attendees live, how they paid for their tickets, and much more. Just about every attendee action can be easily tracked and analyzed. This information can then be used to improve event strategy.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn an industry with lots of jargon and acronyms flying about, it’s easy to become bamboozled by terminology. However, in the case of virtual events, there’s little room for ambiguity – they are as they sound – events that take place completely online. Supported by specialist AV technology, virtual events negate the need for a physical location and work to bring people together virtually from across the world. Whilst a virtual event can’t replace the power and value of in-person interactions, they’re an effective tool that can be an engaging and immersive alternative to delivering business content and information.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How many people can attend a virtual event?</span>\r\nVirtual events have the capacity to facilitate large audience numbers: from hundreds of thousands to thousands, hundreds or smaller groups. Understanding, from the outset, what you want to achieve from your event and the complexity of the program, will provide a good guide to how many attendees should be invited.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How do attendees gain access to a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn theory, this is an easy one to answer: attendees will receive an invite with access details, which will allow them to enter the virtual event on the date and time outlined. However, before this happens, there are some important things for you to consider first, including:\r\n<ul><li>Are you charging an entry fee for the event?</li><li>Will the event be live, on-demand or a combination of the two?</li><li>How will you market your event, so your audience knows it’s taking place and want to be part of it?</li><li>Is your audience tech-savvy? Might they need a pre-event virtual guide/tour, so they are familiar with how to join and the features of a virtual event set up?</li></ul>\r\nHaving questions like these answered will define the platform required, help maximize attendance and optimize your delegates overall experience of the virtual event offering.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What are the main benefits of a virtual event?</span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Scope:</span> Whilst not all events will suit a virtual treatment, many programs can be adapted into a digital format. It really comes down to your objectives and whether or not these can be achieved through holding an online event.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Accessibility:</span> Expand the reach of your brand without the need for travel. Not only can virtual events connect you with a global audience in real-time, but with event recording, event content can be made available on-demand; providing more opportunities for people to consume your content at a time that suits their schedule best. What’s more, all that attendees and speakers need to attend/talk is a computer, laptop, or mobile device and a good, reliable internet connection.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Engagement:</span> In-person events are unrivaled in their ability to engage and facilitate real human-to-human connections through creative interactions. For this reason, you might be concerned that virtual events can’t engage audiences. Whilst there’s no escaping the fact that there are limitations vs face-to-face meetings, there are lots of potentials to mix rich content with live polling, Q&As and whiteboards to keep engagement levels high throughout sessions. Social media can also be employed as a great engagement tool – use event hashtags, encourage attendees to post images of their highlights from the event, and get imaginative with other ways a sense of community can be created via social channels.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Multiple or Single Content Experiences:</span> As with physical events, virtual events offer the opportunity to run multiple content streams concurrently; allowing different speakers to host sessions simultaneously and giving attendees the option to select sessions most relevant to them. If this isn’t required for your event, then a multiple single content experience may be a better fit.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Networking:</span> While there’s no escaping the fact that in-person events are the most conducive way to network and make meaningful business connections, networking can still be factored into a virtual event program. Give attendees the chance to schedule one-on-one time or assemble into group breakouts, where they can speak to each other, your team, sponsors or speakers over the internet. A range of tools can be used to ensure attendees can leverage the best from their interactions.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Insight:</span> The metrics and data insights that can be captured from virtual event platforms can help measure ROI and success against pre-defined KPIs. Information derived can be used to articulate if your event was successful and to influence future event decision making.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Is there a potential to incorporate sponsorship?</span>\r\nYes. Virtual event spaces, presentations and other assets can be customised to reflect your branding and the branding of any sponsors you may partner with. This maximises brand exposure and maintains a sponsor revenue stream coming into your event.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Can virtual events be used as part of a hybrid event strayegy?</span>\r\nAbsolutely. Incorporating virtual events with a holistic approach can be a good way to enhance your existing event strategy. Integrating virtual events into your wider events and meetings program will give you an additional tool to utilize alongside your live events; extending reach and engagement with your audience further.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/1999104__1_.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":6434,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/XING_Events_Logo_CMYK_pos-jpg.jpg","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"XING Events","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"xing-events","companyTitle":"New Work SE","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":8975,"companyAlias":"new-work-se","description":"XING Events is the only provider that brings together intelligent visitor management software and business networks on a single platform, while also offering solutions for successful event promotion and an easy-to-use one-stop ticketing system.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Generate more attendees</span><br />Promoting events and managing attendees on a single platform is the perfect way to address your attendees in the largest business network. With XING EventManager, you can make your marketing, registration and purchasing processes even more efficient. You will sell significantly more tickets because this tool simplifies all the processes of your event.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Successful events with through data intelligence</span><br />XING Event is a pioneer and market leader in intellectual valuation and use of attendee and event data. Data analysis will help you find out what users are interested in, allow you to make individual advertising of the event and meet the needs of your target group so that your event is held at the highest level.<br />\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Help and tips</span><br />XING Events manages everything related to online registration and payment processing. You get paid monthly for ticket sales. Competent consultation at all stages of your event from the specialists of the XING Event team<br />\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">German data protection</span><br />More than 19 million highly qualified users from all industries trust XING with their personal and professional data. Your data is under reliable protection.\r\nXING Events six essential building blocks for successful event promotion and simple ticket sales:\r\n<ul> <li><span style=\"font-style: italic; \"><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Online events</span></span></li> <li><span style=\"font-style: italic; \"><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Event promotion</span></span></li> <li><span style=\"font-style: italic; \"><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Online registration</span></span></li> <li><span style=\"font-style: italic; \"><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Payment processing</span></span></li> <li><span style=\"font-style: italic; \"><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Entry management</span></span></li> <li><span style=\"font-style: italic; \"><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Interfaces/APIs</span></span></li> </ul>","shortDescription":"Innovative event promotion & efficient attendee management. You can get both together only at XING Events.