Public Joint-Stock Company “Zhytomyr Butter Plant” – Company “Rud” is known to be the leader among the Ukrainian producers of ice-cream. The “Ice-Cream No.1” is considered to be not only the publicity slogan, but is also the objective of the Company’s activities. Just because the above, the products made by the factory do not only meet the demands, but also surpass the expectations of the customers. Even the most fastidious of them can select the favorite flavor within the Products Range. The staff of the Company is represented by high qualified top ranked team of managers having the core education and the great experience of work.
Well-balanced strategy, reliable team and the high level of management enable the achievement of the sufficient results by the Company. The traditional striving of the “Rud” Company for the high standards has resulted in development, implementation and certification of the Ecological Management, Quality and Food Safety Systems. The up-to-date methods of management being the basis of the aforesaid International Standards, completely mastered by the employees of the Company, stand for systematic work in the field of the activity improvement of the Company, thus finally resulting in improvement of the competitiveness of the Company.