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Aventri Platform

Make every impression count at conferences, meetings and beyond with a platform that allows you to create and manage registration, build an event website, create email marketing campaigns and retargeting, gain strategic insights, and more all in one place. Aventri’s event management platform is built to have the power and flexibility that global enterprises need but with the ease of use and scalability that event planners love. Attract and engage attendees at every step of the event journey Promote and communicate with your target audience while creating a streamlined workflow for your team to produce exceptional events at scale.
  • From email marketing, event registration, attendee surveys, and more, our event management software covers every step of the event journey.
  • Offer mobile-responsive on brand registration site that includes registration categories that resonate with your attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors.
  • Inform and engage attendees with a mobile event app that give your attendees access to view their personal agendas, read speaker bios, message one another, make in-app purchases, and much more.
  • Gain event visibility and awareness by creating a tailored online presence with a dynamic event website that fully aligns with your brand and resonates with your attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors.
  • Expand brand awareness, promote your meetings and events, and target the right audiences by creating email marketing campaigns.
Deliver engaging hybrid and virtual events Save time and enjoy the flexibility of a fully integrated virtual event platform. Plan, promote, analyze and execute all your virtual, hybrid and in-person events.
  • Leverage the power of one integrated platform to manage both virtual and in-person events or hybrid events.
  • Create amazing virtual experiences for any event with features including live & on-demand streaming and community moderation.
  • Build meaningful connections by providing a lobby where your attendees can hang out before or in between sessions.
  • Get unprecedented insights into virtual event performance such as session data, attendee behavioral data and much more.
  • Broadcast confidentially with our dedicated global security team continually monitoring and responding to potential vulnerabilities and threats to our technology infrastructure.
Invest in the ultimate experience for your corporate meetings program Strategically manage global meetings across all departments and channels with Aventri's Strategic Meetings Management tools.
  • Gain a clear picture of your organization’s spend and leverage supplier negotiations with real-time insights into your meetings budget and easily predict future event costs to help make smarter decisions.
  • Create tasks, assign ownership, and develop timelines that provide an overview of your meeting and event and help you measure progress.
  • Simplify venue sourcing with access to 225k+ hotels globally, with an average response time of 7.26 hours.
  • Deliver relevant sessions and evaluate the attendee experience by submitting, reviewing and approving all event abstracts in one place.
  • Increase transparent collaboration with all stakeholders, internal or external, and optimize planning efficiency with our SMM tools, such as venue sourcing and the Enterprise Calendar.
Understand what your attendees value and take action Recognize key investment areas that build brand equity and visualize how your event campaigns are performing with real-time event analytics.
  • Utilizing Aventri's many onsite solutions, understand what has the most value to your attendees, determine the most trending sessions, exhibitors and activations.
  • Follow-up and analyze engagement between attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors with lead retrieval solutions to drive revenue and increase ROI.
  • Regulate and manage attendee flow with attendee access to ensure event efficiency by utilizing Aventri's variety of hardware methods such as tap n' go pods, tabletop readers or handheld devices.
  • Increase attendee check-inefficiency and speed up processing with our variety of badges in either plastic or paper card stock that can be scanned via NFC, QR, BLE, or UHF technology.
  • Understand which sessions, exhibitors, sponsors, speakers, and more had the greatest impact on your attendees in order to make strategic improvements to your next event.
Integrate your meeting & event data into your existing ecosystem Aventri offers a variety of data integrations with best-in-class software such as marketing automation, CRM, ERP, association management, payment gateways, travel and more. Our REST API enables custom integrations, so you can take your event data wherever you want.
  • Reduce the manual work of importing and exporting spreadsheets, by directly pushing Aventri Data into your CRM and marketing automation databases featuring integrations with HubSpot, Salesforce and Marketo.
  • Visualize and analyze your attendee's digital journeys, via Google Analytics to grasp how attendees and visitors are engaging across your event's digital assets.
  • Measure and track event performance against key benchmarks, such as how long an attendee visited a session, and ROI goals.
  • Create attendee and customer profiles by integrating event and travel data with marketing databases such as Passkeyand GetThere.
  • Collect attendee registration payments from anywhere in the world with over 40 payment gateways available.
Aventri's experienced event professionals Aventri’s professional services team makes your life easier and your event better, every step of the way. Our team will help you expedite the setup process, integrate all tools and integrations, and offer onsite setup and maintenance to ensure a smooth meeting or event.
  • Save time, stay organized, and setup a plan to develop a more seamless event all with help from the Aventri's knowledgeable event project managers.
  • Highly skilled developers will help build custom event and registration sites, email invitations, surveys, dashboards and more.
  • Onsite support specialists are available to assist you with any technical questions or issue that arise during your event.
  • Receive 24/7 support, from anywhere in the world with any Aventri product or service. Our dedicated support specialists will ensure your problem is resolved and your meeting or event is successful.
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