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":0,"sellingCount":0,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"XING Events","keywords":"","description":"XING Events is the only provider that brings together intelligent visitor management software and business networks on a single platform, while also offering solutions for successful event promotion and an easy-to-use one-stop ticketing system.\r\n<span style=\"f","og:title":"XING Events","og:description":"XING Events is the only provider that brings together intelligent visitor management software and business networks on a single platform, while also offering solutions for successful event promotion and an easy-to-use one-stop ticketing system.\r\n<span style=\"f","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/XING_Events_Logo_CMYK_pos-jpg.jpg"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":6434,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":113,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":864,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms","alias":"virtual-event-platforms","description":" Virtual events are on the rise. As technology progresses, it has made it possible for companies to host amazing online events - ones that even rival in-person versions. This has led to many benefits for both event planners and attendees alike.\r\nA virtual event, also known as an online event, is an interactive gathering that happens on the internet. Unlike in-person events, virtual ones aren't restricted to a single location. A remote attendee can join and participate from anywhere in the world, given he or she has access to the web.\r\nSome events are completely virtual and every guest attends sessions from the comfort of their own home, favorite coffee shop, or wherever they might be. Others have both in-person and virtual components. Some attendees visit the actual event location and others stream the festivities from their computer.\r\nThere are many reasons why virtual events are valuable. First off, virtual events allow the individuals or companies hosting them to reach a wider audience. Were you to host your event in New York City, for example, not every person in your audience would be able to attend due to the cost of travel. With a virtual event, travel isn't an issue.\r\nIn general, virtual events are also much cheaper to put on. Event planners don't have to book a giant venue or hire a bunch of temporary staff. These cost savings can then be passed on to each virtual attendee in the form of lower ticket prices.\r\nLastly, virtual events are extremely measurable. Companies can easily learn which sessions were the most popular, how many people attended, where those attendees live, how they paid for their tickets, and much more. Just about every attendee action can be easily tracked and analyzed. This information can then be used to improve event strategy.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn an industry with lots of jargon and acronyms flying about, it’s easy to become bamboozled by terminology. However, in the case of virtual events, there’s little room for ambiguity – they are as they sound – events that take place completely online. Supported by specialist AV technology, virtual events negate the need for a physical location and work to bring people together virtually from across the world. Whilst a virtual event can’t replace the power and value of in-person interactions, they’re an effective tool that can be an engaging and immersive alternative to delivering business content and information.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How many people can attend a virtual event?</span>\r\nVirtual events have the capacity to facilitate large audience numbers: from hundreds of thousands to thousands, hundreds or smaller groups. Understanding, from the outset, what you want to achieve from your event and the complexity of the program, will provide a good guide to how many attendees should be invited.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How do attendees gain access to a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn theory, this is an easy one to answer: attendees will receive an invite with access details, which will allow them to enter the virtual event on the date and time outlined. However, before this happens, there are some important things for you to consider first, including:\r\n<ul><li>Are you charging an entry fee for the event?</li><li>Will the event be live, on-demand or a combination of the two?</li><li>How will you market your event, so your audience knows it’s taking place and want to be part of it?</li><li>Is your audience tech-savvy? Might they need a pre-event virtual guide/tour, so they are familiar with how to join and the features of a virtual event set up?</li></ul>\r\nHaving questions like these answered will define the platform required, help maximize attendance and optimize your delegates overall experience of the virtual event offering.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What are the main benefits of a virtual event?</span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Scope:</span> Whilst not all events will suit a virtual treatment, many programs can be adapted into a digital format. It really comes down to your objectives and whether or not these can be achieved through holding an online event.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Accessibility:</span> Expand the reach of your brand without the need for travel. Not only can virtual events connect you with a global audience in real-time, but with event recording, event content can be made available on-demand; providing more opportunities for people to consume your content at a time that suits their schedule best. What’s more, all that attendees and speakers need to attend/talk is a computer, laptop, or mobile device and a good, reliable internet connection.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Engagement:</span> In-person events are unrivaled in their ability to engage and facilitate real human-to-human connections through creative interactions. For this reason, you might be concerned that virtual events can’t engage audiences. Whilst there’s no escaping the fact that there are limitations vs face-to-face meetings, there are lots of potentials to mix rich content with live polling, Q&As and whiteboards to keep engagement levels high throughout sessions. Social media can also be employed as a great engagement tool – use event hashtags, encourage attendees to post images of their highlights from the event, and get imaginative with other ways a sense of community can be created via social channels.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Multiple or Single Content Experiences:</span> As with physical events, virtual events offer the opportunity to run multiple content streams concurrently; allowing different speakers to host sessions simultaneously and giving attendees the option to select sessions most relevant to them. If this isn’t required for your event, then a multiple single content experience may be a better fit.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Networking:</span> While there’s no escaping the fact that in-person events are the most conducive way to network and make meaningful business connections, networking can still be factored into a virtual event program. Give attendees the chance to schedule one-on-one time or assemble into group breakouts, where they can speak to each other, your team, sponsors or speakers over the internet. A range of tools can be used to ensure attendees can leverage the best from their interactions.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Insight:</span> The metrics and data insights that can be captured from virtual event platforms can help measure ROI and success against pre-defined KPIs. Information derived can be used to articulate if your event was successful and to influence future event decision making.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Is there a potential to incorporate sponsorship?</span>\r\nYes. Virtual event spaces, presentations and other assets can be customised to reflect your branding and the branding of any sponsors you may partner with. This maximises brand exposure and maintains a sponsor revenue stream coming into your event.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Can virtual events be used as part of a hybrid event strayegy?</span>\r\nAbsolutely. Incorporating virtual events with a holistic approach can be a good way to enhance your existing event strategy. Integrating virtual events into your wider events and meetings program will give you an additional tool to utilize alongside your live events; extending reach and engagement with your audience further.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/1999104__1_.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":6458,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Zmeet_Logo.