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Fidelis Elevate

Fidelis Elevate™

  • Automate Detection
  • Automate Response
  • Prevent Data Theft

Elevate Security Operations

Even with many prevention tools in place, organizations are still getting breached. That's why more organizations are shifting from a prevention-focused approach to a detection and response strategy. Fidelis Elevate is the only security operations platform that provides deep visibility, threat intelligence and context across complex environments to automate detection and response.

A Force Multiplier for Your Security Operations

Fidelis Elevate™ integrates network visibility, data loss prevention, deception, and endpoint detection and response into one unified solution. Now your security team can focus on the most urgent threats and protect sensitive data rather than spending time validating and triaging thousands of alerts.

Enhance Your Visibility and Detection Capabilities

  • Enrich alerts with data and context from Fidelis Network®, Fidelis Endpoint®, and Fidelis Deception™ – all in a unified platform
  • Combine threat intelligence, sandboxing, machine learning, deception, and Fidelis research
  • Capture and store metadata for analysis and threat hunting

Automate Response for Quick and Effective Resolution

  • Draw conclusions with accuracy by automatically collapsing many alerts and events into a single view
  • Automatically validate network alerts on the endpoint with certainty
  • Raise the priority level when evidence is found of increased risk
  • Automatically execute a response playbook to jumpstart your investigation with clarity
  • Stop data leakage, command and control, and active attacks

Ensure Best-of-Breed Breach Detection and Network DLP

Fidelis Network® provides deep visibility – across sessions, packets, and content – and automatically validates, correlates, and consolidates network alerts against every endpoint in your network for fast response.

Automate Endpoint Detection and Response

Fidelis Endpoint® increases endpoint visibility, reduces response time from hours to minutes and enhances endpoint protection.

Detect Post-Breach Attacks With an Active Deception Defense

Fidelis Deception™ automatically profiles networks and assets to create deception layers that are as realistic as possible to detect post-breach attacks.

Fidelis Network Module

Leverage Curated Threat Intelligence for More Accurate Detection Fidelis Insight™ analyzes real-time and historical data, so you can rapidly detect and respond to threats in your environment, even when they happened in the past.

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Fidelis Endpoint

Detect, investigate, hunt and respond to advanced threats within minutes. Arm Your Security Operations with Advanced EDR With Fidelis Endpoint you will know how to gain deep visibility into all endpoint activity – in real-time and retrospectively, simplify threat hunting and detection, prevent threats through your preferred AV engine and process blocking, and how to automate response with pre-built scripts and playbooks. Deep Visibility and Insights into Endpoint Activity See all endpoint activity across Windows, Mac, and Linux systems and gain unmatched insight through the collection of all executable files and scripts that are analyzed against the latest threat intelligence. Detect threats in real-time or hunt retrospectively through recorded events. You can also monitor a full software inventory and identify vulnerabilities with links to MITRE CVEs or Microsoft KB Reports. With Fidelis, visibility and defenses are always on, whether the endpoint is on or off the network. Speed Incident Response with Live Console Fidelis Endpoint provides incident responders with direct, remote access into an endpoint’s disk, files and processes, to more quickly mitigate threats found on an asset. Investigate Once, then Automate Response Automate response with scripts and playbooks, including the ability to isolate endpoints, terminate processes, remove files, and deploy custom scripts. Fidelis enables you to jumpstart investigations with memory analysis, vulnerability scans, and system inventory. You can also gain unmatched forensic data capture and speed with memory and full disk images, as well as the ability to remotely access endpoints to view and take action on files and processes. Enhance Your Endpoint Detection and Protection Endpoint threats are mapped to MITRE ATT&CK™ allowing analysts to see the TTPs in use and to determine the proper response. Untrusted executables are automatically sent to the cloud sandbox and can be integrated into process blocking (IOC, hash, and YARA rules). While Fidelis offers endpoint protection via BitDefender, other protection methods include process blocking and process behavior blocking that runs independently of AV engines, giving customers free choice for their AV needs. More Accurate Detections with Curated Threat Research Fidelis Insight leverages real-time and historical data, sandboxing, and machine learning to provide curated threat intelligence that rapidly detects threats. Our Threat Research as a Service (TRaaS) provides on-demand access to threat research experts for detailed information, intelligence, and malware services, plus consulting services to improve your skills and countermeasures.
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Fidelis Network

See More, Inspect More

Identifying threats and data leakage requires deep inspection and analysis of all forms of content, including unpacking and extracting deeply embedded files. Fidelis Network bi-directionally scans all network traffic, regardless of port or protocol, to reveal the network and application protocols, files, and content with sensors in five locations (direct, internal, email, web and cloud).

Map Your Cyber Terrain

Automatically profile and classify IT assets and services including enterprise IoT, legacy systems and shadow IT to map your cyber terrain. Adding Fidelis Endpoint provides software inventory and known vulnerabilities with CVE and KB links, plus security hygiene for patches and endpoint status. You can even import third party external sources to enrich cyber terrain knowledge.

Prevent Threats

Fidelis Network includes multiple sensors that can be placed throughout your network to enforce prevention policies. These sensors can be placed inline or out-of-band based on your network configuration and prevention tolerance.

Detect Threats

By conducting real-time network content and context analysis and identifying behaviors that indicate compromises, Fidelis Network provides automated detection for the proactive discovery of attackers, suspicious hosts, and malware.

Eliminate Alert Fatigue and Automate Response

Fidelis Network automatically validates, correlates, and consolidates network alerts against every Fidelis managed endpoint in your network. Minimize false positives and shift from clues to conclusions so you can quickly address the alerts that matter most.

The Cornerstone of Your Security Stack

Fidelis Network provides the rich metadata as the DNA to understand content, context and behavior across you mapped cyber terrain. From there you can build upon this cornerstone adding deception and endpoint detection and response.

Leverage Threat Intelligence and Research for More Accurate Detection

With Fidelis Insight™ you can rapidly detect and respond to threats in your environment, even when they occur in the past. By analyzing real-time and historical data, sandboxing files, and applying machine learning analysis, Fidelis Insight provides curated threat intelligence and behavior rules to Fidelis Network.

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