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Source: Web-site of vendor

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Functionality complies with task


Business Challenge Based in Singapore, IHP is subject to some of the world’s most stringent cybersecurity regulatory oversight. Moreover, like most healthcare organizations, the company is highly vulnerable to existing and emerging cyberthreats. In recent years, the company invested significant resources in security enhancement, security tool configuration, and deployment of security solutions.
The company was focused on setting up and optimizing the most up-to-date protection for its production environment - production servers, exchanges, web applications and network infrastructure.
In addition to these efforts, IHP wanted to increase the reliability of the solutions they had adopted to enhance their security posture. To protect themselves from the next threat, they needed assurance that their security solutions were consistently well configured and fully operational. Their network vulnerabilities assessment needed to be robust in order to maintain security at peak performance.

IHP chose Cymulate to automatically and continuously identify and remediate gaps in their cybersecurity posture. Every day, IHP uses Cymulate to test real-world security strength by simulating actual cyberattacks across all attack vectors.
Cymulate monitors the company’s email gateway, web gateway, and web application firewall - while also seeking out signs of penetration including lateral movement.Cymulate enables IHP to evaluate their controls to identify gaps - delivering a clear report detailing the company’s up-to-the-moment security posture and score, benchmarked across their industry. And, Cymulate translates these findings into actionable insights – delivering clear instructions that help IHP constantly reduce their attack surface and prioritize which gaps to close first.

Cymulate enabled IHP to gain a better ongoing overview of their environment’s security posture. In addition to facilitating daily cyberthreat monitoring based on up-to-the-minute cyber intelligence, Cymulate also identifies gaps in security and facilitates their rapid remediation.
When IHP needs to roll out new applications or services, Cymulate enables testing during the POC stage, to assess actual impact on their production environment.
Leveraging Cymulate, IHP lowered their daily security check time by around 40%, and their testing time investment by approximately 60%. Finally, Cymulate has measurably helped IHP optimize their defences to better comply with both cybersecurity regulations and corporate policies.
With Cymulate, we gain enhanced security level assurance that helps our existing clients increase their trust in us to handle their information. Moreover, we gain the confidence of new clients to engage our services.
David Chang, IT Infrastructure Manager, IHP



Unauthorized access to corporate IT systems and data

Risk or Leaks of confidential information

Risk of lost access to data and IT systems

Non-compliant with IT security requirements

Insufficient risk management

High costs

Business tasks

Manage Risks

Ensure Security and Business Continuity

Reduce Costs