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"zMeet","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"zmeet","companyTitle":"Z Lab","companyTypes":["supplier","vendor"],"companyId":8980,"companyAlias":"z-lab","description":"Developed by <span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">ZLab</span></span> studio, <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">zMEET</span> is a gamified platform to run conferences, educational courses, product demos, and more online. The capacity allows you to gather several thousand people at a single moment.\r\n\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Features</span></span>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Discover Locations</span>\r\nThe current map, 1 square kilometer, consists of multiple landscapes and terrains and contains a dozen various locations. Enjoy your discovery among futuristic halls, classic office buildings, stages for performance, cinema, and more.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Watch Performance</span>\r\nzMEET innovative technology allows event visitors to view favorite speakers and artists live. One person or a band, in front of a green background, can be easily streamed into the environment to look as real as possible.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Text & Voice Chat</span>\r\nFind any event visitor in a chat, create groups, share your location. The feature helps you find friends and share contact with new acquaintances. Voice communication allows users to make voice groups and discover locations together.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Selfie & Stream</span>\r\nShare experience to social media and save highlights to computer. For stunning memories, use photos, videos, frontal & backward cameras, landscape or portrait modes, zoom in & out. Capture moments.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Share Emotions</span>\r\nShare emotions, provide feedback to others, show your reactions to people on stage. Use feature "Reactions" to show emojis and to dance, so everyone else feels your joy beyond the screen.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Present your Product</span>\r\nEnhance visitors' experience with product and company zones to maximizing the WOW-effect of every visitor. Build engaging stages, levitating products, interactions, photo & video booths - whatever it takes to amaze your potential client.","shortDescription":"zMEET brings mass gatherings online.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":0,"sellingCount":0,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"zMeet","keywords":"","description":"Developed by <span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">ZLab</span></span> studio, <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">zMEET</span> is a gamified platform to run conferences, educational courses, product demos, and more online. The capacit","og:title":"zMeet","og:description":"Developed by <span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">ZLab</span></span> studio, <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">zMEET</span> is a gamified platform to run conferences, educational courses, product demos, and more online. The capacit","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Zmeet_Logo.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":6458,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":113,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":864,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms","alias":"virtual-event-platforms","description":" Virtual events are on the rise. As technology progresses, it has made it possible for companies to host amazing online events - ones that even rival in-person versions. This has led to many benefits for both event planners and attendees alike.\r\nA virtual event, also known as an online event, is an interactive gathering that happens on the internet. Unlike in-person events, virtual ones aren't restricted to a single location. A remote attendee can join and participate from anywhere in the world, given he or she has access to the web.\r\nSome events are completely virtual and every guest attends sessions from the comfort of their own home, favorite coffee shop, or wherever they might be. Others have both in-person and virtual components. Some attendees visit the actual event location and others stream the festivities from their computer.\r\nThere are many reasons why virtual events are valuable. First off, virtual events allow the individuals or companies hosting them to reach a wider audience. Were you to host your event in New York City, for example, not every person in your audience would be able to attend due to the cost of travel. With a virtual event, travel isn't an issue.\r\nIn general, virtual events are also much cheaper to put on. Event planners don't have to book a giant venue or hire a bunch of temporary staff. These cost savings can then be passed on to each virtual attendee in the form of lower ticket prices.\r\nLastly, virtual events are extremely measurable. Companies can easily learn which sessions were the most popular, how many people attended, where those attendees live, how they paid for their tickets, and much more. Just about every attendee action can be easily tracked and analyzed. This information can then be used to improve event strategy.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn an industry with lots of jargon and acronyms flying about, it’s easy to become bamboozled by terminology. However, in the case of virtual events, there’s little room for ambiguity – they are as they sound – events that take place completely online. Supported by specialist AV technology, virtual events negate the need for a physical location and work to bring people together virtually from across the world. Whilst a virtual event can’t replace the power and value of in-person interactions, they’re an effective tool that can be an engaging and immersive alternative to delivering business content and information.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How many people can attend a virtual event?</span>\r\nVirtual events have the capacity to facilitate large audience numbers: from hundreds of thousands to thousands, hundreds or smaller groups. Understanding, from the outset, what you want to achieve from your event and the complexity of the program, will provide a good guide to how many attendees should be invited.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How do attendees gain access to a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn theory, this is an easy one to answer: attendees will receive an invite with access details, which will allow them to enter the virtual event on the date and time outlined. However, before this happens, there are some important things for you to consider first, including:\r\n<ul><li>Are you charging an entry fee for the event?</li><li>Will the event be live, on-demand or a combination of the two?</li><li>How will you market your event, so your audience knows it’s taking place and want to be part of it?</li><li>Is your audience tech-savvy? Might they need a pre-event virtual guide/tour, so they are familiar with how to join and the features of a virtual event set up?</li></ul>\r\nHaving questions like these answered will define the platform required, help maximize attendance and optimize your delegates overall experience of the virtual event offering.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What are the main benefits of a virtual event?</span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Scope:</span> Whilst not all events will suit a virtual treatment, many programs can be adapted into a digital format. It really comes down to your objectives and whether or not these can be achieved through holding an online event.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Accessibility:</span> Expand the reach of your brand without the need for travel. Not only can virtual events connect you with a global audience in real-time, but with event recording, event content can be made available on-demand; providing more opportunities for people to consume your content at a time that suits their schedule best. What’s more, all that attendees and speakers need to attend/talk is a computer, laptop, or mobile device and a good, reliable internet connection.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Engagement:</span> In-person events are unrivaled in their ability to engage and facilitate real human-to-human connections through creative interactions. For this reason, you might be concerned that virtual events can’t engage audiences. Whilst there’s no escaping the fact that there are limitations vs face-to-face meetings, there are lots of potentials to mix rich content with live polling, Q&As and whiteboards to keep engagement levels high throughout sessions. Social media can also be employed as a great engagement tool – use event hashtags, encourage attendees to post images of their highlights from the event, and get imaginative with other ways a sense of community can be created via social channels.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Multiple or Single Content Experiences:</span> As with physical events, virtual events offer the opportunity to run multiple content streams concurrently; allowing different speakers to host sessions simultaneously and giving attendees the option to select sessions most relevant to them. If this isn’t required for your event, then a multiple single content experience may be a better fit.