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Zix Mail

Installed on your desktop, Zix Mail provides end-to-end email encryption to protect messages and attachments with a single click. With ZixMail, you enjoy automated key management and leverage the ZixDirectory and Best Method of Delivery to exchange secure email with anyone, anywhere on any device. Zix Mail integrates with your on-site or Web-based email, and encrypted messages are delivered using your existing email address. Optional plug-ins are also available to you for full integration with Microsoft Outlook. How Zix Mail works? ZixMail makes end-to-end email encryption easy, keeping customer data, employee records, financial information and other sensitive data secure both internally and externally. Work principles: Encryption in a click If you want to encrypt an email, simply create a message and click the ‘Encrypt & Send’ button. Secure at rest and in transit Maintaining end-to-end encryption, emails are encrypted in transit as well as on your mail server. Simply click on your email and enter your password to view encrypted email. Email encryption to anyone Unsure of your recipients’ capabilities? We deliver encrypted emails using our patented Best Method of Delivery, inclusive of a secure pull option for recipients without email encryption. Zix Mail Benefits:
  • EASY TO GET STARTED. Installing ZixMail is quick, and learning how to use it is simple.
  • CONVENIENT INTEGRATION. ZixMail can be used with your current email system, and optional plug-ins make it even more convenient for Outlook users.
  • KEY MANAGEMENT. We take care of the most complicated aspect of email encryption - key management - by connecting you to ZixDirectory, the world’s largest key repository.
  • ADDED AUTHENTICATION. Time-stamping provides further peace of mind with proof of delivery and receipt for your encrypted emails.
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