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PROMT Translation Server

Efficient and safe work with documents in any foreign language Eliminating language barriers in-house and beyond Speeding up business processes related to foreign documentation Improving personal productivity of employees while working with any multilingual content Who uses the solution? Every employee of the company can use this solution: Heads – to translate business correspondence fast and to read legal and financial documents. Managers – to work with commercial offers and agreements and to translate documentation for export or import products. Lawyers – to study foreign legislation and to translate agreements. IT Specialists – to translate technical texts, to write user guides, and to translate descriptions of equipment and system messages. Engineers – to work with documentation for import equipment, standards and regulatory norms, and to read professional literature. Developers – to read user guides, scientific articles, and patent documentation. Marketing Specialists – to study foreign markets, to read world news, and to work with analytical materials. HR Managers – to review resumes and to read business correspondence. Translators – to translate and post-edit technical, legal or financial documentation within company.
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