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Networking:</span> While there’s no escaping the fact that in-person events are the most conducive way to network and make meaningful business connections, networking can still be factored into a virtual event program. Give attendees the chance to schedule one-on-one time or assemble into group breakouts, where they can speak to each other, your team, sponsors or speakers over the internet. A range of tools can be used to ensure attendees can leverage the best from their interactions.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Insight:</span> The metrics and data insights that can be captured from virtual event platforms can help measure ROI and success against pre-defined KPIs. Information derived can be used to articulate if your event was successful and to influence future event decision making.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Is there a potential to incorporate sponsorship?</span>\r\nYes. Virtual event spaces, presentations and other assets can be customised to reflect your branding and the branding of any sponsors you may partner with. This maximises brand exposure and maintains a sponsor revenue stream coming into your event.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Can virtual events be used as part of a hybrid event strayegy?</span>\r\nAbsolutely. Incorporating virtual events with a holistic approach can be a good way to enhance your existing event strategy. Integrating virtual events into your wider events and meetings program will give you an additional tool to utilize alongside your live events; extending reach and engagement with your audience further.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/1999104__1_.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":5994,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/hyperfair_logo.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Hyperfair","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"hyperfair","companyTitle":"Hyperfair","companyTypes":["supplier","vendor"],"companyId":8745,"companyAlias":"hyperfair","description":"HyperfairPlus, with or without Hyperfair event solutions, provides secured, cloud-based platform to expand audience reach and drive in-depth contentengagement for marketing, sales, recruitment,training, and HR communities.<br />The scope of services includes several modules such as virtual environments, learning management, matchmaking and livestreaming meetings/webinars.<br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">BENEFITS:</span><br />\r\n<ul><li>Fully Html5 / PHP based</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Customisable to required branding, languages and parameters</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>By event or for a series of events with url name and subdomains</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Landing page and multi-events umbrella</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Robust analytics</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>All computers and mobile devices</li></ul>\r\n<br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">HYPERFAIR - The world’s leading platform for enterprise events in virtual reality</span><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Engage</span><br />Avatars can interact with each other, customers can engage directly with company reps as if they were there in person, as well as with digital assets.<br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Collaborate</span><br />Avatars can attend live keynotes, speak via native in-browser talk, chat, collaborate around content, do training and presentations.<br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Showcase</span><br />Videos, 360 videos, PDFs, demos, links, products, 3D renderings, slides can be added and showcased in the environment.<br /><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">FEATURES</span><br />\r\n<ul><li>Perfectly suitable for 500 attendees or more depending on potential scenarios.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Wonderful modern architecture design</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Full Branding</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Large choice of Landscapes</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Integrated booth for permanent Updates</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Open Meeting and Forum Areas</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Video screen</li></ul>\r\n<br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">HYPERLEARNING</span><br />A WordPress-based powerful learning management system to enable you to create & sell online courses.<br />Track user progress, deliver certificates, award points & badges, and so much more!<br />A WordPress LMS intuitive, well-supported, with incredibly powerful features, that makes it simple to create impressive online courses.<br /><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">HYPERMATCH — Matchmaking Module</span><br />The matchmaking module attendees to set appointments with each others or exhibitors. Based on profiles and descriptions, the planning of the days can be organised, with confirmation emails, dates, hours or rooms where to meet in a convenient way.<br />Accessible from Hyperfair Conference/Fair centre during the event<br /><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">HYPERSTREAMING</span><br />With HyperfairPlus livestreaming platform, attending a webinar is easier than ever.<br /><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">HYPERSECURITY - Powerful Authentication system</span><br /><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">HYPERGAMIFICATION — Gamification Module</span><br />The gamification module propose several games to attendees : an escape game, a treasure hunt and a score board. Very useful when you want to engage your audience. You can customise your escape game according to your branding and select between several games: master mind, puzzle, tangram, rush hour and memo. Or organise a treasure hunt with several steps. At the end of your escape game or your treasure hunt, you will have a global ranking of the attendees. Personalise blazon with your logo.<br />Accessible from Hyperfair Conference/Fair centre during the event.","shortDescription":"The world’s leading platform for virtual enterprise events. Bring your products and services immersively to life in virtual reality environments with product showcases, live demos, 3D renderings.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":true,"bonus":100,"usingCount":18,"sellingCount":5,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Hyperfair","keywords":"","description":"HyperfairPlus, with or without Hyperfair event solutions, provides secured, cloud-based platform to expand audience reach and drive in-depth contentengagement for marketing, sales, recruitment,training, and HR communities.<br />The scope of services includes s","og:title":"Hyperfair","og:description":"HyperfairPlus, with or without Hyperfair event solutions, provides secured, cloud-based platform to expand audience reach and drive in-depth contentengagement for marketing, sales, recruitment,training, and HR communities.<br />The scope of services includes s","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/hyperfair_logo.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":5995,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":113,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":864,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms","alias":"virtual-event-platforms","description":" Virtual events are on the rise. As technology progresses, it has made it possible for companies to host amazing online events - ones that even rival in-person versions. This has led to many benefits for both event planners and attendees alike.\r\nA virtual event, also known as an online event, is an interactive gathering that happens on the internet. Unlike in-person events, virtual ones aren't restricted to a single location. A remote attendee can join and participate from anywhere in the world, given he or she has access to the web.\r\nSome events are completely virtual and every guest attends sessions from the comfort of their own home, favorite coffee shop, or wherever they might be. Others have both in-person and virtual components. Some attendees visit the actual event location and others stream the festivities from their computer.\r\nThere are many reasons why virtual events are valuable. First off, virtual events allow the individuals or companies hosting them to reach a wider audience. Were you to host your event in New York City, for example, not every person in your audience would be able to attend due to the cost of travel. With a virtual event, travel isn't an issue.\r\nIn general, virtual events are also much cheaper to put on. Event planners don't have to book a giant venue or hire a bunch of temporary staff. These cost savings can then be passed on to each virtual attendee in the form of lower ticket prices.