Absalon CRM for Consumer Goods

Problems that solves

Low quality of customer service

High costs of routine operations

No automated business processes

Separate communications channels

Failure to attract new customers

Customer attrition

Low quality of customer support


Improve Customer Service

Increase Customer Base

Expand Sales Geography

Generate Business Reports

Reduce Costs

Absalon CRM for Consumer Goods

Absalon CRM for consumer goods is based on the most widely used processes in sales within the industry. The solution will help the company strengthen its brands while minimizing the time spent on administration.


Absalon Consumer Goods – For the Sales Manager Absalon CRM for consumer goods is based on the most widely used processes in sales within the industry. The solution will help the company strengthen its brands while minimizing the time spent on administration. Absalon Consumer Goods – For the Sales Rep Sales representatives’ main focus is to spread information about the various products and brands that their company offers the market. An important task is to report received feedback acquired during the meeting so that the brand can be strengthen even further in the future. With Absalon add-on, we combine a solid database of CRM with efficient processes to report sales meeting, limiting the time spent on administration, and all this is achievable through mobile devices and computers. Absalon Consumer Goods – For the Sales Manager Microsoft Dynamics CRM
  • Manage products, product groups, brands, price lists and discounts
  • Use the built-in marketing lists to reach accounts and contacts
  • Take advantage of Microsoft CRM dashboards, views and charts to track the progress of sales work day by day
  • With Microsoft Social Engagement, you can monitor social media activities and gather information based on keywords, such as the company's brands
Absalon add-on data setup
  • Organize and guide your sales force by creating business plans, t  erritory plans and action plans
  • Prepare materials for each brand so that the sales team works effectively at each sales meeting, and report back meetings directly
  • Understand how the business develops by following up on the data that the sales representative reports after meetings
  • Add up the presentation materials, CLM, that the sales representative can present on their mobile devices or laptops, at sales meetings. Smoothly report feedback back into the system immediately after the meeting
  • Keep track of the distribution of your products on the shelves at your customers
  • Track awareness for your brands at organizations and contacts
  • Manage expenses and product samples to customers
  • Use Absalon add-on to create events and invite contacts
Absalon add-on facilitates for the sales reps
  • Plan a week effectively using Absalon Sales Cockpit as a visual tool for sales meetings 
  • Find your way to customers with help of the map of Absalon add-on that creates the best route
  • Plan for distribution materials and samples ahead and check so sales representatives have what they need for the week
  • Set up the data so that the sales process is made more uniform and streamlined, and time spent on administration is limited
  • Use pre-defined messages, feedback and CLM for each brand
  • The recurring user interface for reporting sales meetings accelerates the reporting process
Absalon Consumer Goods – For the Sales Rep Microsoft Dynamics CRM
  • Use the built in marketing lists to contact organizations and contact persons with similar features
  • Microsoft CRM dashboards, views and charts helps you following the sales work day by day and see what needs to achieve to reach the set goals
Absalon add-on data setup
  • Use the built-in map function to locate your contacts and plan the best possible route 
  • Plan your week using Absalon Sales Cockpit, which gives you a good overview of the week's various sales meetings
  • Evaluate how your message has been received by the various contact persons
  • Set up action plans with predefined messages and feedback, CLM and hand-out materials
  • Copy an action plan and recycle the data that is already available in the system
  • Create sales meetings on an action plan to auto generate the data that you will use in your sales meeting, and report the meeting in the system afterwards
  • Check contribution margin ratio for each contact in your plan so that you reach your goals
  • Invite your contacts to events with a few simple steps
Consumer Goods Sales Rep App
  • Absalon Sales Rep App works both online and offline, which allows you to report the meetings no matter where you are
  • The user experiences that the app is easy to understand and easy to use
  • Filtering data in the app to match the needs you have as a sales rep and makes it easier to report meetings
  • Get the contact person's signature on the location of the samples that you handed out
  • Switch between the laptop and the app to find the most efficient way to work