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Crypthomathic Authenticator

Financial institutions and other worldwide on-line service providers have embraced multiple interface channels, such as internet and mobile banking, for business, corporate and retail use, allowing them to reduce costs and  better  service  their  customers.  However,  attacks  on  banking  web-sites have proliferated, and are now an established criminal technique. These  attacks  include  phishing,  pharming,  PC  trojans  and  man-in-the-middle. Improved customer authentication has been widely accepted as a necessary investment in order to prevent these attacks and preserve customer trust.
Strong authentication provides a long-term, strategic solution for protecting against online attacks, such Phishing, Trojans, etc. Digital authentication is about putting measures in place to confirm an individual is who they say they are, so that only the right individual has access to certain information. Strong Customer Authentication systems should be flexible to easily allow different authentication mechanisms to be used depending on the protection profile of users or changes to the security landscape. Cryptomathic delivers the complete solution or individual components for implementing large-scale strong authentication services. The Cryptomathic Authenticator is a Multi-Factor Authentication server designed for scalable applications, such as eBanking and eGovernment, with complete support for a wide range of tokens to seamlessly match the current and future security needs of all user segments.

Multi-Factor Authentication

  •     CAP / DPA
  •     VISA CodeSure
  •     Digital signatures
  •     Matrix cards
  •     OATH (HOTP / TOTP / OCRA)
  •     OTP proprietary tokens (e.g. Vasco)
  •     Pattern recognition
  •     PKI
  •     Secure fax
  •     Smart phone applications (e.g. Cryptomathic)
  •     SMS OTP
  •     Static & partial user name and password

Authentication End-to-end Security

The Authenticator provides a much more secure and comprehensive solution than any other authentication systems - addressing a variety of issues such as audit, compliance and dual control. Here are some of the features:

  •     HSMs (Hardware Security Modules), securing cryptographic keys and authentication data
  •     Attack detection, e.g. invalid authentication attempts
  •     Administrator Security - remote admin client, chip
  •     Card log-on, separation of duties and dual controls
  •     Tamper evident audit logs, including usage log and security log
  •     Database, e.g. HSM encryption

Flexible & Future Proof

Criminals try to defraud users and steal their identities and in various simple and sophisticated ways. The Authenticator addresses relevant attacks and we will continue to add best in class authentication methods over time that foil future attacks ensuring that our customers stay ahead of the criminals. Current major attacks include:

  •     Internal Attack
  •     Man-In-The-Browser
  •     Man-In-The-Middle
  •     Mining
  •     Pharming
  •     Phishing
  •     Social Engineering
  •     Trojan

Authentication Scalability

The Authenticator is scalable and is used by customers for managing anywhere from a few thousand users to several million.

The solution is the best 2FA solution for large roll-outs due to its performance and scalability features:

  •     Fail-over, e.g. back-up or disaster recovery
  •     Clustering
  •     Load balancing across servers and HSMs

Authenticator Return on Investment

Support for multiple authentication mechanisms allow companies to achieve full flexibility in adapting and modifying token strategies while avoiding token vendor lock-in.

This ensures the highest ROI of all authentication servers as our customers can shop around for the most cost efficient authentication method.

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