\r\nLastly, virtual events are extremely measurable. Companies can easily learn which sessions were the most popular, how many people attended, where those attendees live, how they paid for their tickets, and much more. Just about every attendee action can be easily tracked and analyzed. This information can then be used to improve event strategy.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn an industry with lots of jargon and acronyms flying about, it’s easy to become bamboozled by terminology. However, in the case of virtual events, there’s little room for ambiguity – they are as they sound – events that take place completely online. Supported by specialist AV technology, virtual events negate the need for a physical location and work to bring people together virtually from across the world. Whilst a virtual event can’t replace the power and value of in-person interactions, they’re an effective tool that can be an engaging and immersive alternative to delivering business content and information.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How many people can attend a virtual event?</span>\r\nVirtual events have the capacity to facilitate large audience numbers: from hundreds of thousands to thousands, hundreds or smaller groups. Understanding, from the outset, what you want to achieve from your event and the complexity of the program, will provide a good guide to how many attendees should be invited.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How do attendees gain access to a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn theory, this is an easy one to answer: attendees will receive an invite with access details, which will allow them to enter the virtual event on the date and time outlined. However, before this happens, there are some important things for you to consider first, including:\r\n<ul><li>Are you charging an entry fee for the event?</li><li>Will the event be live, on-demand or a combination of the two?</li><li>How will you market your event, so your audience knows it’s taking place and want to be part of it?</li><li>Is your audience tech-savvy? Might they need a pre-event virtual guide/tour, so they are familiar with how to join and the features of a virtual event set up?</li></ul>\r\nHaving questions like these answered will define the platform required, help maximize attendance and optimize your delegates overall experience of the virtual event offering.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What are the main benefits of a virtual event?</span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Scope:</span> Whilst not all events will suit a virtual treatment, many programs can be adapted into a digital format. It really comes down to your objectives and whether or not these can be achieved through holding an online event.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Accessibility:</span> Expand the reach of your brand without the need for travel. Not only can virtual events connect you with a global audience in real-time, but with event recording, event content can be made available on-demand; providing more opportunities for people to consume your content at a time that suits their schedule best. What’s more, all that attendees and speakers need to attend/talk is a computer, laptop, or mobile device and a good, reliable internet connection.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Engagement:</span> In-person events are unrivaled in their ability to engage and facilitate real human-to-human connections through creative interactions. For this reason, you might be concerned that virtual events can’t engage audiences. Whilst there’s no escaping the fact that there are limitations vs face-to-face meetings, there are lots of potentials to mix rich content with live polling, Q&As and whiteboards to keep engagement levels high throughout sessions. Social media can also be employed as a great engagement tool – use event hashtags, encourage attendees to post images of their highlights from the event, and get imaginative with other ways a sense of community can be created via social channels.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Multiple or Single Content Experiences:</span> As with physical events, virtual events offer the opportunity to run multiple content streams concurrently; allowing different speakers to host sessions simultaneously and giving attendees the option to select sessions most relevant to them. If this isn’t required for your event, then a multiple single content experience may be a better fit.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Networking:</span> While there’s no escaping the fact that in-person events are the most conducive way to network and make meaningful business connections, networking can still be factored into a virtual event program. Give attendees the chance to schedule one-on-one time or assemble into group breakouts, where they can speak to each other, your team, sponsors or speakers over the internet. A range of tools can be used to ensure attendees can leverage the best from their interactions.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Insight:</span> The metrics and data insights that can be captured from virtual event platforms can help measure ROI and success against pre-defined KPIs. Information derived can be used to articulate if your event was successful and to influence future event decision making.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Is there a potential to incorporate sponsorship?</span>\r\nYes. Virtual event spaces, presentations and other assets can be customised to reflect your branding and the branding of any sponsors you may partner with. This maximises brand exposure and maintains a sponsor revenue stream coming into your event.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Can virtual events be used as part of a hybrid event strayegy?</span>\r\nAbsolutely. Incorporating virtual events with a holistic approach can be a good way to enhance your existing event strategy. Integrating virtual events into your wider events and meetings program will give you an additional tool to utilize alongside your live events; extending reach and engagement with your audience further.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/1999104__1_.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":5782,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Virtual_Summits.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Virtual Summits","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"virtual-summits","companyTitle":"Virtual Summits Software","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":8648,"companyAlias":"virtual-summits-software","description":"Summits have been run by some of the TOP Marketing Influencers to build their list, boost their influence, & increase their income. Virtual Summits platform has hosted over 300+ successful Virtual Summits.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">ReRun Your Summit "LIVE" Forever</span>\r\nThe only software in the world that lets you re-run your summit hands-free (automated), with one click of a button, as if it was LIVE - forever\r\n<ul> <li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Frequency Choice:</span> Re-Run the summit on a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly basis as if it were going live for the very first time!</li> <li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Secure & Automated:</span> The software tracks & cookies users so that after they attend your summit they can't re-enter the summit unless they upgrade.</li> </ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Step-By-Step Guide To Follow</span>\r\nVirtual Summits comes with a guide to take you to step by step through setting up your summit. Makes it simple & easy to run a summit.\r\n<ul> <li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">No Experience Needed,</span> anyone can run a summit using this easy & simple software regardless of your tech skill or knowledge.</li> <li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">No Coding Needed,</span> simple plug & play, type & click actions are all that are needed to have your summit up and running.</li> </ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Landing Page Builder</span>\r\nChoose from one of 3 professional themes, then simply click to make visible or hidden each area.\r\n<ul> <li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Information Auto-populates,</span> information entered into your summit is auto-populated throughout the landing page.</li> <li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Quick & Easy,</span> no time-consuming building needed. Choose a theme & then customize the information in each section.</li> </ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Collect, Organization & Manage Speaker</span>\r\nSimply send the speaker a link & they fill in all of their own information. All located in one place, immediately updated & auto-populates throughout the entire summit. \r\n<ul> <li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Speaker Reminders:</span> Set automated follow-up reminders to automatically contact speakers who have not completed their profiles.