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Balabit Blindspotter

Blindspotter is a monitoring tool that maps and profiles user behaviour to reveal human risk. It integrates a variety of contextual information in addition to logs, processes them using a unique algorithm, and offers a wide range of outputs from warnings to automatic interventions. Blindspotter is an advanced component of the Contextual Security Intelligence Suite. It discovers previously unknown risks and guides the investigation of threats through CSI Risk. It improves enterprise security and enhances flexibility, without hindering business activities. Blindspotter is a real-time user behavior analytics (UBA) solution that monitors and analyzes users’ activities, and detects unusual behavior to help prevent theft. Blindspotter collects users’ “digital footprints,” builds a baseline of activities using advanced machine learning algorithms, and detects anomalies in real-time. Malicious insiders acting oddly or and the lateral movements of external attackers are revealed. Blindspotter creates a priority list of events to improve the efficiency of security teams as well. It prioritizes the riskiness of behaviors and focuses on potentially high-risk situations and activities. Any analytics solution is only as good as the data that feeds it. Blindspotter leverages Balabit’s syslog-ng technology, which is proven and trusted in more than one million installations around the world. It also leverages Balabit’s Identity Access Management technology to analyze high-fidelity recordings of user activities such as screen recordings or command line interaction. Blindspotter’s uniquely pluggable architecture enables analysis of other user data in addition to logs and IAM recordings. Custom connectors to proprietary APIs can be written within hours, and out-of-the box integration with many commonly-used data sources is standard. Blindspotter combines the results of several big data models to ensure that attackers cannot fly under the radar, while ensuring that security teams are not overwhelmed by thousands of false alarms. It takes risk exposure levels of individual users into account and prioritizes potential incidents, allowing allows security teams to effectively optimize their efforts. Blindspotter is the next layer of defense against APTs. Traditional pattern-based solutions or perimeter defenses fail to provide adequate defense against the most dangerous types of attacks. The total cost of ownership for Blindspotter is relatively low as it does not require any manual pattern writing, rule definition or updates, and ecurity staff do not need to regularly maintain the solution.
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GO BEYOND PASSWORD-BASED AUTHENTICATION Password management is a useful first line of defense but once access has been granted (legitimately or otherwise), the user can act as he or she pleases, undetected. GET DEEP VISIBILITY INTO PRIVILEGE ACCOUNT ACTIVITY Knowing which users are accessing IT infrastructure from log data helps but real-time session monitoring provides deeper insights into what commands users are issuing. ADD MORE CONTROL WITHOUT BURDENING USERS Establish a centralized access control point for authentication and authorization without changing user work flows. Enforce granular, command-level policies and get alerts or terminate a session when a policy violation occurs. SHINE A LIGHT ON YOUR BLINDSPOTS Rules-based security tools can’t detect unknown or unknowable threats. By identifying unusual or risky behavior, Privileged Account Analytics can detect compromised privileged accounts and suspicious insider activity. RESPOND MORE QUICKLY Prevention and detection are only part of the solution. Responding quickly to an incident to determine who did what can limit the damage done by an attacker.
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