</li> <li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Full Power Yet Simple:</span> Speaker Information is automatically placed through the summit minimizing work needed. Edit, re-arrange or hide speaker information as needed.</li> </ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Manage Attendees</span>\r\nIntegrate Your Email Platform with Virtual Summits to capture the leads directly into your email list & still be able to manage them from the software platform.\r\n<ul> <li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Multi-Levels:</span> Create varying membership levels based on free or paid registrations.</li> <li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Import & Export:</span> You can export all the leads from the platform directly to your email server. You can also import your list directly into the software to give them immediate access to a summit.</li> </ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Auto-Run Your Summit</span>\r\nVirtual Summits will automatically send out reminder notifications, unlock each day, & re-lock it when completed. When users upgrade the software will immediately grant them the appropriate access.\r\n<ul> <li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Lock & Unlock:</span> Each day will automatically lock & unlock on the appropriate date & time of the summit.</li> <li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Deliverables Handled:</span> Your attendees can pay to upgrade, given access to bonuses, & sponsor information all through the summit platform.</li> </ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Eliminates Cost & Time</span>\r\nVirtual Summits eliminates hundreds of hours of technical work, coding, extra software & plug-ins, reducing the overall time & money needed to run a summit.\r\n<ul> <li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Affordable:</span> This is the most affordable solution for running a summit.</li> <li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Powerful:</span> You can launch your business to the next level by running a summit.</li> </ul>","shortDescription":"Virtual Summits handles all the heavy lifting and gives you everything you need to host your very own virtual summit.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":20,"sellingCount":10,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Virtual Summits","keywords":"","description":"Summits have been run by some of the TOP Marketing Influencers to build their list, boost their influence, & increase their income. Virtual Summits platform has hosted over 300+ successful Virtual Summits.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">ReRun You","og:title":"Virtual Summits","og:description":"Summits have been run by some of the TOP Marketing Influencers to build their list, boost their influence, & increase their income. Virtual Summits platform has hosted over 300+ successful Virtual Summits.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">ReRun You","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Virtual_Summits.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":5783,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":113,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":864,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms","alias":"virtual-event-platforms","description":" Virtual events are on the rise. As technology progresses, it has made it possible for companies to host amazing online events - ones that even rival in-person versions. This has led to many benefits for both event planners and attendees alike.\r\nA virtual event, also known as an online event, is an interactive gathering that happens on the internet. Unlike in-person events, virtual ones aren't restricted to a single location. A remote attendee can join and participate from anywhere in the world, given he or she has access to the web.\r\nSome events are completely virtual and every guest attends sessions from the comfort of their own home, favorite coffee shop, or wherever they might be. Others have both in-person and virtual components. Some attendees visit the actual event location and others stream the festivities from their computer.\r\nThere are many reasons why virtual events are valuable. First off, virtual events allow the individuals or companies hosting them to reach a wider audience. Were you to host your event in New York City, for example, not every person in your audience would be able to attend due to the cost of travel. With a virtual event, travel isn't an issue.\r\nIn general, virtual events are also much cheaper to put on. Event planners don't have to book a giant venue or hire a bunch of temporary staff. These cost savings can then be passed on to each virtual attendee in the form of lower ticket prices.\r\nLastly, virtual events are extremely measurable. Companies can easily learn which sessions were the most popular, how many people attended, where those attendees live, how they paid for their tickets, and much more. Just about every attendee action can be easily tracked and analyzed. This information can then be used to improve event strategy.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn an industry with lots of jargon and acronyms flying about, it’s easy to become bamboozled by terminology. However, in the case of virtual events, there’s little room for ambiguity – they are as they sound – events that take place completely online. Supported by specialist AV technology, virtual events negate the need for a physical location and work to bring people together virtually from across the world. Whilst a virtual event can’t replace the power and value of in-person interactions, they’re an effective tool that can be an engaging and immersive alternative to delivering business content and information.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How many people can attend a virtual event?</span>\r\nVirtual events have the capacity to facilitate large audience numbers: from hundreds of thousands to thousands, hundreds or smaller groups. Understanding, from the outset, what you want to achieve from your event and the complexity of the program, will provide a good guide to how many attendees should be invited.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How do attendees gain access to a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn theory, this is an easy one to answer: attendees will receive an invite with access details, which will allow them to enter the virtual event on the date and time outlined. However, before this happens, there are some important things for you to consider first, including:\r\n<ul><li>Are you charging an entry fee for the event?</li><li>Will the event be live, on-demand or a combination of the two?</li><li>How will you market your event, so your audience knows it’s taking place and want to be part of it?</li><li>Is your audience tech-savvy? Might they need a pre-event virtual guide/tour, so they are familiar with how to join and the features of a virtual event set up?</li></ul>\r\nHaving questions like these answered will define the platform required, help maximize attendance and optimize your delegates overall experience of the virtual event offering.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What are the main benefits of a virtual event?</span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Scope:</span> Whilst not all events will suit a virtual treatment, many programs can be adapted into a digital format. It really comes down to your objectives and whether or not these can be achieved through holding an online event.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Accessibility:</span> Expand the reach of your brand without the need for travel. Not only can virtual events connect you with a global audience in real-time, but with event recording, event content can be made available on-demand; providing more opportunities for people to consume your content at a time that suits their schedule best. What’s more, all that attendees and speakers need to attend/talk is a computer, laptop, or mobile device and a good, reliable internet connection.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Engagement:</span> In-person events are unrivaled in their ability to engage and facilitate real human-to-human connections through creative interactions. For this reason, you might be concerned that virtual events can’t engage audiences. Whilst there’s no escaping the fact that there are limitations vs face-to-face meetings, there are lots of potentials to mix rich content with live polling, Q&As and whiteboards to keep engagement levels high throughout sessions. Social media can also be employed as a great engagement tool – use event hashtags, encourage attendees to post images of their highlights from the event, and get imaginative with other ways a sense of community can be created via social channels.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Multiple or Single Content Experiences:</span> As with physical events, virtual events offer the opportunity to run multiple content streams concurrently; allowing different speakers to host sessions simultaneously and giving attendees the option to select sessions most relevant to them. If this isn’t required for your event, then a multiple single content experience may be a better fit.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Networking:</span> While there’s no escaping the fact that in-person events are the most conducive way to network and make meaningful business connections, networking can still be factored into a virtual event program. Give attendees the chance to schedule one-on-one time or assemble into group breakouts, where they can speak to each other, your team, sponsors or speakers over the internet. A range of tools can be used to ensure attendees can leverage the best from their interactions.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Insight:</span> The metrics and data insights that can be captured from virtual event platforms can help measure ROI and success against pre-defined KPIs. Information derived can be used to articulate if your event was successful and to influence future event decision making.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Is there a potential to incorporate sponsorship?</span>\r\nYes. Virtual event spaces, presentations and other assets can be customised to reflect your branding and the branding of any sponsors you may partner with. This maximises brand exposure and maintains a sponsor revenue stream coming into your event.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Can virtual events be used as part of a hybrid event strayegy?</span>\r\nAbsolutely. Incorporating virtual events with a holistic approach can be a good way to enhance your existing event strategy. Integrating virtual events into your wider events and meetings program will give you an additional tool to utilize alongside your live events; extending reach and engagement with your audience further.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/1999104__1_.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":5784,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Engagez_Logo.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Engagez","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"engagez","companyTitle":"Engagez","companyTypes":["supplier","vendor"],"companyId":8649,"companyAlias":"engagez","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Simple UI, Comprehensive Analytics for Intelligent Engagement</span></p>\r\n<p>A versatile, simple to set up and manage, cloud-based platform that makes it easy to nurture your customers and prospects:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Ideal for online sales, marketing, corporate communication, and recruiting events and professional educational destinations</li>\r\n<li>Self-service</li>\r\n<li>Designed to encourage attendee engagement through video calls, chats, polls, notifications, surveys, Q&A, and games</li>\r\n<li>Native support for live streaming and simulive. Integration with best of breed webinar and webcasting tools, including Zoom</li>\r\n<li>Comprehensive analytics with demographic and behavioral scoring</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>At Engagez, we understand that you need an online event platform that grows and changes with your business. Using only one user interface and one analytics engine, our web event platform gives you all the power and control without the complexity and constraints of other online solutions. Use it to build small to large branded online venues and manage all its digital engagements.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">A Better User Experience</span></p>\r\n<p>Engagez provides its users with a variety of features for optimal functionality.<br />Setup your event venue with a “contemporary” design, “traditional” 2.5D-type imagery, or give it a custom look and feel. Configure your event on the desktop, and Engagez will optimize it for mobile and tablets. With built-in translation tools, your online events are always global. Use the simulive webinar feature (upload a pre-recorded video and schedule it as a live broadcast) to better address the varying time zone needs of your customers.</p>\r\n<p>Finally, Engagez gives you the tools you need to interact with your audience in real-time, as well as the data you need to measure event success. With Engagez, your company will have the ability to host webinars, multi-day conferences, digital events, and online sessions through one online platform — all for one price.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">One Solution For All Your Online Event Needs</span></p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">One Solution, Many Uses</span></span></p>\r\n<p>We provide you the advantage of allowing your team to run all of their programs using one system, saving time relearning.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Locations and Panels</span></span></p>\r\n<p>Create your venue, configure it with desired locations (rooms) and embeddable panels, pre-defined with rich functionality.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Analytics</span></span></p>\r\n<p>Monitor a big picture and detailed use across the venue. Use activity-based lead scoring. Integrate with your CRM. Google Analytics is also available.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Everywhere: Mobile, Tablet, Desktop</span></span></p>\r\n<p>We use the latest technology and work at scale seamlessly across all devices. We optimize the user interface based on the attendee device.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Secure</span></span></p>\r\n<p>Enterprise level security is in place and updated constantly. We also have the flexibility to provide lower levels of security and greater access if need be.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Engaging</span></span></p>\r\n<p>Many engagement options including integration with social media. Program owners decide how much and what type of engagement to turn on.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Access Control</span></span></p>\r\n<p>Control who can see what content, gain access to what locations and who they can see or communicate with and much more.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Highly Configurable</span></span></p>\r\n<p>The venue can be configured in over 72 ways to meet your program’s unique needs. There are numerous customization options available.</p>","shortDescription":"A single platform to host your digital events: live, simulive, on-demand, individual presentations, multi-day conferences, expositions, job fairs, online classrooms and engaging always-on destinations","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":0,"sellingCount":0,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Engagez","keywords":"","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Simple UI, Comprehensive Analytics for Intelligent Engagement</span></p>\r\n<p>A versatile, simple to set up and manage, cloud-based platform that makes it easy to nurture your customers and prospects:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Ideal for","og:title":"Engagez","og:description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Simple UI, Comprehensive Analytics for Intelligent Engagement</span></p>\r\n<p>A versatile, simple to set up and manage, cloud-based platform that makes it easy to nurture your customers and prospects:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Ideal for","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Engagez_Logo.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":5785,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":113,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":864,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms","alias":"virtual-event-platforms","description":" Virtual events are on the rise. As technology progresses, it has made it possible for companies to host amazing online events - ones that even rival in-person versions. This has led to many benefits for both event planners and attendees alike.\r\nA virtual event, also known as an online event, is an interactive gathering that happens on the internet. Unlike in-person events, virtual ones aren't restricted to a single location. A remote attendee can join and participate from anywhere in the world, given he or she has access to the web.\r\nSome events are completely virtual and every guest attends sessions from the comfort of their own home, favorite coffee shop, or wherever they might be. Others have both in-person and virtual components. Some attendees visit the actual event location and others stream the festivities from their computer.\r\nThere are many reasons why virtual events are valuable. First off, virtual events allow the individuals or companies hosting them to reach a wider audience. Were you to host your event in New York City, for example, not every person in your audience would be able to attend due to the cost of travel. With a virtual event, travel isn't an issue.\r\nIn general, virtual events are also much cheaper to put on. Event planners don't have to book a giant venue or hire a bunch of temporary staff. These cost savings can then be passed on to each virtual attendee in the form of lower ticket prices.\r\nLastly, virtual events are extremely measurable. Companies can easily learn which sessions were the most popular, how many people attended, where those attendees live, how they paid for their tickets, and much more. Just about every attendee action can be easily tracked and analyzed. This information can then be used to improve event strategy.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn an industry with lots of jargon and acronyms flying about, it’s easy to become bamboozled by terminology. However, in the case of virtual events, there’s little room for ambiguity – they are as they sound – events that take place completely online. Supported by specialist AV technology, virtual events negate the need for a physical location and work to bring people together virtually from across the world. Whilst a virtual event can’t replace the power and value of in-person interactions, they’re an effective tool that can be an engaging and immersive alternative to delivering business content and information.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How many people can attend a virtual event?</span>\r\nVirtual events have the capacity to facilitate large audience numbers: from hundreds of thousands to thousands, hundreds or smaller groups. Understanding, from the outset, what you want to achieve from your event and the complexity of the program, will provide a good guide to how many attendees should be invited.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">How do attendees gain access to a virtual event?</span>\r\nIn theory, this is an easy one to answer: attendees will receive an invite with access details, which will allow them to enter the virtual event on the date and time outlined. However, before this happens, there are some important things for you to consider first, including:\r\n<ul><li>Are you charging an entry fee for the event?</li><li>Will the event be live, on-demand or a combination of the two?</li><li>How will you market your event, so your audience knows it’s taking place and want to be part of it?</li><li>Is your audience tech-savvy? Might they need a pre-event virtual guide/tour, so they are familiar with how to join and the features of a virtual event set up?</li></ul>\r\nHaving questions like these answered will define the platform required, help maximize attendance and optimize your delegates overall experience of the virtual event offering.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What are the main benefits of a virtual event?</span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Scope:</span> Whilst not all events will suit a virtual treatment, many programs can be adapted into a digital format. It really comes down to your objectives and whether or not these can be achieved through holding an online event.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Accessibility:</span> Expand the reach of your brand without the need for travel. Not only can virtual events connect you with a global audience in real-time, but with event recording, event content can be made available on-demand; providing more opportunities for people to consume your content at a time that suits their schedule best. What’s more, all that attendees and speakers need to attend/talk is a computer, laptop, or mobile device and a good, reliable internet connection.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Engagement:</span> In-person events are unrivaled in their ability to engage and facilitate real human-to-human connections through creative interactions. For this reason, you might be concerned that virtual events can’t engage audiences. Whilst there’s no escaping the fact that there are limitations vs face-to-face meetings, there are lots of potentials to mix rich content with live polling, Q&As and whiteboards to keep engagement levels high throughout sessions. Social media can also be employed as a great engagement tool – use event hashtags, encourage attendees to post images of their highlights from the event, and get imaginative with other ways a sense of community can be created via social channels.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Multiple or Single Content Experiences:</span> As with physical events, virtual events offer the opportunity to run multiple content streams concurrently; allowing different speakers to host sessions simultaneously and giving attendees the option to select sessions most relevant to them. If this isn’t required for your event, then a multiple single content experience may be a better fit.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Networking:</span> While there’s no escaping the fact that in-person events are the most conducive way to network and make meaningful business connections, networking can still be factored into a virtual event program. Give attendees the chance to schedule one-on-one time or assemble into group breakouts, where they can speak to each other, your team, sponsors or speakers over the internet. A range of tools can be used to ensure attendees can leverage the best from their interactions.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Insight:</span> The metrics and data insights that can be captured from virtual event platforms can help measure ROI and success against pre-defined KPIs. Information derived can be used to articulate if your event was successful and to influence future event decision making.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Is there a potential to incorporate sponsorship?</span>\r\nYes. Virtual event spaces, presentations and other assets can be customised to reflect your branding and the branding of any sponsors you may partner with. This maximises brand exposure and maintains a sponsor revenue stream coming into your event.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Can virtual events be used as part of a hybrid event strayegy?</span>\r\nAbsolutely. Incorporating virtual events with a holistic approach can be a good way to enhance your existing event strategy. Integrating virtual events into your wider events and meetings program will give you an additional tool to utilize alongside your live events; extending reach and engagement with your audience further.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/1999104__1_.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]}],"jobRoles":[{"id":60,"title":"Chief Information Officer"},{"id":66,"title":"Chief Sales Officer"},{"id":74,"title":"Sales Management"},{"id":80,"title":"IT Management"},{"id":82,"title":"Marketing Management"}],"organizationalFeatures":["Web-based customer portal","Mobile users","Internet access is available for employees"],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":["High costs","Shortage of information for decision making","Failure to attract new customers","Poor timing of management decision making","Shortage of inhouse IT resources","Low quality of customer service","No support for mobile and remote users","Poor communication and coordination among staff","Complex and non-transparent business processes","Customer attrition"],"materials":[{"id":2504,"title":"","description":"The virtual venue for all your events","uri":"https://hopin.to/"}],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":["Generate Business Reports","Enhance Competitive Ability","Enhance Staff Productivity","Support Customers","Support Decision Making","Expand Sales Geography","Develop Sales Channels","Reduce Costs","Ensure Compliance","Increase Customer Base","Improve Customer Service"],"implementations":[],"presenterCodeLng":"","productImplementations":[]}},"aliases":{},"links":{},"meta":{},"loading":false,"error":null,"useProductLoading":false,"sellProductLoading":false,"templatesById":{},"comparisonByTemplateId":{}},"filters":{"filterCriterias":{"loading":false,"error":null,"data":{"price":{"min":0,"max":6000},"users":{"loading":false,"error":null,"ids":[],"values":{}},"suppliers":{"loading":false,"error":null,"ids":[],"values":{}},"vendors":{"loading":false,"error":null,"ids":[],"values":{}},"roles":{"id":200,"title":"Roles","values":{"1":{"id":1,"title":"User","translationKey":"user"},"2":{"id":2,"title":"Supplier","translationKey":"supplier"},"3":{"id":3,"title":"Vendor","translationKey":"vendor"}}},"categories":{"flat":[],"tree":[]},"countries":{"loading":false,"error":null,"ids":[],"values":{}}}},"showAIFilter":false},"companies":{"companiesByAlias":{},"aliases":{},"links":{},"meta":{},"loading":false,"error":null},"implementations":{"implementationsByAlias":{},"aliases":{},"links":{},"meta":{},"loading":false,"error":null},"agreements":{"agreementById":{},"ids":{},"links":{},"meta":{},"loading":false,"error":null},"comparison":{"loading":false,"error":false,"templatesById":{"113":{"id":113,"title":"Virtual Event Platforms"}},"comparisonByTemplateId":{},"products":[],"selectedTemplateId":null},"presentation":{"type":null,"company":{},"products":[],"partners":[],"formData":{},"dataLoading":false,"dataError":false,"loading":false,"error":false},"catalogsGlobal":{"subMenuItemTitle":""}}